What now we r seeing in Pakistan is a nothing but the Hate India Campaing launched by Pakis 50 yrs before!!! Now BJP is trying the same thing hate Muslim.. 40 yrs in future we will seen another failed stat India... BJP/RSS never wanted freedom for India... They wre slaves of British... Vajpajee told names of In revolutionaries.. Savarkar begged for Mercy with the British... Ghodse(RSS man) killed Ghandhi... RSS/BJP doe'nt want free India the want Brahmical India..... Hence VOTE for BJP. Is a VOTE for Hate...
RE:BJP copying Pakistan Model
by Ha ha hi hi on Nov 04, 2007 11:20 PM Permalink
Brahmin Jokers Party should be teached a lesson in Gujarat... India Destroyers
RE:BJP copying Pakistan Model
by kamal juneja on Nov 04, 2007 11:27 PM Permalink
Who made Dr. Kalam President,BJP.You want Muslim should be appeased at any cost,which BJP dont do. You speak of Gujrat but not of Godhra,why double standards.Who killed 3000 sikhs in 1984.It was Congress
RE:RE:BJP copying Pakistan Model
by Ha ha hi hi on Nov 04, 2007 11:44 PM Permalink
Muslim??? Does making Kalam a President.. a minority appeasment!!! What do u call traitor like vajpayee who sacrificed relolutionaries at the altar of Briish!!! BJP should be banned for they r doing Brahmin appeasment... Imagine 90 crores Hindus ruled by 5 % brahmins!!!
For he has been successfully fooling a country with over 1/6th of a billion people for over 7 years...and still doing fine....may pakistanis like him.....who knows...
The ground reality in Pakistan: Ruled by Imams and Mullahs, Hardcore Islamic fundamentalists who are native pakistanies. Pakistan is paying heavy price for letting criminals like dawood ibrahim to live in their country. Dawood has done little damage to india but couldn't succeed in his full fledged treacherous plans. Lately pakistan got trapped into its own terror network like Taleban. Now it will be interesting to see how Pak can come out of this whole.
Wherever you have Muslims in majority democracy fails. Out of the 50 islamic countries we don't have a single democracy, although there are Rich countries like Saudi,Kuwait etc. and poor countries like pak,bangla etc., in africa, southest asia etc.Islam is the only common factor among all these undemocratic countries, so why can't we say that Islam and democracy are not compatible
Wherever there was a Hindu Nation, democracy never existed. The only Hindu nation was Nepal whose credentials for democracy are known to whole world.
India is not a Hindu country or Hindu majority country. Its a secular country. Hindusim & democracy are not compatible. Secularism & democracy is the only compatible combination.
To take your logic forward, can I say that Christianity is most compatible with democracy because most of the Christian majority countries are democratic?
RE:Democracy and Islam
by Ha ha hi hi on Nov 04, 2007 11:22 PM Permalink
What now we r seeing in Pakistan is a nothing but the Hate India Campaing launched by Pakis 50 yrs before!!! Now BJP is trying the same thing hate Muslim.. 40 yrs in future we will seen another failed stat India... BJP/RSS never wanted freedom for India... They wre slaves of British... Vajpajee told names of In revolutionaries.. Savarkar begged for Mercy with the British... Ghodse(RSS man) killed Ghandhi... RSS/BJP doe'nt want free India the want Brahmical India..... Hence VOTE for BJP. Is a VOTE for Hate...
RE:Democracy and Islam
by Sameer Bhagwat on Nov 05, 2007 02:36 AM Permalink
I said wherever Muslims are in a majority, really doesn't seem to matter whether its a secular country like turkey or has significant minorities like Malaysia. If majority of population practises Islam then goodbye to democracy. Majority of Indians are Hindu that is why Hinduism is compatible with democracy. Nepal is a special case where democracy failed due to a lunatic king and chinese interference, but you can't use that excuse for Muslim countries as there can be one or two special cases not 50 !
