I really pity you pakistanis, really u deserve this, because you allowed musharaff ride on you all these days. Your future shall be in dark for another few more decades. DEMOCRACY SHALL NEVER BE RESTORED IN PAK UNTILL MUSHY IS ALIVE. SO YOU PEOPLE DECIDE, YOU PEOPLE WANT DEMOCRACY OR MUSHY.
by Gladiator on Nov 04, 2007 05:24 PM Permalink
What a common Man can do Yaar... He is helpless like you.... When Mushy can take up the Dictatorship, what common man can do ??
by rajkumar on Nov 04, 2007 05:30 PM Permalink
U r right friend, all the common man like u and me are helpless against terror and terrorism.
All those who say parttiton was bad for India should look at the happenings across the Border ,imagine a bigger India with 40states including baluch and sind and a situation like Karnataka happen in one of the states ,the Governor will be shot dead by the local Police,Yediurappa and Kumaraswamy will be put under House Arrest and all the MLAs will be put behind Bars .Yashwant Sinha,Oscar Fernandes and other emissaries of the High Command from N.Delhi will be waylaid enroute or their plane will be diverted back to Delhi /Dubai .Do ya all want this situation?
RE:Partition and benefit for India
by rajkumar on Nov 04, 2007 05:13 PM Permalink
What has happened has happened for good (Partition), We indians cant imagine what you have said, forget about happenig what u have said in reality. ANY WAY GOOD THINKING.
RE:Porkistani Ba8stards BONJOVI ,AMMAR ,MRPAKI
by Nitin Bhardwaj B on Nov 04, 2007 05:18 PM Permalink
hehehe..very true indeed.Those three are nowhere to be found.
Though i m not supporting pakistan in anyway for a simple reason that i am an indian muslim.and any country who has an agenda against my country will not be supported by me neither will get sympathy from me . but Dont u think that pakistan is also inflicted by Terrorism. If Islam as a religion is spreading terrorism then who are terrorist killing pakistani Muslim ???? they should not just bcoz they also belong to same religion.now the point is its still happening bcoz they are not sparing muslims either which means they are not concerned about religous teachings !! they are more concerned about their political agenda. Taliban wants afganistan, Pakistani Terrorist wants kashmir,Iraqis wants iraq without US, Palestinians wants palestine..So to cut the story short. They are not imposing Islam on others, they want their Political Identity but at the cost of Innocent lives, which is a wrong method and they will never succeed in this. Allah dont Support those who kill innocent people or try to bring unrest in the society..
Actually Terrorism is all Politically Motivated.!!
RE:Terrorism is all Politically Motivated.!!
by alert on Nov 04, 2007 05:23 PM Permalink
Then why not muslims reconstruct atleast some of the temples destroyed and looted by muslims, atleast in india if not in pak and afghan which was also hindu terrirotories. So that it will be a important step towards peace by islam religion.
RE:Terrorism is all Politically Motivated.!!
by The Brain on Nov 04, 2007 05:34 PM Permalink
what was done is a history. If muslims looted the temples than they had also build it. I think you should be aware of Mughal Emperor Akbar.
If some temples were demolised and mosque was constructed on it than it was done centuries ago.
Let live in today world. Today what ever we have, we should protect it and not destroy it.
RE:RE:Terrorism is all Politically Motivated.!!
by K.BaluRajan on Nov 04, 2007 06:46 PM Permalink
excluding akbar all other including tippu used force to convert.Mallikaffar,ghazni and the worst aurangzeb destroyed temples and even killed non-believers.aurangajeb imposed jijiya on non-muslims.I am not writing it to embarass anybody but remind the historical facts.Because if we don't look at the history we might loose our identity as indians.
RE:Terrorism is all Politically Motivated.!!
by The Brain on Nov 04, 2007 05:22 PM Permalink
Islam is not terrorism. Terrorist are the people who take religion in wrong sense and try to take advantage of it.
Simillarly the meaning of Jihad is Strugle.. Jihad means struggle to the following things. 1) Struggle from the tough which can speak wrong and harm the feelings of other. 2) Struggle from your eyes, which can see wrong and dirty things resulting in misguidance. 3)Struggle from everything which is wrong. 4)Struggle or fight for your survival 5)Struggle to protect your religion.
It doesn't means to go and kill all the people who doesn;t follow Islam. To spread Islam they should teach people what Islam means. But unfortunately this terrorist brainwash the poor people and ask them to fight against all the people who follow other religion.
