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The two sides are continuing discussions with a view to finalising the bilateral co-operation agreement in CIVIL nuclear energy.
by hi on May 16, 2007 08:44 PM  Permalink 

The two sides are continuing discussions with a view to finalising the bilateral co-operation agreement in CIVIL nuclear energy.
We need more electricity for agri or domestic use. Any capable country also can help us in the civilian uses of energy as we have vast requirement of energy.

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N deal
by arungopal agarwal on May 16, 2007 04:07 PM  Permalink 

Appears, our capability as nuclear power is not perfect or we depend on Western world.Compromise is always better for national interest,our first interest is not war preparations but electricity for agriculture as well as for industry.
Any workable formula should therefore be appricated instead of living into a fasle world.

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by Jaya Kannan on May 16, 2007 03:36 PM  Permalink 

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RE:RE:Muslims the Great
by Shyam on May 16, 2007 02:39 PM  Permalink
U r absolutely correct!!! These Indian muslims should understand this and desist from any voilence and enjoy the freedom provided to them!!We Indians ape the west and these Indian Muslims ape the West(Arab World)

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RE:RE:RE:Muslims the Great
by Amit gaur on May 16, 2007 03:49 PM  Permalink
freedomd is not provided by we hindus, its a right of every india, be indian first. in the past we use to burn our widows with deaed husband, will u like it now, offcourse not, in past brahmin used to kick dalits , they were not allowed to drink water from same ghat, so dont talk nonsence and past, its just been about 60 year that we got independent, its muslims rules this country for centuries, if they been like u none of the hindu would have survived, change your self first

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RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:Muslims the Great
by Amit gaur on May 16, 2007 07:28 PM  Permalink
tum log nahi sudhar saktey ho, tab hi tou india, corruption main best hai, tum logo ki thnking garib desh ki hi hai achcha hai tum log yehi socho aur jhelo

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RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:Muslims the Great
by americaisgreat on May 16, 2007 09:17 PM  Permalink
You are good at coming up with stories.

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RE:Muslims the Great
by on May 16, 2007 02:34 PM  Permalink
Well said !! I second that ... We are supposedly a very tolerant nation that has let Mohammad of Ghazni to invade / plunder our nation about 17 times in the past...and more so, we proudly read abt Mohammad of Ghazni in our history books...Heh heh heh....We are people with no self respect...

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RE:RE:Muslims the Great
by Shyam on May 16, 2007 02:41 PM  Permalink
and that same Babbar who also plundered Hindu Temples and built babri mosque, our pseudo secular parties and hindus want to make it a monument and muslims glorify it and kill people in it's name(Mumbai riots)..such a shame on US Indians!! and these nationalists , communists and socialists(journalists, social worker,politicians).

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RE:RE:RE:Muslims the Great
by americaisgreat on May 16, 2007 09:14 PM  Permalink
where is proof?

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Bush Down Down
by Indian on May 16, 2007 02:06 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Bush is trying to destabilize our country. Please stop it.

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RE:Bush Down Down
by Sahadevan KK on May 16, 2007 02:17 PM  Permalink
Indian, well said.

We must give the support and encourage the political parties who take strict action against Bush and his government.

Today, BJP and Congress give their support to Bush administration and try to attack other religions under divide and rule strategy in Bush's supervision.

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