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Blame game
by aston powel on May 19, 2007 02:09 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

OK gentleman.

Much has been written about who could be the bomber this time.

The argument is going on expected lines.
Muslims/left leaning individuals and seculars hold the RSS, Bajrangdal elements responsible for the blast. The argument is it is this group which is anti Muslim and they alone can do it and that the police have connived with them.

The other group hold the muslim responsible. Their argument is only Muslims can do such thing. They also argue that Bomb stored in the Mosque must have exploded.

And the blame game goes on. And now the Hyderabd MP has also pitched in.

Cant we wait till some lead in the investigation has come out to start our blame game.?

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RE:Blame game
by Indian on May 19, 2007 02:22 PM  Permalink
OK...I have lived in Hyd and prayed in that particuylar mosque for 20 years...I know that place...it is just a a sprawling open space..and the bomb exploded in an open space below a stone bench...so do you think people were manufacturing bombs while sitting below a bench in an open space...ridiculous...grow up!

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The Police and the Agecies are behind this Blast.
by Truth Finder on May 19, 2007 01:15 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

The whole thing is created by the Police. The police knew that Muslims would protest after Juma prayer for fair enquiry of Sohrabuddin Case.

1.Soharabuddin was not a criminal. He was the businessman married and was on honeymoon Trip and touring All India. His Trip was Kashmir to Kaniya Kumari. He was a mere businessman.

2.The allegations build by the Police and created and invented all these criminals records.

3.The Andhra Police also Played a role in the Sohrabuddin Case so they want to suppress this issue.

4. Definitely The Police put the Bomb in the Makkah Masjid and Open fire on protesters just to provoke riots spoil and divert attention.

5.Police does not want any protest and demand to check the role of the Andhra Police, in the Sohrabuddin Case.

6.The Government should suspend the police officers, who are involved in the sohrabuddin Case immediately from hyderabad. It is too dangerous. The whole drama of Makkah Masjid Blast was created by the Police. The fair enquiry is to be made of this incident and punish the culprit. The ACP and other will use their power and it will not be possible fair enquiry. They should suspend till the enquiry is not concluded.

7.Hyderabad has been becoming peaceful city and business was increasing. The foreign investment has been increasing. Under such developments the criminal act of police and playing this drama is serious and dangerous.
In the tenure of Lal Krishan Advani the whole forces are communalized and criminalized. Now all over India seeing the role of Police in all cases and restructure of police departments is inevitable.

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RE:The Police and the Agecies are behind this Blast.
by ramesh d on May 19, 2007 02:28 PM  Permalink
bombs and killings are are born rights of muslims. No one has the rights.
Read history and see Iraq ,taliban, Pak etcc...9/11 mubai blast ......

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RE:RE:The Police and the Agecies are behind this Blast.
by Indian on May 19, 2007 02:30 PM  Permalink
I have seen more sophisticated ammunition (missiles etc) in Mahabharat and Ramayan than today's ammunition :)))

So tell me who has more right (by centuries since mahabharat) on missiles and explosives?

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RE:The Police and the Agecies are behind this Blast.
by s h on May 20, 2007 12:11 AM  Permalink
Ramesh...Do you know : Keeping sword / knife is the born rights of muslims..like sikhs....Till now Muslims dont utilise this right, and you are talking about killing. Sorry not digestable.

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RE:The Police and the Agecies are behind this Blast.
by dinesh kumar on May 19, 2007 02:20 PM  Permalink
sohrabuddin was involved in criminal activities.

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RE:The Police and the Agecies are behind this Blast.
by waseem shaikh on May 19, 2007 02:59 PM  Permalink
ramesh u r absolutly wrong on thes topic we khno that all the names r u define below is right but every muslim r not born for killing n giving problem to other people.ok ramesh dada

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RE:The Police and the Agecies are behind this Blast.
by D R on May 19, 2007 02:35 PM  Permalink
I think you should change your name from truth-finder to trash-founder.

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Who are behind this Blast?
by Truth Finder on May 19, 2007 01:14 PM  Permalink 

The whole thing is created by the Police. The police knew that Muslims would protest after Juma prayer for fair enquiry of Sohrabuddin Case.

1.Soharabuddin was not a criminal. He was the businessman married and was on honeymoon Trip and touring All India. His Trip was Kashmir to Kaniya Kumari. He was a mere businessman.

2.The allegations build by the Police and created and invented all these criminals records.

3.The Andhra Police also Played a role in the Sohrabuddin Case so they want to suppress this issue.