The terrorist are able to do so because of lack of literacy in muslim community. Muslim people are less educated and majority of the people in muslim community stay below poverty line.
This people can be easily misguided because they don't have proper knowledge of Islam.
Today people believe that Islam means Terrorism, which is totally incorrect.
The truth is that the ISLAM is the best religion and Muslims are the worst community (because of Illiteracy.
The RSS also does the same thing. They pick up people from the poor villages or people living below poverty line, train them and spread hatred against muslim.
RE:RE:Terrorism is all Politically Motivated.!!
by K.BaluRajan on Nov 04, 2007 06:40 PM Permalink
mr.brain. these are all interpretations and relative terms.Whom do I agree to? you,who says jihad is within oneself or the other who says jihad is non believer in islam.90% non muslims in india criticize the violent actions of RSS,congress,bjp etc.but not a single muslim criticizes terrorism wherever it happens
RE:Terrorism is all Politically Motivated.!!
by on Nov 04, 2007 05:26 PM Permalink
Dear Iamail Bhayee, Yur r right on saying this..but why muslim mullas are shutting their month againist terrirism and keeping quite. If popesays somthing then Catholic's act one that..if some swamijees says hinds act on that..but normally both these people say good and people act. same why cant mullas come againist bad terirism and gude their people. Y muslim have MEDRAS and all in this world. I beleave that all bad come from soem or other organization. So we need to condem route cause for the bad things. God bless all relegion for good.
RE:Terrorism is all Politically Motivated.!!
by Ismail Sayyed on Nov 04, 2007 07:00 PM Permalink
Yes there is Criticism going on in Small Scale but it should happen in a Broad level and should be given enough Media Coverage, so that it will reach the Corners of the World... But the Irony is this type of Criticism is not found in any Community in India, then why you are asking only Muslims to do it...
1) After the Massacre by Mr. Modi, no Gujrathi came out in the Street to condemn the act, instead this Gentleman was elected as a PM..
2) No Christian from India has raised Voice against Mr. Bush for making Millions of People homeless and killing innocents in the Middle East...
So my point is it does.nt matter which group you belong to, when there is something wrong we Indians should Unite to Protest against it... Cheers
RE:Terrorism is all Politically Motivated.!!
by Web Monkey on Nov 04, 2007 05:18 PM Permalink
Nice attempt, but you are ignoring the facts. When someone draw a cartoon of prophet, the whole world was burned. Muslims reacted quite angrily.
When pope compared islam to violence, the reaction was strong. many churches were burned, fired at and many peists and nun were killed.
How come we do not see any reaction within muslims aginst terorism. Why dont you demonstrare, why dont you shout and why dont your mullas condem strongly in friday prayer? Why no fatwa against the terorists? Why no bounty for a terrorists head, who kill muslims or KAFIRs?
The bottom line is 99% of the mulims approve violance and are happy with the terorrists. I have seens muslims celbrating whenever ther is a major blast.
The problem is not with pakis or indians. Islam brain washes its deciples to kill anyone who dont agree with them. The fault is with the "religion of peace"
RE:RE:Terrorism is all Politically Motivated.!!
by Ismail Sayyed on Nov 04, 2007 05:22 PM Permalink
Why Some People hate Islam?Who is preaching hatred.You peoples always saying bad about Islam & Muslim. & You people accuse us muslim for preaching hatred.Then tell me what you Honourable educated People doing in these forums.You will hardly find a muslim saying anything about any faith. but you will find lots of Non-Muslim preaching Hatred for muslims. Then tell me who is more Tolerant? Why you people always Preaching Hatred. What do you mean by terrorism? Is it only planting bombs? No planting hatred is also a kind of terrorism. In fact that is the root of all terrorist activities. You people are worse than a terrorist. Is it not the biggest terrorism to question the integrity of the other religion??? Have some sense and speak man...try being tolerating and understand there is no religion that preaches killing people! The Middle Class and Lower Class Muslims like me are too busy making a living and supporting their families by what ever profession they are capable of. The more you hit the common man, the more you turn them your enemies. You will understand the pain if you loose any of your family member, so stop atrocities against any community and promote peace. This is the only path to prosperity. Discrimination will destroy the whole community Arent u educated and aware to think like a sane person?