RE:Democracy and Islam
by Vinay kantiyar on Nov 04, 2007 11:21 PM Permalink
Democracy will fail in india too if bjp and its hate orgs are allowed to rule!
Wherever you have Muslims in majority democracy fails. Out of the 50 islamic countries we don't have a single democracy, although there are Rich countries like Saudi,Kuwait etc. and poor countries like pak,bangla etc., in africa, southest asia etc.Islam is the only common factor among all these undemocratic countries, so why can't we say that Islam and democracy are not compatible
We can see because of creation of Pakistan & Bangladesh in the name of Islam, Hindus and non Muslims eliminated, democracy demolished, Terrorism is growing. India, being Hindu majority nation democracy maintained but Islamic Terrorist, Mao vadi, Communists, naxal and Christian Missionaries are want to break this country into pieces.
RE:Democracy and Islam!
by Ha ha hi hi on Nov 04, 2007 11:22 PM Permalink
What now we r seeing in Pakistan is a nothing but the Hate India Campaing launched by Pakis 50 yrs before!!! Now BJP is trying the same thing hate Muslim.. 40 yrs in future we will seen another failed stat India... BJP/RSS never wanted freedom for India... They wre slaves of British... Vajpajee told names of In revolutionaries.. Savarkar begged for Mercy with the British... Ghodse(RSS man) killed Ghandhi... RSS/BJP doe'nt want free India the want Brahmical India..... Hence VOTE for BJP. Is a VOTE for Hate...
RE:coward hindus
by aandhi on Nov 04, 2007 11:49 PM Permalink
bhatkar ahamed You need some mental rest and yes some consultation also. Muslim Kids--- You people will remain mentally and logically kids forever bcoz u have no maturity. Otherwise u would not believe what u believe and change the rules as they suit ur interests. U only can marry ur daughter-in_-laws and justify it. U could not be any thing but a follower of mahamad
RE:coward hindus
by Mac on Nov 04, 2007 11:53 PM Permalink
Bhatkar Ahamed we will Kill U Musliiims if Dont Leeearn, We Willl Creaaate Another Guuuuuuuuujraaaatttttttt
RE:coward hindus
by jimmy on Nov 04, 2007 11:09 PM Permalink
hahaha and you belong to a group well known around the world as Sucide Bombers. You are also known as Arab Slaves who long back were converted from Hindu to Islam
RE:coward hindus
by loler Chicken on Nov 04, 2007 11:07 PM Permalink
huh?? dreaming?? talking in air??
hindus in gujrat??? most peaceful guys... they retaliated when some guys took the courage to burn karsevaks and women and children alive in train... but those guys have forgot it... u guys sit in homes and kep talking about it... useless junta...
RE:coward hindus
by bobby j on Nov 04, 2007 11:21 PM Permalink
Bhatkar ahamed tu bhatak gaya hai!!! U have result in front of you...so don't talk non-sense.
by Arun P S on Nov 04, 2007 11:03 PM Permalink
Pakistan is a failed country..... its system is so bad and tottered.... God save pakistan and punish Musshraf one day
The secular morons dont understand the threat of muslims in India. only after RSS/BJP the awakening among Hindus came about. Unfortunately some allies of the NDA government stopped BJP from implementing stringent actions against the traitor community. When BJP comes to power, India will emerge as a Hindu superpower
RE:We hindus felt as a Nation only after BJP emerged
by loler Chicken on Nov 04, 2007 11:08 PM Permalink
BJP doesnt run on the likes of u... :) its much better than ur ideology... :)
RE:We hindus felt as a Nation only after BJP emerged
by nandu rajurikar on Nov 04, 2007 11:04 PM Permalink
BJP is just a new name, their forefathers existed in politics for long. It was Jana Sangha & before that Hindu Mahasabha.
The awakening was clear. RSS & Hindu Mahasabha directed its cadre to remain away from freedom struggle & support the British Govt. Documented proofs of this national character are unfortunately available.