4. Definitely The Police put the Bomb in the Makkah Masjid and Open fire on protesters just to provoke riots spoil and divert attention.

5.Police does not want any protest and demand to check the role of the Andhra Police, in the Sohrabuddin Case.

6.The Government should suspend the police officers, who are involved in the sohrabuddin Case immediately from hyderabad. It is too dangerous. The whole drama of Makkah Masjid Blast was created by the Police. The fair enquiry is to be made of this incident and punish the culprit. The ACP and other will use their power and it will not be possible fair enquiry. They should suspend till the enquiry is not concluded.

7.Hyderabad has been becoming peaceful city and business was increasing. The foreign investment has been increasing. Under such developments the criminal act of police and playing this drama is serious and dangerous.
In the tenure of Lal Krishan Advani the whole forces are communalized and criminalized. Now all over India seeing the role of Police in all cases and restructure of police departments is inevitable.

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Hyderabad Bomb Blast
by Sivaraman Gopalan on May 19, 2007 11:27 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Even more than the bomb blast, what's deplorable is the sporading violence unleashed by angry Muslim youth. By their hasty reaction, they have badly let down the UPA Government which has done so much for them since it assumed office in May 2004.
All the UPA MPs led by Sonia and Manmohan can do a peace march through the streets of Hyderabad singing Bhajans.After successfully scrapping POTA, now they can think of the ways and means to amend the constitution to includeterrorism as one of the fundamental rights.
Terrorists have again struck and demonstrated how ungrtateful they are to this nation which is so forgiving doing everything possible to make them comfortable.

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RE:Hyderabad Bomb Blast
by D R on May 19, 2007 02:36 PM  Permalink
good one.

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dawn : pakistani daily carrying false comments on blasts
by Anniyan on May 19, 2007 11:20 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies


the above pakistani daily suspects that Hindu extremists may be the cause of this..it states that, state ruled by congress had gone such incidents(Maharastra-malegon - AP-Hyderabad), thus expecting hindu extremists.....

What a non-sense these pakistani dailies carry in their article...damids...

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RE:dawn : pakistani daily carrying false comments on blasts
by Gharpure, Ravindra S on May 19, 2007 11:50 AM  Permalink
Anniyan, Please understand. They are under an autocratic military regime. The only articles they can write freely is 'international news' . Please bear with them.
Besides who cares what a backward nations newspapers blabber about one of the fastest growing economies in the world !!!

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RE:dawn : pakistani daily carrying false comments on blasts
by Vijay Murkute on May 19, 2007 03:03 PM  Permalink
Exactly....just ignore what a backward nation like Pakistn writes about India. They want to blow out of proportion anything that takes place here. Even a slap by a non-muslim to a muslim in India for them will amount to anti muslim voilence. So just discount everything Pakistan newspapers write about india for in their country the right hand does not know what the left hand is doing.

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RE:dawn : pakistani daily carrying false comments on blasts
by FALSE PROPHET on Aug 06, 2007 12:33 AM  Permalink

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RE:dawn : pakistani daily carrying false comments on blasts
by D R on May 19, 2007 02:38 PM  Permalink
rightly said ravindra. pakistan is a failed state. who cares what their newspaper thinks. since the terrorosits who did it must be funded by their ISI anyway.

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why fight like this?
by sajini ramesh on May 19, 2007 10:46 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Its not the religion only, but few politic people who for ther own selfishness wants to create such situation where people will fight & they can gain from this, not only polititians but few terrorist group also who only for there own thinking & understanding wants to creat such type of situation which will help them to think that they have done something good for their own god.

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RE:why fight like this?
by Truth Finder on May 19, 2007 01:18 PM  Permalink
Do you what is Hinduism? What is this? It is mere a culture, it is not religion. The Majority of Hindu Culturism contributed by Muslims. The impression of Todays Hinduism is Muslims. The Hindustan and Hindu name given by Muslims. Do not talk rubbish.

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RE:RE:why fight like this?
by ramesh d on May 19, 2007 01:52 PM  Permalink
well, stop ur rubbish.Try with some of ur muslim fellas .Only they can believe such things

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RE:RE:why fight like this?
by on May 19, 2007 11:37 AM  Permalink
Why you generally don't see a muslim convert to any other religion? Why other religion followers very often convert into others?

