dear friends, dont encourage any terrorist activities whether it is LTTE or Ulfa.
Those ppls are against the humanity through their activities. Mainly they killed the public through their worst character which you so called intelegent skills.
RE:Dont encourage the TERRORISAM
by Edwin Navaratnam on May 29, 2007 04:42 PM Permalink
and what about the Sri Lnakn state'e genocidal killing of Tamils that is ok is it. The Sril lankan Tamils have the same right as the Sinhghalese to leave in peace their rights respected. This is the basic human right, Not allowed to use thier language thier lands colonised by Singhalese thughs and criminals and ethnically cleansed. Leve th eLtte out of the equation. wht has prevented various Srillankan govrnments denying the Tamil people their just rights, instead when they demand thier rights thier homes are burns thier churches and temples are burnt or bombed and the world watches this with glee and arms th eSril lankan goverment what a load of hypocrits. How would yo like if your say ofr eg is Punjab is etnically cleansed and and Hndi speaking or Bengali people are brought in the place names etc changed and you are made a minority. I suppose we have to be white people ( even it Muslim like Bosnia or Kosovo ) then the world will squeal genocide and take notice o. Otherwise we are just a re number like in Dafur, Rwanda Cambodia. or th eKurds wh ocares about these darkies, as long as our selfish geopolitical needs are met
plote is different from ltte plote lead by uma maheshwaran plote numner one enemy is ltte indian navy has nuclear missiles we cannot compare with smaller organisation-- already warships are in rameshwaram
RE:Sea Tigers are of gr8 use to India.
by Ranjith on May 29, 2007 01:22 PM Permalink
LTTE are against the Indians, therefore they killed our PM. How they can against our another enemey Pak.? Infact they join in onehand can do something against India
RE:Sea Tigers are of gr8 use to India.
by kumar on May 29, 2007 01:45 PM Permalink
Ranjith, you are quite funny. You should see who is supplying arms to SL government. its pakistan. why do you think the LTTE tried to blow up Pakistani high commissioner to Colombo.
RE:Sea Tigers are of gr8 use to India.
by The Lion on May 29, 2007 01:39 PM Permalink
what are you bluffing? Lankan Tamils and LTTEs are with Indians. Only Rajiv and his diplomatic goats went against their Freedom fight. Understand the fact and start mouthing.
RE:Sea Tigers are of gr8 use to India.
by kanwar sekhon on May 29, 2007 02:37 PM Permalink
ok mr lion, they might b with indians but they r of the same breed as the jehadi's. both the organisations r worshippers of unnecessary voilence.
by Mahesh Vaylampurathu on May 29, 2007 01:07 PM Permalink
Indian Navy is never short of skills, Tigers have had a taste of Indian navy during Rajiv gandhi's period when they made an attempt on invaiding Maldeves island. It is shame on you to compare drug paddeller LTTE with Indian Navy.
by sheuli bose on May 29, 2007 01:12 PM Permalink
well its a shame for our country to let LTTE survive even though they killed our Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi,the most important person of our country. Had it been any western country then they would have waged a war on LTTE and finished them.
by The Lion on May 29, 2007 07:04 PM Permalink
why you unessesorily get in and tend to spoil someones self struggle. You will get the rightful reaction then.
And moreover what is your answer for those 1000s murdered and raped by our Indian IPKF send by congress. If the Govt. of Tamil Eelam summons this stupid Congressmen for their CRIME, are they ready to get punished by the authorities.
What shit? Human life is equal irrespective of whom they are. How can you be sooooo fool to spoil a freedom struggle??? Atlast there are more groups with different motivations in Sri lankan and for every mistake why LTTEs are pointed. They are more displined and tactical ARMY FORCE than any others.
by kumar on May 29, 2007 01:46 PM Permalink
the same goes for SL government. they kill without reason but i dont hear you crowing about them
by Edwin Navaratnam on May 29, 2007 05:36 PM Permalink
the Tamil People in Sri Lanak are not public I presume just the Singhalese ( the poor things these racist genocidal humans 50% of whom only migrated from coastal Tamilnadu around the 15ht 16th and 17 th century changed thier langugage and religion, ) have to safe guarded from th opressed Tamils( of coures these are notcitizens of Sri Lanka) are yo living in Cuckooland.
by Jacob Francis on May 29, 2007 01:34 PM Permalink
How could you underrate Indian Navy and that to in comparison with LTTE. You are a disgrace to our nation and a fool to our enemy.
by kanwar sekhon on May 29, 2007 02:43 PM Permalink
well said, well said all u guys. people of india r indians & should b proud of themselves & not oppose india 'cause if they do they should b called traitors and should b sent to whichever country or in this case the LTTE
by Sridhar r on May 29, 2007 02:29 PM Permalink
India can use LTTE's help to wipe out Dawood,Let,JeM groups who are real threat to india than focussing on reel threat.
by kanwar sekhon on May 29, 2007 02:51 PM Permalink
any organisation or an individual who does any harm to indian people is a real threat to india & the LTTE has killed the indian PM so, the LTTE is a real threat to india mr sridhar.