Critisism or hatred has never resolved any problem nor will it at any stage will.I feel keeping in mind the indian culture showing utmost tolerance,forgiveness and respect to fellow human beings disregard to caste,religion etc.we the people of india should try and help pakistan to resolve this criss and set an good example of utmost love,respect & tolerance to fellow human beings which our culture stands for.Last but not the least we should refrain from putting oil to fire in our neighbourhood when their homes are on fire !
RE:Help thy enemy/friend when in need !
by shyamsunder on Nov 04, 2007 09:31 AM Permalink
Even their homes are on fire, Pakistani terrorists are busy bombing our houses. So while our houses are bombed we should go and control their fire. Right ?
RE:Help thy enemy/friend when in need !
by manoj ak on Nov 04, 2007 09:40 AM Permalink
Sorry we got better things to do...Pakistanis are paying for their bad karma.....its our patienta that let them live this far....!
We can do something to solve their problems. Send our commies, Laloos, Karunas, Arjun Sing etc to Pakistan. That will solve our problem and their problems too. Even the worst terrorists won't be able to handle them.
RE:India can help Pakistan
by Herman Hermit on Nov 04, 2007 10:00 AM Permalink
Why cannot we send the so called patriots and muslim haters like advani and modi and vhp and rss? let them also fight the pakis if they dare.
RE:USA Must Capture All Nuclear Weapons of Pakistan
by Arun Kumar on Nov 04, 2007 08:57 AM Permalink
Yeah right! U want USA to attack Pakistan. On the contrary you should read todays statement that comes from the US administration ..
RE:USA Must Capture All Nuclear Weapons of Pakistan
by Danial Fakih on Nov 04, 2007 09:37 AM Permalink
Well said Monkey man I suppose u ..all the Nukes should be given to RSS & BJD be used to kill muslim in India.....What joker monkey u r man...I couldn't stop laughing..
When we struggled and suffered with our neibhour's casuign problem to us, the whole world kept their eyes closed and tried to advise us. Today Pakistan is a problem for the whole world. Had the world listened to us early this wouldn't have happened. Menace of terrorism affects every one and it has to be removed before spreading like cancer. In Pakistan it is beyond control and there is no simple cure. The whole world and Pakistan are paying the price for their ignorance.
RE:Yesterday it was India's problem, today it is world's
by Danial Fakih on Nov 04, 2007 09:41 AM Permalink
What u suffered man...It was nothing with compare to suffering of Kashmiri people....Mind it Paki r suffering as much as u suffering....Do u think India doesn't do anything against each blast in India
RE:Yesterday it was India's problem, today it is world's
by shyamsunder on Nov 04, 2007 09:51 AM Permalink
Kashmiri people ???? What about Kashmiri pundits ? Who started these menace of terrorism ? Pakistan did... The whole world kept quite until it started affecting them. Now Pakistan is paying the price for their own deeds.
RE:Yesterday it was India's problem, today it is world's
by shyamsunder on Nov 04, 2007 08:36 AM Permalink
Even today most of the wanted terrorist in India who have killed many are sheltered in Pakistan. Unless the authorities are honest in dealing with terrorists things are only goin to get worse for them
RE:UN should Declare Islam an International Evil and its fouder a Criminal
by Arun Kumar on Nov 04, 2007 08:34 AM Permalink
Please raise this issue in UN. Do you really think you will be heard ? :-) So instead of having such pedestrian views have mercy on yourself and think with reason. Ofcourse I am worried about the spread of Islam but I cannot fight it in the way you are proposing. By all estimates every third person in the world will be a muslim in the next 25 years. So its ofcourse a cause of worry but at the same time I know I cannot change anything by ranting about it. Efforts have to be made to make the people understand whats good and bad for them.
RE:Islam religion should be banned in world
by Arun Kumar on Nov 04, 2007 08:29 AM Permalink
So you plan to commit genocides and massacres to show that your culture is better ? Is that your argument ? Why can you see beyond religion. I see myself as a practicing hindu with deep rooted belief in karma and nirvana. If you are indeed a hindu then this karma is not going to lead you to nirvana. Fight evil with good. What the point of fighting evil by becoming one ?
RE:Islam religion should be banned in world
by Arun Kumar on Nov 04, 2007 08:36 AM Permalink
So lets assume you start a war with Pakistan. They will be wiped off the map and India will be thrown back in the stone age or in the worst case India too will be wiped off. Then what ? Then muslims from neighboring muslim countries will slowing occupy india. Is that your great solution to this problem ?
by Ravi on Nov 04, 2007 08:35 AM Permalink
No No No. I don't agree with your opinion. Better to put a NUCLEAR BOMB on Pakistan and lets take over that country.
In Pakistan, instances one after after the other were evident that its people and administrators were reluctant to honour the first postulate of democracy: Consent for the country. In 60 years of its Independence, military or civil administration has learnt the skill of acquiring autocracy. Politicians are no exception too. People on their part have also learned acquiscence, as if they do not deserve democracy! As seems, unfortunately people feel that religion is their ultimate prescription. India, as a semi-hostile neighbour, must remain concerned for the present state of affairs in Pakistan, because for a simple reason that the Islamic religion are frenzy and it is easy for a state-power to manipulate such outfits well than craving for democracy. So, India is now at the doorstep of danger as breed of terrorism will further grow against India. Rabi Kanungo Intellectual Forum.
RE:Let us Think about what is Not seen.
by Arun Kumar on Nov 04, 2007 08:21 AM Permalink
Ofcourse it a cause of worry for India. Pakistan has kept on increasing its military might over the years and we dont want a situation where we find ourselves in a nuclear conflict with an enemy that is hell bent on the destruction of their own country with our country. India should support Musharraf in rooting out extremism. At the same time it is for us to learn the supporting religious extremism wont help us too.