Its because Islam is the path of righteousness, it is in there where you find the peace and guidance from the Almighty Allah (swt). Ask people from other religion convert to Islam and they will only tell you about the satisfaction they got.
Don't just blame Islam from the doings of few of the believers (the reasons behind those deeds u may not be aware of!) but judje Islam on its foundation i.e. the Quran and Hadith of prophet (pbuh). Oh dear fellow plz go through Quran once and then see yourself what Islam really is, don't just go by the face of Islam illustrated by the media. I assure you your perception will definitely change!

'This is the scripture whereof there is no doubt, a guidance unto those who ward off(evil)' Quran 2:2

'Allah, There is no god save Him, the Alive, the Eternal. He hath revealed unto thee (Muhammed) the scripture with truth....' Quran 3:2 - 3:3

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RE:why fight like this?
by ramesh d on May 19, 2007 01:48 PM  Permalink
Well, we have the live examples of what Islam is.Just read the news around.
People are converted to Islam in history. Coz muslims forced them.Onother reason is ,muslims talk ony about religions in discussions. no other issues. So uneducated people fall into prey

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RE:why fight like this?
by Indian on May 19, 2007 02:17 PM  Permalink
Sorry looks like you are uneducated about the topic you are talking about!

Mohammad Ali the boxer, did he convert to Islam by force?

Cat Stevens did he convert to Islam by force?

Sohaib Webb did he convert to Islam by force?

Hamza yousuf did he convert to Islam by force?

Yousuf Youhanna cricketer did he convert to Islam by force?

How many examples do you want?

If Khilji/Slave/Mughal Dynasty wanted to do forceful conversions it would have been fairly easy for them....dont you think 500 years are enough for any kingdom to forcefully convert all to any religion?

Do some math:

According to people like you, you say now muslims are 15%

So, 50 years before were they 7%
So, 100 years before 2.5% (remember contraception never happen 100 years before)

So 200 years before (1800 AD) muslims were 0.5%

Go another 100 years back (1700 Aurangzeb)....muslims were 0.01

Go another 100 years back (1600 Akbar's period) ....muslims were 0.001%

So do you think great kings of Mughals were able to convert only 0.01 % of the population? Ridiculous.

Bottom line if they want they could have done atleast 20% of population to forcefully convert.....by the time of Aurangzeb.....but that never happened....

The main reason of conversion in India happened due to sufi saints of Islam.

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RE:RE:why fight like this?
by prashant upadhyay on May 25, 2007 08:38 PM  Permalink
A few peopel converted by their will.Cannot hide the facts and history that Islam has spread by force only.If you read history you wil find that all plunderes in Western Asia got converted to ISlam first and then they started using Islam to unit epeople to loot and convert other ares too.This is how they have reached India.

If Islam has concept of one Allah Hindus had a concept of universal OM.But in order to unit eother they only higlighetd the Idol worship of Hindus to declare the Kafirs,so that they can attack and loot and convert.

Islamic Invader have never tried to understand other's religion, becasue it did not match with thier plans of getting united to loot others.

I dont think that any Islamic copuntry can ever be secular country in true senses.

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RE:RE:RE:why fight like this?
by HARI DUTT on May 19, 2007 12:34 PM  Permalink
ok your say is that muslims are peace loving people but why this terrorism then? Have you read saint Kabir Das?

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RE:why fight like this?
by The Lion on May 19, 2007 12:55 PM  Permalink
Hi May, what is that? Too much! If all those so called world religions are CREATED mean, only the HINDU religion is EVOLVED one along with the culturepractice of the people of this land. So only Worldover Hinduism is admired by everyone, especially by the westerns. They volunteer to take in Hinduism and enjoy.

But created religions Preach or Brainwash simply by repeating some commands and so what this world is seeing this immense of problems. Whatever you said is of same kind. You cant change your race, language, blood and flesh %u2026in the same way one cant change his religions too. Think who are you actually instead mouthing those commands.

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RE:a question to muslims
by Azaan Rashid on May 19, 2007 11:47 AM  Permalink
Hi Aryaputra
What u call attack on the hindus, was just an attack on the Indiand. In early 90s when insurgency engulfed Jammu and Kashmir, there was an enevitable attack on anti-kashmiris which inluded Muslims also. if u will go through government records, you will find out far more muslims were killed as compared to hindus. It was an attack on anti-freedom people of Kashmir irrespective of the religion.
Why you guys always club Kashmir and their urge for freedom with terrorism. Due u know more civilians are being killed by Indian security forces than militants. Government estimates point out presence of 1500 militants and to counter them more than 8 lakh indian security forces rea present. how can u justify that.
Talking of Kashmiri hindus....we want them back but only as Kashmiris not as agents of indian domain.
May god bless you

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RE:RE:a question to muslims
by Gharpure, Ravindra S on May 19, 2007 12:01 PM  Permalink
God bless you too Azaan Rashid..
If anyone from kashmir wants any freedom from the biggest democracy in the world - they are free to go anywhere they want. We are not parting with anymore land from our motherland. Let's see who gives these 'freedom (ha ha ha) seekers' an assylum - may be afghanistan .. Amen !

