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by Neo on Nov 05, 2007 11:48 AM  Permalink 

There is a saying in sanskrit - Vinaasha kaale vipreetha buddhi. The end is near, may be a year or two at best. After which, even his plane will end up being blown apart like Zia's, by his own cronies in the army.

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Musharaf will end up like Zia
by India on Nov 05, 2007 11:21 AM  Permalink 

Musharaff will meet the same fate like Zia Ul Haq. His end is not too far off. When he goes he will be replaced by another thug like him. Like Pervez said there won't be any democracy or free elections in Pakistan ever.

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Pakis and democracy
by apjunkmail on Nov 05, 2007 10:14 AM  Permalink 

If pakis have not figured out democracy in last 60 years they are very unlikely to figure it out any time soon. It may have something do with their religion that they gravitate towards dictatorship based model and not consensus based model. Whatever the reason as long as they stay on their side of the boarder. Should they cross the boarder fire them guns.

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Our leaders bring a civil war in our country also.
by Sahadevan KK on Nov 05, 2007 10:11 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Our leaders bring a civil war in our country also.
Congress and BJP's stand will bring a civil war in our country also, what Mushraff brought into Pakistan. America does their duty to divide and rule India. They help Musharaff, terrorists and Benazir spontaneously. We are continuing our struggle against communalism even after 60 years of Independence, what Britishers gave us in the name of India and Pakistan. Befitting reply cannot harm the Left parties. It will harm Congress as well as our nation.

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RE:Our leaders bring a civil war in our country also.
by Sun on Nov 05, 2007 10:25 AM  Permalink
Hey commie,atleast we dont kill our own people like Chinks.Remember TIANMEN SQUARE.

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RE:Our leaders bring a civil war in our country also.
by Sahadevan KK on Nov 05, 2007 11:31 AM  Permalink
Gujarat Carnage and Sikh riots.

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Two wrong do not make right
by on Nov 05, 2007 10:10 AM  Permalink 

Here BJP supporters are claiming that nobody in media care about hindues in Kashmir. I agree that the muslim extremists have killed hindues in Kashmir, but that donot give us any right to kill innocent Indian muslims. Modi like leader & Osama are the two sides of the same coin.

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Choice in Pakistan
by apjunkmail on Nov 05, 2007 09:52 AM  Permalink 

Choice is between Overt or Covert military rule in Pakistan. Always has been and will be.

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Musharraf and Indira Gandhi
by Manish Varma on Nov 05, 2007 09:10 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Hi All, before denouncing Musharraf, one must remember that Late Mrs. Indira Gandhi declared emergency, when Allahabad High Court ruled that she won election by unfair means. Late Mr. Rajiv Gandhi changed the governing rules of courts in Shah Bano case to appease muslims.
Instead of denouncing Musharraf, what do people have to say about Indira Gandhi and Rajiv Gandhi's acts of playing with law in India. Later in history, hw too would prove to be as right as Indira Gandhi in imposing this emergency.

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RE:Musharraf and Indira Gandhi
by vinamra singhai on Nov 05, 2007 10:38 AM  Permalink
good one..

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WOuld Bhutto be able to fight terrorism as Musharraf will be able to?
by Ajay on Nov 05, 2007 08:54 AM  Permalink 

Bhutto in a democratic setup will be impeded by Islamic minded politicians. WHat is needed in Pakistan is a dictator who will do anything to sustain himself in power including please the US. He will fight terrorism and now he understands that he needs to justify the reason he gave for emergency if he has to save his face. Even if this man has no scruples, is immoral and responsible for Kargil massacre, we should support him. Sometimes we need to support donkeys where it meets our needs. In this case it also meets Pakistan's most dire need- cleansing from jihadists. Even US supports all kinds of people if it meets their needs. It is a good thing that Bhutto added her voice to the same goal. I do not think any other Pakistani politician has spoken as openly as Mushararf and Bhutto..

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President Mushraff
by Chirantan on Nov 05, 2007 08:30 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

What Mushraff can do in Pakistan we can not do in Kashmir. He is bothered about his home and not about outsiders - USA, Europe, etc who says what.
Do you have guts to impose MARSHAL LAW in Kashmir and clean out all terrorists? Here Indian soldiers are dyeing, inoscents are dyeing [ not political leaders] and you are taking a cup of tea at your kitchen.

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RE:President Mushraff
by Morchak Choohah on Nov 05, 2007 08:39 AM  Permalink
Mushraff is Sardel Patel of Pakistan.

imagine if mushraff goes, long bearded fanatics will rule the roost.

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