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Pak Emergency
by Viquar Ahmed on Nov 05, 2007 05:16 PM  Permalink 

It is only America due to which PAKISTAN is facing periodical and multiple problems.

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US helps Musharaff, terrorists and Benazir spontaneously. BJP and Congress go to voting in Parliament and bring the US here also.
by antiCongress antiBJP on Nov 05, 2007 03:30 PM  Permalink 

US helps Musharaff, terrorists and Benazir spontaneously. BJP and Congress go to voting in Parliament and bring the US here also.

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Pakistan fools international community
by apjunkmail on Nov 04, 2007 07:58 PM  Permalink 

Musharraf has turned it into an art on how to fool the international Community into giving billions and Keeping him in power. All complete with well choreographed acts like assassination attempts, blasts, raids into waziristan, nukes in danger, Osama sacks islamabad etc.. etc.. Whenever accountability is sought from him a new act is unveiled%u2026. The fact remains Taliban till today is a wholly owned subsidiary of pakistan ISI with the objective to control Afghanistan and be the reason for west to pay billions of $$ in rent/aid to Pakistan Army which includes Talibans salary supplemented by drug trade.

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by Arun Kumar on Nov 04, 2007 04:33 PM  Permalink 

HAHAHA So many messages!!!! for what? For nothing. Nothing has changed in Pakistan. There was no democracy in Pakistan anyways. This would have been big news if Musharraf had dismissed a government and taken over. But he was in power and he will be in power. Nothing has changed. And anyways this this not the first time emergency has been imposed in Pakistan. Musharraf has half a million strong army equipped with modern weapons and even nukes. I cannot believe that he has any threat from a handful of jihadis but as long as he can scare the west by these extremists, he will remain in power and keep getting billions of dollars in military aid.

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RE:Islam is spiritual freedom
by Gladiator on Nov 04, 2007 04:13 PM  Permalink
If Mohammed (PBUH) would not have defended himselves... then the TRUTH would been supressed.. I would like to quote something from Koraan...


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RE:Islam is spiritual freedom
by Gladiator on Nov 04, 2007 04:26 PM  Permalink
Again an UN-NAMED Fanatic asking a so-called Intelligent Question....

Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) had came across many Mystic things, which he only explained.. to common men... and always lived as a common man.. When he was pelted with stones at TAIF while preaching Islam...Angel Jibrael came to him.. and asked, if Mohammed says Yes.. he can put all his enemies in the city of taif to death.. but Merciful Mohammed said.. to forgive them and never used his spiritual powers to destroy his enemies... Bcoz He beleived that one time or the other these ignorant non-beleivers will understand him..

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RE:RE:Islam is spiritual freedom
by Yazed Khan on Nov 09, 2007 02:40 PM  Permalink
that's absolutly right. But nowadays,what is happening on Earth should b immediately curbd and Muslims should follow Islam only & truly. That's the only way of salvation.

Allah Hafiz..

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Manifesto of Mahakavi Jollydoss
by on Nov 04, 2007 03:59 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

As an Indian Muslim, both Hindu hatemongers and the existence of Pakistan are problems for me. I believe that the present situation for people like me is caused by the extraordinary power of Britian and USA which in turn helps them to exert their evil influence that negatively affect me. Since I don't have the power to do anything, I pray to ALLAH to cause severe internal crisis in both Britain and USA which will make them stop destroying other lands. I also pray to ALLAH to kill all Hindu hatemongers and American trained Pakistani generals. And I pray to ALLAH for the people of the sub continet to come together to form one wonderful nation called JOllyistan which will have the same system that exists in switzerland.
:::::: Visit R e l i a n c e P o w e r . ~c~ o~ m~ For New Happenings in India's Power Sector ::::

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RE:RE:Manifesto of Mahakavi Jollydoss
by anurag mehta on Nov 04, 2007 04:07 PM  Permalink
What du u have to say about mullahs, maulvis, ultra right islamists and jehadis who have been the biggest hate mongers & responsible for killing of millions of innocent world citizens. It is them who have forced Musharraf to impose emergency. God give success to Musharraf to cleanse Pakistan and hence the world of all jehadis.