RE:RE:We hindus felt as a Nation only after BJP emerged
by tali on Nov 04, 2007 11:06 PM Permalink
hey paki nandu rajurikar !!! why r u using a Hindu name and insulting our culture
RE:RE:RE:We hindus felt as a Nation only after BJP emerged
by on Nov 04, 2007 11:14 PM Permalink
hey hater tali,why r u insulting hindus by spreading hate?
RE:RE:RE:We hindus felt as a Nation only after BJP emerged
by Praveen George on Nov 05, 2007 02:28 AM Permalink
Tali, If you really are a hindu then try to understand what hinduism is and what India is.Assuming you don't know sanskrit there are excellent translations in a language you can understand-English.Read those.Take a travel down from kerala and up to kashmir and another from gujarat to Assam.Now you go back to madhyapradesh and contemplate what india is all about.Dude India and Hinduism is a much complex organism than what your pea brain can understand.
RE:RE:RE:RE:We hindus felt as a Nation only after BJP emerged
by Praveen George on Nov 05, 2007 02:30 AM Permalink
The pea brain part was not an Insult,but rather a pointer to how little capable our brains are.My brain is also pea sized . So don't feeel insulted
RE:We hindus felt as a Nation only after BJP emerged
by Aditya Agrawal on Nov 04, 2007 10:59 PM Permalink
BJP will now never come to power. It proved that it was worse than the Congress. Uma Bharti's expulsion was a deathknell.
RE:We hindus felt as a Nation only after BJP emerged
by tali on Nov 04, 2007 11:04 PM Permalink
Uma Bharti has aligned herself with the opponents of Modiji. This shows she no longer holds the ideals of Hindutva. it is a good riddance and good for BJP
RE:We hindus felt as a Nation only after BJP emerged
by sanitor on Nov 04, 2007 11:01 PM Permalink
It will never happen. Which hindus you are talking of. Hindus would be never integrated. Can you integrate Brahmans and dalits. Can you integrate north indians who pray to Ram and south indians who hate ram and pray to Ravana. Is it possible that the mythical religion can integrate the 100 corore people
RE:We hindus felt as a Nation only after BJP emerged
by Kannabiran Navakumar on Nov 04, 2007 11:13 PM Permalink
Where you learnt South Indians are hating ram. Hinduism is the only surviving religion for some many centuries, inspite of onslaught from every corner. Time as come slowly it is integrating into one community.
RE:We hindus felt as a Nation only after BJP emerged
by Praveen George on Nov 05, 2007 02:17 AM Permalink
Hinduism survived onslaughts because it is a culture.Hinduism includes Xians and Muslims in India. Advani's ratha yathra was a comedy which somehow influenced a sizable north indian population to belive only followers of Ram are Indians and only they are Hindus. The second partition of India was achieved by BJP already.How ever they were not that as successfull as Jinnah.But there is hope, lot of people are working hard to achieve that goal.Have a break fellows have a kit kat. Bharatiya jokers party is bringing together all knicker clad cadres armed with lathis to fight another civil war.We Hindus felt as a nation before BJP emerged and now we feel let down and disapppointed.
RE:RE:We hindus felt as a Nation only after BJP emerged
by Vasanth Kumar Gopalakrishnan on Nov 04, 2007 11:10 PM Permalink
Stupid!... South indian is also praying RAM. Just that karunanidhi is athiest doesnt mean south indian all hate RAM. that shows ur lack of knowledge abt religion and culture.
RE:RE:We hindus felt as a Nation only after BJP emerged
by suresh nair on Nov 04, 2007 11:17 PM Permalink
howq is this karunanidhi to represent south indian? see in the next election
RE:We hindus felt as a Nation only after BJP emerged
by Aditya Verma on Nov 04, 2007 11:31 PM Permalink
Ya it's True that BJP is muh Worse than congress because in BJP raj we do not have to fae communual riots which is biggest . iam notsupport of any party but i want to say true. that's all bye have great chat on the topic