Social Engineering will definitely succeed only if the Sanatan Dharma's principles of 'Sarva Dharma Sambhav' is carefully put into practice. Exclusionism of any kind will tend to introduce flaws and discontent endangering its success. One thus has to guard against pockets of biased protectionism within a socially engineered venture. It has been introduced and proven beneficial within the corporate world much before it was recognised as a topic worthy of being taught. If the emphasis remains on merit, equality in representation and a recognition plus acceptance of aptitude, skills as also idiosyncrasies of its constituents, the venture records success. Unfortunately radicalism, chauvinism, belligerence and new definitions of tolerance have reduced the social benefits of all religions alike. Let the principles of 'social engineering' override those of religions,as it has been deviced and not vice-versa. Social Engineering is in harmony with people of all faiths - can't say the same for any given religion considering current behavoir patterns and divisive trends of the faithfuls.
Now after dont we see 'atatayi's at galore?Hve they been killed by a way that these are curbed? The constitution and the system to enforce a proper behavious is so weak!So these unwanted misbehaviours are increasing! This is only one example! In every field of activities we are starving for a good rule! 'SANATAN DHARMA'with its prescriptions only can reinstate good behaviours from all to make India glorious again, glorious means along with in prosperity and characters both! Mahamaya's magic is superior to Maya's
Due to space costriction in the previous post, I am adding it now... Now "after Mayawati-led Bahujan Samaj Party won absolute majority in the Uttar Pradesh assembly elections by successfully using social engineering, the Lucknow University has introduced a two-year post-graduate diploma course on the subject." This welcome, because the moment the study will start(if unbiasedly adopted) it will open the door of the provisions of'SANATAN DHARMA' All will astonisedly see that every walk of lives in every part of the worls ids covered here! The essence is 'Sarbam khalwidam brahma', meaning , everything is out of brahma! So who will distinguish against whom? There will be no divisionism! And work for the mankind, not with self mmotives and interest only! WHICH RELIGION, EXCEPT 'HINDU DHARMA' HAS SAID THESE? Hindus are tolerant by blood!But the principles of self protection is also taught! For self protection, one can kill his enemy , called 'atatayi'(assailant) which is defined as "gurung baa baalbriddhou baa brahmanang baa bahushrutam ; aatatayinam aayaantang hanyaadebaabichaaraynn ", means a 'atatayi'( who tries to ethically misbehave with wife,mother, sister , who wants to snatch away property by force, who administers poison or set fire or wants to kill),may he be a guru or a non-adult or an aged or well learned brahmin, he is to be killed without hesitations (now killing has a few definitions again! actual killing apart, abusing, beating, insulting and several ways are
Mahamaya of 'SaSanatan Dharma' has an all conclusive formulae for the living beings of any birth, caste or religion that is surpassing superlatively the small showing by Smt Mayabati of BSP.(considering together the dalits with the brahmins'upper caste) What are those? Since the'Sannatan Dharma' has been abandonned by the people due to forceful/unfavourable rulers of foreign and indian origins over a long period, the solutions to today's problems are eluding!I t seems unreal but in its depth its not! Today, India under great pressure from all sides are almost surrendered to a degenerated culture in the name of 'economic progress' Its true livelihood is necessary but is it at the cost of characters? Internally, 'divisonism'adopted by British is still followed by Congress after independence! 'Sanatan Dharma' does not prescribe any divisionism to cause miseries in people! Mayabati has just accommodated two apparaently separate (British fabricated and Congres fanned) entities of the same'hindus' and won! If the total prescriptions of'Sanatan Dharma' is followed IT WILL CREATE A SUPERFLYING SUCCESS NOT ONLY WITHIN BUT OUTSIDE INDIA TOO! Any country will just BOW down to the power of India , a power not of Neuclear strength, BUT OF SUPERNATUTAL NATURE !ITS NAME IS HUMANITY! THAT IS ELUDING INDIA BECAUSE THE RULERS WHO WERE IN CONTROL DID NOT REINSTATE THE 'PRINCIPLES OF SANATAN DHARMA' IN CIVIC AND POLITICAL LIVES! People didnot know it!So there were no demand too! Now after