A stable Pakistan is better than a fragmented Pakistan.I am not supporting Mush but the fact the alternative could be worse.But he should have the guts to step down and call for early elections . I believe even Hindus should support him.Dont forget we had our Indira gandhi who declared eemergency when a court ruled her election invalid.
by abhishek srivastava on Nov 04, 2007 11:53 PM Permalink
raghuji, ple be informed that pakistan is not in emergency but its militry rule now and pls if u have any mind do not compare india with pakistan....looks oike u don't know anyitng.
by K RAGHU on Nov 05, 2007 12:02 AM Permalink
I am not comparing India and Pakistan but saying that Mush has to be persuaded to call for elections.That should be the priority of India.You dont want the Mullahs to come to powerdo you or the pro Taliban parties .It is a question of the devil or the deep sea.
What now we r seeing in Pakistan is a nothing but the Hate India Campaing launched by Pakis 50 yrs before!!! Now BJP is trying the same thing hate Muslim.. 40 yrs in future we will seen another failed stat India... BJP/RSS never wanted freedom for India... They wre slaves of British... Vajpajee told names of In revolutionaries.. Savarkar begged for Mercy with the British... Ghodse(RSS man) killed Ghandhi... RSS/BJP doe'nt want free India the want Brahmical India..... Hence VOTE for BJP. Is a VOTE for Hate...
I agree with Mush. Learning democracy was a need for the people of this region. We Indians also needed to learn democracy after independence. Democracy in our country gave politicians power to loot the nation Corruption, nepotism,family raj are some of the virtues of democracy. Muscle Power by politicians, corruption by bureaucrats and judiciary and loot by all those who are in a position to call the shots. No democratically elected political party has given us a clean government so far. we are yet to learn the democracy. Had we any knowledge of democracy, we would have thrown these corrupt people out of the country. Instead we elect them to govern us!
RE:Pakistan go to hell !
by Ha ha hi hi on Nov 04, 2007 11:37 PM Permalink
Brahmin Jokers Party should be teached a lesson in Gujarat... India Destroyers
What now we r seeing in Pakistan is a nothing but the Hate India Campaing launched by Pakis 50 yrs before!!! Now BJP is trying the same thing hate Muslim.. 40 yrs in future we will seen another failed stat India... BJP/RSS never wanted freedom for India... They wre slaves of British... Vajpajee told names of In revolutionaries.. Savarkar begged for Mercy with the British... Ghodse(RSS man) killed Ghandhi... RSS/BJP doe'nt want free India the want Brahmical India..... Hence VOTE for BJP. Is a VOTE for Hate...
RE:BJP copying Pakistan Model
by Ha ha hi hi on Nov 04, 2007 11:35 PM Permalink
fear!!! they Aryan Covert BJP/RSS should be sent back to their native land... Europe... and India should be ruled by Native Indians Dalits,Dravidians,Shudra etc!!!
What now we r seeing in Pakistan is a nothing but the Hate India Campaing launched by Pakis 50 yrs before!!! Now BJP is trying the same thing hate Muslim.. 40 yrs in future we will seen another failed stat India... BJP/RSS never wanted freedom for India... They wre slaves of British... Vajpajee told names of In revolutionaries.. Savarkar begged for Mercy with the British... Ghodse(RSS man) killed Ghandhi... RSS/BJP doe'nt want free India the want Brahmical India..... Hence VOTE for BJP. Is a VOTE for Hate...
RE:BJP copying Pakistan Model
by Ha ha hi hi on Nov 04, 2007 11:29 PM Permalink
Brahmin Jokers Party should be teached a lesson in Gujarat... India Destroyers
Why Muslims in India who support Pakistan go to Pakistan to enjoy emergeny there ? Why are they in India ? Their mind set is to make India another Pakistan.
RE:Why Muslims in India supporting Pakistan go there and enjoy their emergency there ?
by RAJ KONA on Nov 05, 2007 01:11 AM Permalink
Why dont you go Pakistan yourself and find out if all the things you hate them for are true. You might change your mind.
RE:Why Muslims in India supporting Pakistan go there and enjoy their emergency there ?
by Uttamkumar Samanta on Nov 04, 2007 11:22 PM Permalink
Mush said, Pakistan needs few centuries of time to bring democracy in Pakistan like USA or the West. After creation of Pakistan from India, India maintains democracy. Why Pakistan failed.
Reason is simple. Pakistan created on the wrong basis and Pakistan is a wrong nation approved then and now.
RE:Musharraf is a handsome man
by Anindya ghosh on Nov 05, 2007 12:10 AM Permalink
And the biggest demon is the pig called jyoti bose !! Go to pakistan, u bloody commies