Mr Sameer Bhagwat, You are accusing others of telling lies as well as of bias. See what you are writing: "10,000 people were killed in Gujrat in 2002" - what is your source. Even the Muslim organizations have not been able to substantiate a number higher than 3,000. Further, when you are talking about truth, you should tell the whole truth. YOu should also tell how many Hindus among '10,000' killed? According to most reports I have seen a large percentage of the kileed wer Hindus. Did you mention that? Concealing a fact is as bad as telling a lie. Next point is - you are giving lot of power to "sangh" Parivar. By saying that "sangh" can do it, you are making "Sangh" bigger than what it is. Probably the leaders of RSS would be grateful to you for this propoganda. From what I haveseen closely, "sangh" is not powerful enough. It thrives basically because of the propaganda given to it by so called secular forces. Only weapon they know is "Lathi" (Strong enough to protect individuals and enough to create fear , but not strong enough to create terrorism acts). If you see daily Shakhas, most of them do not have more than four-five attending. They do not have enough clout. You are free to attend shkhas yourself and see what they teach.
Third point, Remember in Delhi, Maharashtra, AP and in the center, there is Congress Govt. Congress would have too happily put it on RSS and BJP if they can to take potical advantage. They know very well that RSS/BJP did not do it. If Arjun Singh was PM, he would have put the false allegations, but Manmohan won't.
RE:Hindu Nazi terrorists at work AGAIN
by sharma on May 19, 2007 01:43 PM Permalink
You are not Hindustani. Murkh Prani! don't you know that hindu organisation doesn't believe in voilence. Voilence and terrorism are the legacy of your so call peace loving community.
by rajesh bhaskar on May 19, 2007 10:49 AM yes man .. shia sunni rites every day RSS did it, palenstine rites RSS did it. mohammed and wars RSS did it. afghan looting raping demolishing temple RSS did it. pakisthan RSS did it. create osama RSS did it. daily killing of kashmiri hindus and mulsims RSS did it. your grandmother raped and your fathers converted to islam RSS did it. mohammed was killed by poison ny jewish women as revenge RSS had given poison to the jewish women. blakstone in mecca RSS put it their. praying and touching moahmmed hair and sword in hazratbal RSS didn't Geelani was produced RSS did it. bhuto killed RSS didn't all mugals emperors killed thier parents RSS said to do it. haq- was killed rss did it. my dear friend go sit in place calm your mind and think if you have some shame and self respect how can you be a pig
by prasad ukkalam venkat on May 19, 2007 10:45 AM Permalink
You mad dog you are barking. If you do not like India leave this place immediately and go to pakistan where you will be treated as mad dog only. You people are being tolerated in India only. You crooks, you do not mind killing your own innocent people by bombs. The Mecca masjib bomb blast is not by any one exept mad dogs like you only. You do not have reason and have brains to see the reason. Yes we hindus have committed one mistake i.e. tolerating mad dogs like you. Go and die in pakistan.
by rajesh bhaskar on May 19, 2007 10:49 AM Permalink
yes man .. shia sunni rites every day RSS did it, palenstine rites RSS did it. mohammed and wars RSS did it. afghan looting raping demolishing temple RSS did it. pakisthan RSS did it. create osama RSS did it. daily killing of kashmiri hindus and mulsims RSS did it. your grandmother raped and your fathers converted to islam RSS did it. mohammed was killed by poison ny jewish women as revenge RSS had given poison to the jewish women. blakstone in mecca RSS put it their. praying and touching moahmmed hair and sword in hazratbal RSS didn't Geelani was produced RSS did it. bhuto killed RSS didn't all mugals emperors killed thier parents RSS said to do it. haq- was killed rss did it. my dear friend go sit in place calm your mind and think if you have some shame and self respect you can't be a muslim
Now my hindu brothers try to unterstand that terroist are only terroist they hv no religion!!!After Male Gaon blast,Train blast at Pak border & today at Hydrabad%u2019s Mecca mosque There has been killed 99.9% muslim ppl!!!Now wts yr opinion dear hindu fundamentalist??WE Islam not against peace,ISLAM meaning " I SHALL LOVE ALL MANKINDS"!!So pls dont shought against muslim !!!Shought against terrorism !! They only work to kill & disturbing to innocent ppl!! When blastn happen in train or bus or any place terrorist don%u2019t see which ppl is there !!!Again I hv to say terroist are only terroist they are not muslim,hindu,christan,shikh or any human being!!!