Now India should play a strategic role to keep our neighbours happy as our surroundings are buring including pakistan , srilanka ,bangladesh and nepal . Only China and India can resist to this pieces .
Ties with China should always be taken with a pinch of salt. The government also owes an explanation to the citizens whether the reports of Chinese incursion into Arunachal Pradesh are true or not. This is one country which cannot be trusted at any cost.As such we have lost Aksai Chin area to the Chinese. The Army chief visiting China is another ploy to hoodwink the people of this democracy. - Arun
RE:China can be a business partner, a friend - Never
by Tej Buch on May 22, 2007 06:26 PM Permalink
the other untrustworthy countries r Pak and the ungrateful Bangladesh...we've got the worst neighbors any country cud ever have
RE:China can be a business partner, a friend - Never
by Sam on May 28, 2007 07:56 PM Permalink
Israel is also having a worse neighbourhood...but they are working in unity as one to screw the wretched neighbours
Strategic ties between both countries India & China and Mutual co operation, Confidence building measures & Joint military exercise is necessary. China is increasing their Military powers and in encircling India from every angle. Recent visit of chinese President HU and chinas ambassador to India who made foolish comment that Arunachal Pradesh belongs to them .china has also gone ahead with Anti satellite missile testing which is challenge for India and also to USA. India should concentrate on developing and testing more Agni 3 range missiles . We should not remain idle as china may anytime may take hasty decisions.India must go ahead with SUN Missiles ranging up to 8000 kms were whole china comes in Indias Missiles range. All politicians should unite together and with help of RAW, Military must prepare master plan in Advance if any threat from china is arising in future.
US is already worried about the talks going on. If we succeed then US will lose all power over Asia. With Russia, China and India Together the power that US has over this part of the world will totaly vanish. I think its time that these 3 worlds largest developing nations come together.
RE:Its a great move.
by Mandar Pawar on May 22, 2007 05:58 PM Permalink
The idea is good, should be worked out with verry much care, as the Dragon cannot be trusted. China cannot be trusted.
It is good for India that we should maintain good relationship with neghibour countries but can we trust China. Our past experience reveal itself and our young generation mind always with old incidents. So we should always keep in mind before we move forward. Morover. China now a days is very strong even is ready to fight with USA and certain exten USA also very much fear with him. Though he is strong in economy as well as manpower. Moreover as far India concerned China slowly spreading their border all the four side of India and once war starts he will hit all the four side and we are not able to move any side. Recently he developmed BURMA also which is very vital and valid for him for attacking position over India.
We also agree that India defence power is also increased not compare old one but still we can win the battle?? It is million dollor question?? How we manage at the time. Again our politicans should unite for any war - whether it is domestic or International Problem, then only wer can physically and mentally win the war.
RE:Don't trust Chinees...
by Shreyansh Shah on May 22, 2007 05:37 PM Permalink
yes, we should stop buying from China. Why we are helping China to grow up there economy?