india wont help pak every so that pak can stab in india's back every time it needed. it is the pakistanis problem to taliban & fundamentalist islamists jehadis out of their country.If they Support jehadi element moraliy then they would only suffer. just like they r doing in england blasting in tube rail, bus is the common people of pak who is doing this. i wont say every one majority of this.thats y they r not able to bring democracy in pak. to bring demo in pak peoplwe must hav attitude, respect , patience ability to listen others.not just to support jehadis every time against india. see islam as a part in every days life.
pakistan, what to say abot this geographic region & its people,they have choosen the wrong path n the wrong leader to lead,they could have followed maulana abul kalam azad they have choosen Jinna.They could have choosen democracy of bhutto they have choosen dictatorhip of zia, they should have choosen friendly relation with india they have choosen enemity, they should have botherd abot their own good they botherd about soviet occupation of of afghan, they should have accepted their ancient hindu ancesestors they aped arabs.In doing these pakistan has created many power centers other than military and r again on brink of disintegration n the losers r commom pakistanis.
RE:watch out guys
by shoe panja on Nov 04, 2007 02:16 PM Permalink seem to be ill informed and your thoughts are prejudiced..pls get your basics right..spread of Islam as the second largest practiced religion in the world is not fluke or without substance. Be rational and get your doubts cleared.
RE:watch out guys
by Proforma Invoice on Nov 04, 2007 02:30 PM Permalink
Islam was spread with quran in 1hand and sword in another. Women were raped and kept as harams. Children from such harams became followers of Islam. This happened not only in India, but all over the world.
Hence u c maximum muslims (not all)to b laborers or small time workers. The initial attraction was legally having 4 wives.
Given the declaration of emergency in Pakistan, it is highly likely that Pakistan may suddenly attack India to divert the attention of the people of Pakistan. Thus, it is very important for India to make its nuclear weapons and emergency evacuation plans for big cities ready. During the Kargil Wat, Mussaraf was ready to drop nuclear bombs on India. He will not hesitate to do so. It is essential for India to drop the Indo-US nuclear Deal and prepare India for a sudden nuclear attack from Pakistan.
However, Man Mohan will do nothing but send a message of congratulation to Pakistan, as Sonia went to China to polish the boots of the Chinese and to give up Indian territorirs to pleae the Chinese. Man Mohan asked all ministers not to attain any meetings of Dalai Lama, just to please the Chinese. Now Man Mohan wants to give up India's nuclear weapons in exchange for some crap very old second hand nuclear power plants from USA. That will invite nuclear attack from Mussaraf definitely, knowing full well that India cannot defend itself any more after signing the Indo-US treaty. Thus, the real traitor of India are those who support the Indo-US Deal, and who wants to destroy Indian's nuclear weapons programme: India's English language media, Man Mohan, Sonia etc etc.
RE:Who are the real Traitors
by Virgo on Nov 04, 2007 02:08 PM Permalink
Bose, you are back again with your party agenda. Give it up my good friend. Start thinking what is good for India and not what is good for your commie parties and China.
In my opinion, religion should be restricted one self and within four walls, whatever they follows, whatever they do it is upto them but nowadays people are more interested in other religion what they are doing ?? how they are following ?? how to criticise them ?? how to condemn their religion ?? how to prove the religion the one that they are following is good ?? this is what makes me very much depressed, why people will never understands that religion is to be restricted to themselves only, not to bring it to the streets, and not to criticise any religion.
and as far as i know, no religion book wheather it is Hindu mythology, Islam, Christianity or to that extent any religion all of them are peace loving, no religion tells anybody to kill any one and it is now allowed, but now a days people are interpreting their epics in otherway, and doing all kind of nonsense terrorism act in the name of god, and claims that they are true followers and shame on to them, wheather it is of any religion, people should know the values in life and humanity and the good things that has been written in vedas, Quran and in Bible,
Some time when i think quitely, it makes me afraid the situation in the world while going forward, no body can live peacefully and no body is assured of life and everybody should live under threat of terrorism,
Basic from where i am coming is from lack of knowledge and lack of education and lack of ethics and proper teaching due to which our new generation is b
by vikas sethi on Nov 04, 2007 02:40 PM Permalink
Naheem fact of life that trascends all religions. If I respect my mother, i will respect yrs. If i love and respect my religion, i'll respect yrs. If i believe in my God I will respect you despite u not believing in him bcoz i know, who made me has made u. We may call him differently or worship him differently. But he is same. His law is same for u and me. If i dont read Koran or refer to him as Allah does not mean he will not help or guide me or send me to hell. Even if i do not believe in him, he will be by my side if i follow the religion of humanity. But if i take his name and kill innocents or torture them in his name, he will not spare me.
RE:why a prophete was pedo ?
by Riten on Nov 04, 2007 02:04 PM Permalink
Why does it divide people into believers and unbelievers and does not treat them the same? Muslims society needs major reform. Islam that we know today is nothing but political Islam aiming at ruling people.