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RE:a question to muslims
by Anniyan on May 19, 2007 12:14 PM  Permalink
rightly said...already India was parted into 3..
and now you need Kashmir, no no more....we are in hungry to reunite our departed land and form a Hindu nation...God is blessing us

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RE:RE:a question to muslims
by Anniyan on May 19, 2007 12:08 PM  Permalink
its becoz you people were supporting Pakistan and in J&K Muslims contribute 99% of the total population...

Don't you know the fact or you an infant...its really a good joke...

visit www.factusa.org , the thing that is done by muslims...ur really a good jokie....

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RE:RE:a question to muslims
by sharma on May 19, 2007 12:46 PM  Permalink
Mr. Rashid
who gave you the right to represent Kashmir. At the time of independence, a Hindu king ruled Kashmir and he willingly merged kashmir in to indian republic. The kashmiri hindus also like to be a part of india. Then who do you be to ask for seperate state. Let me tell you India has capability to smash up all anti national elements.

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RE:a question to muslims
by mohd hussain shah on May 19, 2007 11:38 AM  Permalink
Dear Aryaputra ,

No body will ever come out to speak about what you call genocide of kashmiree pandits. KAshmir is not a religious issue. Kashmiree pandits were not removed from kashmir neither were they killed by muslims. You should study the situation then prevailing in kashmir before asking for any comments.


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RE:a question to muslims
by Gharpure, Ravindra S on May 19, 2007 11:57 AM  Permalink
Mohd Hussain, All of us here need a break !!!!!!
If Kashmir is not religious - you are living on Pluto !

Aryaputra, I tend to listen to what you have to say. When Mr. Bush arrived in India there were thousands of predominatly muslim people demonstrating against him. Meaning - that Muslims can and do organize themselves to protest. However the question is that why don't they display the same attitude when it came to Godhra or Mumbai blasts or attack on Parliament - not to speak about attrocities in Kashmir !!

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RE:RE:a question to muslims
by Anniyan on May 19, 2007 12:11 PM  Permalink
to know the evils done by muslims for Kashmiri pandits visit..


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RE:a question to muslims
by Anniyan on May 19, 2007 12:06 PM  Permalink
really a very good joke...are you living in this world or in any other planet...

this is what makes you people like this...know the truth ...really shame on you...

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RE:was the qoran wrong?
by on May 19, 2007 11:13 AM  Permalink
Yes it is!
Quran is the word of almighty Allah (swt) as a guidance to the whole mankind, it is a way of life. It is the duty of every muslim to invite his/her fellow beings towards the truth.

As the Quran says:
'Invite (all) to the way of thy Lord
with wisdom and beautiful preaching;
and argue with them in ways that are
best and most gracious.'
[Al-Qur'an 16:125]

Now its the will of the kafir whether he converts or not, there is no compulsion as stated in Quran:

'Let there be no compulsion in religion:
Truth stands out clear from error'
[Al-Qur'an 2:256]

And yes u r true, every muslim's life has to begin and end at Qur'an. Islam means 'submitting ones will to Allah (swt)' and how can you do that by differing from the woed of Allah (swt) i.e. the Quran?!!

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RE:RE:RE:was the qoran wrong?
by imran khan on May 19, 2007 11:28 AM  Permalink
yes mr. aryaputra the life of every muslim must start and end with the qur'an.Dou know the meaning os ISLAM " I Surrender myself to the Laws of Allah and Mohammad(SAW). sobe careful about talking any offensing messages regarding qur'an , if u go thro the qur'an u will be among with us...