RE:Terrorism is all Politically Motivated.!!
by Amit Khanna on Nov 04, 2007 05:38 PM Permalink
Well Said Ismail, I really like and agree with with u have said. Hey my non-Muslim friends, I request u to behave like a human first and preach and promote Peace, than talking abt what has happened in the past. I beleive in not digging up the fossils and I completely bow to the Religion, whichever it may be, and our religion teaches us love..so plz follow ur religion my friends...I am sure, we are still not close to being called a sane person....hope u all agree
RE:Terrorism is all Politically Motivated.!!
by Sirish R on Nov 04, 2007 05:38 PM Permalink
muslims kills other muslims because they are NEM meaning they are not enough muslims. this is a cult which can be interpreted in so many ways, that the person who kills another muslim thinks that he is doing the duty of Mr. allah. Simple as that. Do you think the october suicide bombing on the bhutto convey was just an ordinary bombing. do u see how much of brainwashing that goes behind that pious, religious muslim who were the fidayeens!, they do it purely for allah, no major political cause that the ultimate cause for allahs lands. islam is one of the biggest political party in the world, and their major aim is caliph! btw do u know muslims kill more muslims! did u knw 3 of ur 4 caliphs were brutally murdered by fellow muslims!. killing and blood letting is in ur blood. u guys are even sometimes proud of all these! enjoy ur sunday.
RE:Terrorism is all Politically Motivated.!!
by mahesh sawant on Nov 04, 2007 05:10 PM Permalink
U r right .. terrorist never believe any religion .. they use religion to fulfill there aims
RE:Terrorism is all Politically Motivated.!!
by Sakahari on Nov 04, 2007 05:15 PM Permalink
what ur saying is partly true, but did u ever think why mullahs in Saudi/Iran/Taliban..rule in the name of Islam.Don't u think Mohammad was also politically motivated in his teachings,why should any god hate Jews/Christains/non-belivers........
RE:Terrorism is all Politically Motivated.!!
by Ismail Sayyed on Nov 04, 2007 05:20 PM Permalink
Who are u to Question my faith? Is it not the biggest terrorism to question the integrity of the other religion??? Whats terrorism for you? just killing people? then well mister there have been bigger acts of terrorism by many "fanatics"!!!!
Have some sense and speak man...try being tolerating and understand there is no religion that preaches killing people!
Do u even know that its clearly written in the Qur'an to respect all other religions?
And if some bunch of idiots are outthere it, then whats the difference between u and them?
I Am a muslim myself and i have friends and dear friends from all walks of faith. I dont think the way Osama does, i despise that and deny he is right, he is totally wrong. They are people who are doing such things in the name of religion, it is because they are not strong without masking their acts with religion. Understand THAT.
Should we go ahead and blame sikhism for the killing in Canada? Should the hindus be blamed for the 1984 riots? No I as an educated person do not find it reasonable to blame an entire religion because of a few ignorant fools who committed crime. Arent u educated and aware to think like a sane person?
RE:Terrorism is all Politically Motivated.!!
by Sakahari on Nov 04, 2007 05:36 PM Permalink
I'm not questioning ur faith,what i'm saying is 1400yrs back Mohammad wanted Saudi's to follow lesser evil.
RE:Mohammed is a Hardcore Criminal
by Ismail Sayyed on Nov 04, 2007 05:06 PM Permalink
How much of hatred and venom can you pack in that little head of yours, You are amazing.
RE:Allah is another version of Satan
by Indian Muslim Patriotic on Nov 04, 2007 05:00 PM Permalink
You Monkey Man, shut u r mouth bull shit
at least think once that u r using bad words against your lord, who created fingers to type and who created eyes to see. You sinner... think b4 what you say.
RE:Allah is another version of Satan
by The Brain on Nov 04, 2007 05:05 PM Permalink
I think you are real monkey or else monkey fc.uk your m'am and you were born.
Here we are discussing about Pakistan and not religion.
I think you don't have any sense or responsibility to react to a given situation.
People like you always make the life difficult for others. And if people like you are not thrown out of the nation than in no time our Great India will become bloody hell like Pakistan.
It seems that pak will never see a democratic govt. in near future. All the rulers of pak have to be approved by USA. They say that PAK is a land of jaahils and extremist. Musharraf has himself said in his speech of 3.11.2007 that "inteha ho gayi" which means the extremists/ fanatics have crossed the limits. My only worry is if these extremists get hold of any nuclear bomb from the army sympathisers, and explode it in india or USA. , it may trigger world war III. I hope such a situation never arises.