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RE:Manifesto of Mahakavi Jollydoss
by Selvam on Nov 04, 2007 10:53 PM  Permalink
Moderates voice is suppressed, Islam is hijacked by Mullahs, madarasas. Unless muslims lower their stand on religion and try to learn humanity they will never develop. Always there will be brainwashing of learned people like Osama, and other prehistoric like creatures.

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RE:Manifesto of Mahakavi Jollydoss
by Prem Mohan on Nov 04, 2007 07:48 PM  Permalink
In Iraq, the Muslims are killing each other.

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RE:Manifesto of Mahakavi Jollydoss
by anant sethi on Nov 30, 2007 04:45 AM  Permalink
It is very easy to make statements, find mistakes, play a blame game etc.; because it is very easy to do so. Why don't we start respecting each other by telling what we like in each other rather than telling what we don't?

A new born is not hindu, muslim, sikh or issai, the all mighty send all new born as humans. So think two times before we speak negative about any one. Start telling each other what we like, I am sure this will help you in all ways.

May Allah, Waheguru, Bhagwaan, Zeesus bless you all with happiness!! Long live humanity...!!

What I like in my Sikh friends:
1. They are very jolly and make you laugh all the times.
2. What ever status they have, they donate, work by hands and do all kinds of jobs at Gurudwara. May be you are a monk or minister you will sit in same row and have food.....Its wonderful.

What I like in hindu friends...
1. They are very open mind and have good sence of humor.
2. They adopt/adapt good things from others very easily.

What I like in my Muslim friends...
1. Their hospitality...
2. Their creativity...

What I liked in my Christian friends...
1. Their love & passion towards music.
2. Their broadmind thinking, openness and their living style (live life to max)

There are several religions in the world. Unfortunately I don't have many friends from other religions like Budhism, Jaininsm etc. etc. But does not mean that I do not respect or appreciate them.
God bless you all

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RE:Manifesto of Mahakavi Jollydoss
by Prem Mohan on Nov 04, 2007 07:58 PM  Permalink
Well, the internal crisis is in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan.

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RE:Manifesto of Mahakavi Jollydoss
by Savio Noronha on Nov 05, 2007 03:37 AM  Permalink
You're not a Muslim. Muslims pray for peace, equanimity and compassion, not for annihilation of people who cause chaos and killings out of ignorance and anger. Where do you get these mangled ideas that Allah will maim people?? Wake up you fool.

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by Gladiator on Nov 04, 2007 03:48 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Can anybody tell as to why, no place / country in the world where Islam is in majority or rule, never ever have any peace...
Out of 40 Islamic countries only 7 countries are in Trouble.. The rest of 33 countries are in Peace... As the 40 Lakh Indians who live in Middle East about the Safety & Security in Middle East...
You cannot roam freely in the road after 11 o clock in any Indian City... Look at Middle East there is Protection and Security which Prompts 40 Lakh Indians to live in GULF...

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by Mohan Babu on Nov 04, 2007 04:01 PM  Permalink
I think rather the question should be like this
Is Democracy answer for Islamic countries ?
What is the Best form of Government for Islamic countries ?
Military rule/Dictatorship etc.,

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by vinay s on Nov 04, 2007 03:58 PM  Permalink
I dont think you have ever lived in Middle east. You bloody get robbed if you try to walk after 10PM in any of the middle east countries. I personally was robbed twice and many of my friends. We were just returning to our places where we stay. India is very very safe compared to those countries.

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by Arun Kumar on Nov 04, 2007 04:03 PM  Permalink
I dont know which part of middle east you have lived in. Maybe Iraq. I had a chance to live in Dubai for a year and trust me I would love to live there forever. Absolutely secure place for everyone.