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Its awesome
by khan on May 19, 2007 10:21 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

its an awesome display of communal hatred by the police.we can critisez terrorist attack,but wot can you say when police kills its own ppl in name communal.this has truly exposed the RSS breeding of law enforcement agencies.these bastred could have used rubber bullets,water cannons,but these pathatec "thulley" done much damage than the blast,we can undrstand that ok its a handiwork of terrorist organisation(RSS or owt ever)but the action of police sucks.it compelled muslim to think for an option

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RE:Its awesome
by rajesh bhaskar on May 19, 2007 10:27 AM  Permalink
khan.. see you all muslim countries man..every where they fight each other. RSS is just an 100 year old orgnisation that represent 10% of hindus. iraq attacked kuwait because of rss, iran and iraq fight because of rss, russia bomb because of rss, daily killing in kashmiri hindus and muslims becuase of rss. indonesia maliblast because of rss. 9/11 rss , 7/11 rss.
don't be a pig be a muslim ask your mind itself ,retorspect yourself indian is only safest place for muslim in the world and you wnat to spoil that for what.. to fight a as sunni to shia or ahmadiya or qureshi or khans or pathans
and islam read the the history of islam, you are just a convert , not even a muslim for arabs .. you are just a secondary muslim..

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RE:RE:Its awesome
by saravanan on May 19, 2007 10:34 AM  Permalink
US may be international terrorist,
but let me tell u, in our india, our own RSS & its wings is the spoilsport. Even if BJP wants to take a secular path, RSS is compelling it not to move away from the pseudo ideology it has created. That too just for its political gain and ego satisfaction. Now we educated people should understand this plan and condemn all this type of groups whichever community they belong to (SIMI, RSS, ULFA, Bajrang Dal, LTTE, Naxals, LT). We should only promote groups which work towards harmony.

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RE:Its awesome
by Human Value on May 19, 2007 10:40 AM  Permalink
You piece of DMK shit Sarvanan - why don't you watch your Kalaingar and his WIVES and SONS fight on SUN TV instead of discussing serious tuff like this.

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RE:Its awesome
by Human Value on May 19, 2007 10:32 AM  Permalink
Well said Rajesh! That was really funny!

Actually Mohammed started Islam because of RSS!

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RE:Its awesome
by The Lion on May 19, 2007 10:41 AM  Permalink
Sameer Bhagwat, your really a asshole! Everyone in this nation knows what RSS and Terrorism in name of Islam is? Why are you so blind?

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RE:Its awesome
by AMJATH KHAN on May 19, 2007 10:45 AM  Permalink
NO MR....
Islam is one there is no first nnd secondary muslim.., this type of partiton is in hindu community not in islam..., if anybody in muslim community tell like this they are not muslim. Brother you go through the holy Quran you can understand it.., we accept in many muslim nation have sunni, siya conflict but this is not a sectarian, this is like a brothers fight.. we will overcome it....

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RE:Its awesome
by Human Value on May 19, 2007 10:51 AM  Permalink
sunnis kill shia!
shia kill sunni
pakis kill afghans
afghans kill tajik
iraqi kills irani
irani kills kurd

All muslims are equal!
Inshallah :-)

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RE:Its awesome
by Gharpure, Ravindra S on May 19, 2007 12:08 PM  Permalink
Dear Amjath Bhai ! With these definitions what prevents you from traeting RSS as your brotherhood too ? Why are you descriminating ?

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RE:RE:Its awesome
by imran khan on May 19, 2007 11:39 AM  Permalink
alhamdullih . amjath bhai... what a fact u said..

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RE:Its awesome
by imran khan on May 19, 2007 11:37 AM  Permalink
alhamdullih . amjath bhai... what a fact u said..

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RE:Its awesome
by Human Value on May 19, 2007 10:25 AM  Permalink
Anti-socils need to be shot!

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RE:Its awesome
by gopal g on May 19, 2007 10:31 AM  Permalink
i don't go far as to say they should be shot
but they are also offenders and deserved to punished by fining them and recovering the damages
one thing people should keep in mind before protesting is they might be killed by police firing
this fear should be there .

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RE:RE:Its awesome
by on May 19, 2007 01:08 PM  Permalink
I agree that the police should have shown more restraint but calling the police communal is not right. Sorry guys but all of you- Aryaputra, khan,anniyan, ravindra,Azaan rashid, take a break. it is views and opinions such as yours that creates rift in the minds of people. You guys sow a seed in the minds of common people which can be really dangerous and you are not helping in any manner to defuse the situation. Your kind of views which are so biassed instigate communal violence and force innocent people to take sides. 2 wrongs don't make a right is a very old saying and restraint is the key word. We can't get those who have been killed in this unfortunate event but let us atleast not justify the wrongs. mistakes do occur but this is exactly who india has been divided each time. be it a muslim or hindu, please be objective. india belongs to all those poeple who dwell here, be it a muslim, parsee, christian, sikh or hindu. Malvika

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RE:Its awesome
by ratnajayant gudavally on May 22, 2007 08:49 AM  Permalink
Aryaputra and such others have a point in what they say. Do not apply your religion's standards to judge another man's religion. You have to put religion in your Masjid,Temple, Church, Gurudwars etc., but not take them out and displaying your piousness or graeeness. That is hupocrisy... Actually all this kind of external exhibitionism of religion are to be with held. Hold your religiosity and piousness with you till you reach your own goal.....the heaven.....but don't show hell to others who are passivly practising their religion.

