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Gud Job!
by Samir Ahmed on Nov 04, 2007 12:48 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

This shud've been done long time ago by M!...All this democracy n blah blah are crap tha Benazir kepps yapping abt...Every1 knws tha she looted da country like a biAtch! n then ran away n made an empire in Dubai (where i currently stay!)...Am Indian..Or NRI..whteva u call it...But the whole idea of controlling this 'terrorist' spread had to be contained and M has taken da right step in hopefully a right direction.....

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RE:Gud Job!
by Loan Shark on Nov 04, 2007 02:21 PM  Permalink
sure but Musharaff acted only when supreme court rejected his election as president. Now, he dismisses the judges and declares emergency ... gives fighting terroism as the reason, when he is actually fighting the judiciary.

If there was anything sane left in pakistan, I beleive, it was the judiciary - only they could challenge musharaff - none else.

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Stop Covering it
by kanumalla kumar on Nov 04, 2007 12:44 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

I never saw in REDIFF that almost all news belong to PAK.We have enough issues to be covered every day.That's Too much importance and nothing new in it.Has anyone seen difference now and before ???

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RE:Stop Covering it
by Loan Shark on Nov 04, 2007 02:26 PM  Permalink
being a weekend ther eisn't much going on politically or in business and tahnkfully there are no disaters to write about. this is the top news on all over intl news sites.

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Pakistanis Vs Nepalis
by siva kumar on Nov 04, 2007 12:36 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

As pakistanis have never enjoyed real freedom or democracy in their lifetime they are not going to bother about this imposition of emergency. They have been brought to a state of slave mentality because of continuous martial law for decades after independence.
Moreover they will accept anything in the name of Allah or Quron.
They die like a bunch of goats in bombblasts but lack the courage to fight for a real democracy.
They are a stark contrast to People of Nepal. Though a very smaller country compared to Pakistan, the Nepalis have fought tooth and nail against the Monarch and his arbitrary power and attained a democratic and secular state.
Even now only a handful of Journalists and Judges are opposed to the martial law and the common man has no reaction.
They didn't react when Bhutto was hanged or when Nawaz was deported or when he was again deported from airport.
So it is next to impossible to see demorcracy or a responsible Govt in Pakistan even in distant future.

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RE:Pakistanis Vs Nepalis
by shahid khan on Nov 04, 2007 01:58 PM  Permalink
Dear Siva
You are absolutely right , people of pakistan do not know the meaning and importance of democracy, hence they will never support it.
Pakistan has three strong institution ARMY ALLAH and America.
Solution of pakistan problem is long term sustainable democracy. Say Bangladesh democracy is not very strong but still alive in tuff circumstances.

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RE:Pakistanis Vs Nepalis
by Ali boy on Nov 04, 2007 02:02 PM  Permalink
similar to indian demoncrazy institutions RSS BJP and congress.

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RE:RE:Pakistanis Vs Nepalis
by Loan Shark on Nov 04, 2007 02:11 PM  Permalink
LOL .... you just had to express yout frustration with India, because you are an ignorant pakistani. Despite political differences, BJP and congress are 100% democratic - both of these parties in India are most responsible of all political parties. If BJP or Congress is in power, despite my preference of one over the other, I fear zilch about India's future. It is only the other than BJP and Congress parties that I fear - like the CPI, the RJD, the SJP, the BSP, the DMK, or AIADMK, the JD .... they are just too many to know, remember or list.

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by alert on Nov 04, 2007 12:24 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

The country itself is a rogue country controlled by terrorists. Jinnah's promise that pak will be secular country is not implemented there. Hindus have not occupied important positions unlike in india. There was not even a captain in cricket or or hockey captain from Hindus. Mushraff should eradicate the terrorists and bring proper secularism in that country.

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by Loan Shark on Nov 04, 2007 02:14 PM  Permalink
Did Jinnah ever promise secularism? or what it Advani who thought he was secular? afterall, Jinnah died in 1948 - a year after partition so, you can't blame the poor soul for the situation today.

