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by Dara Acidwalla on May 30, 2007 07:38 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

It is high time we have a four-fold increase in the salaries of our police force across the board.

This is the only way we can demand from them better law-and-order and also work towards eradicating corruption.

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by Ravi Rao on May 30, 2007 09:14 AM  Permalink
I agree. We want to have our internal security forces always on alert. Unless standards are raised and salaries increased, how can we demand the best

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law should be strict
by kmukda on May 29, 2007 07:26 PM  Permalink 

Polic should trace the hoax caller. There should be amendment to law to make hoax calling a punishable offence. This will ensure that there will be not any more mischeivous calls. The major of the problem is due to lawless situation

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No fear in India
by Vinod Sharma on May 29, 2007 06:51 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

It has been proved that there is no fear to any one in india due to boundation of police personnel.This is the result of dirty politics in india.

It is the time to give free hand to police to kill the criminals without any formality. May be some innocent will be killed or Police may missuse the power but To save the country some sacrifice is required.

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RE:No fear in India
by Sense nonsense on May 29, 2007 09:11 PM  Permalink
wat crap are u speaking dude about sacrifices?? do u say the same thing if your son or daughter are to be sacrificed tommorrow?? the solution is to have good intelligence and be alert- not massacre people in the name of law

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getting late to airport
by suresh iyer on May 29, 2007 06:13 PM  Permalink 

why some dumb wit could call the airport and delay a flight for which he would be late getting to airport....ministers do it ....anyway it is better to be alert in hoax than be bombed and hurt

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Security high at Mumbai airport after threat
by Nitesh on May 29, 2007 06:00 PM  Permalink 

Imagine the City which gives the maximum revenue to the country always has to live on the edge. I wonder what this stupid politicians are doing for the development and safety of Mumbai.

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Why is Report abuse disabled?
by fourseasons on May 29, 2007 05:40 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Message regarding Art of living needs to be deleted.

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RE:Why is Report abuse disabled?
by b p on May 29, 2007 06:03 PM  Permalink
no, it cann't be deleted. just bcz it's either posted by moderator (in the name of Venkat Sameer) or rediff wants to fume oil to those burning subjects!

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