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RE:Its awesome
by Deepak Gupta on May 19, 2007 10:32 AM  Permalink
You cannot b an innocent when your moral support is 4 terrorists.

Please explain why muslims, not terrorists but faithful muslims like you planned to attack hindu temples where hindu worsihppers were praying ?
Pl do not justify terrorist, 7 out of 14 muslims killed were such people when fired on by police, going to burn hindu temples.



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RE:Pseudo hindus
by Anniyan on May 19, 2007 10:34 AM  Permalink
its becoz that HINDU people are great and had scarificed their life....so is the existence of Hindus....I think you are still working to eliminate us...non-sense...i think you are worrying , why we are here after 1000 years of barbaric rule..

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RE:Pseudo hindus
by ratnajayant gudavally on May 22, 2007 08:59 AM  Permalink
There is a point in what they say. Do not apply your religion%u2019s standards to judge another man's religion. You have to put religion in your Masjid, Temple, Church, Gurudwaras etc., but not take them out and displaying your piousness or grateness. That is hypocrisy...

Actually all this kind of external exhibitionism of religion are to be with held by law enforcing authorities to maintain peace and social discipline. Hold your religiosity and piousness with you till you reach your own goal....your heaven.....but don't show hell to others who are passively practicing their religion.

All the Jihads and religious wars were meant for the particular period when they were at the stage of inception or conception. Like the Jihads were meant for the contemporaries of Prophet Muhammad%u2019s time, in Arabia where it was founded. Not in a small place in a far away country of India. If you like adopt or else keep shut about the truth or untruth. Only God knows the truth...If a man could decide who is wrong and who is right God was not needed. A true God and True Law are to keep the ape mans progeny in control failing which this is the condition.....CHAOS UNLIMITED.... SPREADING ALL OVER THE WORLD!

So stop all this frenzy to justify%u2026. Who is right or who is wrong ! No human being has a right to judge other human being.

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RE:RE:RE:Pseudo hindus
by Human Value on May 19, 2007 10:28 AM  Permalink
There was no 1000 years of Muslim rule ... It was heroes like Krishna Deva Raya, Rana Pratap, Shivaji and Guru Gobind Singh who kept the Hindus and Sikhs relatively free of Muslims.

It is not because Muslims are benevolent.

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RE:Pseudo hindus
by Abu Thalha on May 21, 2007 03:00 PM  Permalink
Prophet is never wrong Gentleman. Quran does not prescribe or instructrs terrorism. A terrorist can not be a true Muslim. If u still insist that Islam is terrorism and Prophet taught so, try to elevate Islam from the World no one can. You can not expect a Muslim to reject the Quran. But it is fully logic.

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RE:RE:Pseudo hindus
by ratnajayant gudavally on May 22, 2007 09:19 AM  Permalink
Logic and rationalism are two identities of human evolution.... let us go forward not backeard !

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RE:Pseudo hindus
by on May 19, 2007 11:58 AM  Permalink
'Muslims insistence on single Quran'

This is the base of Islam - oneness of the Almighty Allah (swt). So there has to be only one scripture, the word of Allah (swt). It is not a worldly theory kind of thing that if one doesn't find logic go for other. Don't blame it on Quran or sayings of prophet(pbuh) when you haven't gone through them. Quran says the truth and is very logical, but only if ye knew!
Truly tell me how many so called Hindus have gone through the Veds, purans, Gita, Ramayana...etc etc to fall back upon? You know about the Ramayana or Mahabharat as its shown on TV...isn't it?

As far as the issue of 'forceful' conversion is considered I let the Quran explain the truth:

'Let there be no compulsion in religion:
Truth stands out clear from error'
[Al-Qur%u2019an 2:256]

'Invite (all) to the way of thy Lord
with wisdom and beautiful preaching;
and argue with them in ways that are
best and most gracious.'
[Al-Qur%u2019an 16:125]

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