Yes, I do agree that pakistan is a rogue state. The country especially the western part has complete lawlessness, chaos and is a safe haven for terroist activities such as training men, kidnapping and slitting hostages and planning attacks

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Emergency in pakistan
by GOPAL KRISHNAN on Nov 04, 2007 12:22 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Emergency is correct. The people of pakistan in
the name of Islam and Allah has been terrorising the world alongwith taliban. It is good martial law is imposed in pakistan

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RE:Emergency in pakistan
by rexberry on Nov 04, 2007 12:52 PM  Permalink
ppl of pakistan are not responsible they are common ppl like us who work hard for there living.i m in saudi arabia and here a rajastani hindu guy had a miserable accident which killed an arab and court has proved that rajastani guy is 25% guilty and have to pay Rs 3 lakhs fortunately one of the pakistani driver has seen the whole accident and he has decided to collect money for that rajastani guy.Around 80 pakistani drivers have donated a total amount of Rs 1 lakh for that guy and still collecting money so that he will be released as soon as possible.Its always humanity more than religion spittin venom against common man is not justified

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RE:Emergency in pakistan
by alert on Nov 04, 2007 01:45 PM  Permalink
if that kind humanity had prevailed then why our country was divided, why so many thousands of temples were looted, why the hindus in pak have been reduced to so small population, why the thousands of destroyed temples in our country( atleast some of them ) are not being restored by muslims ? Why so many lakhs of hindus have been driven from their homeland Jammu and kashmir by Muslim?

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RE:Emergency in pakistan
by shahid khan on Nov 04, 2007 02:19 PM  Permalink
Centuries back when muslim were ruler , muslim fundmentalist destryed temples, centuries after Hindu fundamentalist destroyed bobri mosque and gujrati muslims , such people always there, who creates hatred in the name of religion and cultures. But there are people who respect all human being as a human , they belive in the talent and ability of each and every person.
I am working in saudi arabia , i arranged some very good jobs for my Hindu friends.
Once my hindu friend was injured i gave him my blood and he recovered , we have to remember good deeds and create easy invironment for every body conflicting attitudes makes every body uncomfortable. If our neibours sleeps hungry and we sleep over stomach it is shame ful for us . Let us exist and help other to exist.

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RE:Emergency in pakistan
by aamir dalvi on Nov 04, 2007 12:54 PM  Permalink
Proofs please posting a reply is easy but without proofs and evidence is meaningless - Not to u but all of those posting here

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RE:Emergency in pakistan
by rexberry on Nov 04, 2007 12:58 PM  Permalink
Wat proof do you need....

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RE:Emergency in pakistan
by Ali boy on Nov 04, 2007 02:04 PM  Permalink
Proof like what is there for demolishen of a mosque and genocide in gujrat and massacres in mumbai after the demolishen.

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29th state
by GX on Nov 04, 2007 12:22 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Pakistan can undo its historic blunder. It can now apply to join the Indian Union as the 29th State. Sahee maza aayaga..whenever they get bored of democracy they can just tell Congress who will all the more be happy for an imposition of Art. 356 on it :-)

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RE:29th state
by nrigroup Dubai on Nov 04, 2007 01:10 PM  Permalink
That is a beautiful idea

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RE:29th state
by alert on Nov 04, 2007 01:47 PM  Permalink
certainly that wis going to happen because , the barbaric islam is going to perish and they all will revert back to their forefather's religion.

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In pakistan :
by Sakahari on Nov 04, 2007 12:19 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

everybody wants power, political parties,military and Islamics who think it is their god given right.
Unless u ppl change your power hungry religion there will be no peace.

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RE:In pakistan :
by Sakahari on Nov 04, 2007 01:10 PM  Permalink
are u a fool,have u ever herd about jihad,lal masjid,suicide bombings....Do u even know India was divided in the name of Islam.............

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RE:In pakistan :
by Hansum Hunk on Nov 04, 2007 01:30 PM  Permalink
u filthy,porki,shit khan,,,,is ur dad among the detainees in porkistan?? y r u restless u moron???

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by bawlat on Nov 04, 2007 12:16 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Ye pakistan ki koi chal ho sakti hai. India must be careful. Mush shayad attack kar sakta hai.

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by Pasha Patel on Nov 04, 2007 12:37 PM  Permalink
SHUT YOUR ASS. We are not sleeping over our arms.our intelligence is one crore times cleverer than you.
India knows how to take care of its citizens and our military is not paskistan's militry.

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by Hansum Hunk on Nov 04, 2007 01:36 PM  Permalink
u ve mistaken my dear,,,mush is actually planning to attack benazir this night, she came down fr dubai egarly for the nite leaving zardari back.Mush's nite out!!!

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by alokekumar on Nov 04, 2007 12:16 PM  Permalink 


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