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by subee on Nov 04, 2007 04:00 PM  Permalink
tell me frankly those indians get the true respect and dignity in what u called safe middle east.there is no safe place in this earth.first understand that.dont be rude religious idiot and vommit yr pious things here.

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by GN on Nov 04, 2007 03:56 PM  Permalink
In Mumbai you can ofcourse roam feely in the road after 11'o clock.

I had found , the Dubai similar to Mumbai with some incidents here and there.
there are cases like girls from bars picked up gang raped and left in deserts.

There exists a big differnce when it comes to Govt. offices and police dept.
Dubai, Oman police are really helpful.
i dont say much about Kuwaitis.
KSA i never been to and dont want to

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Reglion, Religion, REligion.
by GN on Nov 04, 2007 03:47 PM  Permalink 

Whatever headlines the forum have, it end up in arguing about religion.

let us practice our religion at our home and not do propoganda of it.

The ultimate truth existing is the Religion is only in between the Lower class and Middle calss peoples.

once you see above UPPER Class it is only thing what matters - MONEY.

The upper class use the religion to divide and control the majority.

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by Gladiator on Nov 04, 2007 03:44 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

You have ask the Right Sources... Anwar Sheikh is just another Mis-guided Guy... If I ask Karunanidhi about your god Rama, he will tell that rama is a Theif.... Do you want me to take his words...
If I am a sensible Person, I should refer Hindu expert like Vivekananda and not some Karunannidhi,,,,

Similarly if you want to know about Islam, refer the Right Sources... go to websites like
Islamic Research Foundation, Discover Islam, etc etc...
Dont get False Info from Ali Sinai, Togadia or Arun Shourie... They all have their corrupted Islamic Scriptures ... to Misguide you...

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by Prem Mohan on Nov 04, 2007 08:00 PM  Permalink
You claim that Ali Sina, Arun Shourie etc. have corrupted the Islamic scriptures. How have they done so? You must explain, otherwise it is an empty accusation. Perhaps you can start by explaining 9.29

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by Yazed Khan on Nov 09, 2007 02:48 PM  Permalink
Yes Gladiator, though I don't know your real name, but one thing I must say, Islam is a great religion like other religions. But, the mideeds of some Muslims really pose the entire Muslim society to danger. We must do something to come out of the yoke of the Mullahs & Ulemmas. Their days are over.

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by Gladiator on Nov 04, 2007 03:43 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies


This is often related to dowry, when the brides family cannot pay up to the amount demanded by the in-laws. Often the in-laws make demands in excess of those made at the time of marriage. When the deadline specified runs out, the bride is burned in often gruesome fashions. At least 5000 women die each year for not bringing in enough dowry. At least a dozen women die each day in `kitchen fires,%u2019 which are often passed off as accidents, because their in-laws are not satisfied with their dowries. Only a few of the murderers are brought to justice. [Kitchen 1997]

A Hindu-Aryan husband could at any time accuse his wife of infidelity. In case the wife protests her innocence, the council of village elders would then order an ordeal by fire. The accused wife would be required to pass through a blazing flame. Not just death, but any signs of burns would be taken as a sign of guilt and the wife would then have to undergo the penalty for infidelity [EB 8:986 `ordeal%u2019]. Adultery carries the death sentence in Aryan law, so either way she would have to pay with her life for her husband%u2019s or elders%u2019 mere suspicions.

The ideal role model for this custom was Sita, Ram%u2019s wife. She was required by her spouse, the "ideal husband"of the Hindus, to pass through the fire ordeal after her return from Sri Lanka.

The burning

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by Gladiator on Nov 04, 2007 04:33 PM  Permalink
BE SPECIFIC About your question ??
Just by saying Lies, you cannot prove your Point..
What is the definition of a Criminal.... Muslims never participated in any WORLD WAR... Who are the real Killers... Is Modi, Thackeray etc etc are not criminals ??

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by Prem Mohan on Nov 04, 2007 08:01 PM  Permalink
But Muslims have participated in terrorism.

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