by True Lies on May 08, 2007 11:02 PM Permalink
Oh Beauty Queens of the World...shame upon you...cuz the Beast is now the Beauty Queen...what angle do u find the lady Beautiful??
by c on May 08, 2007 11:16 PM Permalink
Beauty is in the eyes of!!! Beauty is skin deep.... This is not true lies but a lied truth
Myself from UP living in Europe for last 1 year UP is going down and down with politial parties like BSP who have no ajenda apart from caste and criminal politics. Come on people wakeup unless you yourself will be responsibile for your downfall. But one more issue is people dont have good choice but still then atleast you choose bad from worst..
RE:UP is going down and down
by Madan Kumar on May 08, 2007 11:32 PM Permalink
Excellant point by Mayank. It is always in peoples hand - they can choose deligently are keep blaming the leaders.
RE:UP is going down and down
by c on May 08, 2007 11:07 PM Permalink
mayank....., WHAT is the "ajenda" of BJP,SP,CONGRESS??? apart from caste and criminal politics.
Come on YOU wakeup. Its just either you want to be looted by polished, sophisticated like Rahul or a rustic like mayawati????
Leave europe & come to India and give us good governance....
So, finally congress is out despite all this drama by Gandhi family members and media management. Why do n't they see their own performance - every where they are failures - price rise, national security, education, employment, farmers suicides etc. They are champions of vote bank politics and reservation, but to our rescue there is one entity known as Supreme Court of India who will not allow them to play with this country.
by c on May 08, 2007 11:13 PM Permalink
India is UP you dumb dravidian!!!! Not without reason our ancestors kicked you out of here. You are doing to srilanka what pakistan is doing kashmir.... we dont get any sympathy or open support in UNO because of you @@#@#
by Madan Kumar on May 08, 2007 11:33 PM Permalink
Wow..phalcon - never would have guessed that you are a paki trying to kick up north-south devide.
by kay ess on May 09, 2007 02:42 AM Permalink
India is NOT UP and thank god for that. IF any good news is there in india it is from the south. And dont be racist. Be a nationalist. Can we do anything to fix UP? Lets worry about that....
by chaitanya kumar on May 08, 2007 11:27 PM Permalink
c, it's really divergent views. You hate "dravidians" but support pandits of kashmir and some of the tamils support tamils in lanka. I don't like to insult UP, but Tamil Nadu is doing much better than it in development paramenters and adding a lot of wealth to national exchequer. What ancestors you are talking about? Hindus down south are more ancient than you people who are changed since the times of muslim invasions. We are almost the same we were thousands of years ago. The ramayana and mahabaratha are translated very precisely and recited in south. The Hindus down south were making movies on this epics when you are rivelling in Mughal-e-Azam. The latter adaptation to doordarshan of ramayana and mahabharata were offshoots of similar movies made down south. I don't know what of it survives in North and how much of it is left untouched. I can give many other examples. Sorry for digressing to this level but you started it.
by c on May 08, 2007 11:39 PM Permalink
Hey ck talking about economics.....
Size of the population of UP is same as that of USA..... what else do you expect??? Its not the people its the politicians.... Trust me, your TN with this population size would have been a bigger menace.
I sympathize with both shias and kashmiri pandits but I dont sympathize to that level, asking them to be a terrorist
who will form the govt....bsp plus bjp...???...this only looks a possible allience...v r only 2 blame 4 the mess..v vote on basis of caste n religion..never give importance to hard core issues n demand it frm parties...real voters wid senses do not go to vote..rather he takes it as another holiday...
After all this media management against BJP and SP, congress is projected to win only 27 seats? True, that the congress Party can't fool the citizens all the time. They don't see their own performance on the fronts of national security, price rise, farmers suicides, reservation - all the time they are engaged in petty vote bank politics. Anurag
RE:Pseudo Secularists are out !!
by AD on May 08, 2007 11:23 PM Permalink
Congress was never in the race in these elections. There only aim was to increase their vote share and create a space for themselves in UP. And they have succeeded in doing that.
Divide the state into smaller states of nearly 3-4 crore each and that will make governance and development easy. Bihar was divided, Bengal was divided, Punjab was divided, South was divided, and UP should be divided too. It's difficult to focus on development projects if the state has such huge population. The only places that are more populated than UP are China, India, USA and Brazil.
RE:[object MouseEvent]
by chaitanya kumar on May 08, 2007 10:50 PM Permalink
not really. Hyderabad means 3 million muslims and more than 4 million Hindus from Andhra living there, and many of them are migrants from coastal Andhra and are highly influential people. The reason why Telangana is a tried a tested case is mainly because of this reason. There are people from other states in large numbers as well. I don't think they want a muslim rule either.
RE:[object MouseEvent]
by chaitanya kumar on May 08, 2007 10:55 PM Permalink
because of the number clout i believe. Besides that, Urdu was nurtured in Hyderabad. The Hindi people speak there is urdu oriented.
RE:Burdens of UP are it's size
by chaitanya kumar on May 08, 2007 10:54 PM Permalink
muslims of Hyderabad are some of the most backward people on Earth. Most of them don't pay electricity bills to begin with. They live in old city adjacent to main city. I don't know why they want to rule sophisticated city people living there who are mostly Hindus.
RE:Burdens of UP are it's size
by chaitanya kumar on May 08, 2007 11:04 PM Permalink
I don't think Nizam could have lasted long even if the Indian state failed to act. He was ruling a state that was hindu dominated and bordered with hindu dominated states everywhere. That will only mean Nizam overthrow at some point.
RE:Burdens of UP are it's size
by chaitanya kumar on May 08, 2007 11:01 PM Permalink
The idea of forming a muslim state will not jell well with non-muslims living in Andhra. It will polarise the entire state if the proposal takes concrete shape. Telugu people call the city as Bagyanagaram. So they have made it a part of their own after state was formed. Any plans to separate it will communalize the state.
Correct. That's why COngress will slowly give in. Like special rights for Hyd. Then add few more........This way, MIM will be happy. And Congress will get their vote.
RE:Burdens of UP are it's size
by chaitanya kumar on May 08, 2007 11:07 PM Permalink
The other way to see it is, hindus will get frustrated if Congress gives in and they will rope in BJP. Seems Congress will die a painful death if it appeases or not in what is a dormantly polarized state.
RE:Burdens of UP are it's size
by chaitanya kumar on May 08, 2007 10:45 PM Permalink
yeah muslim state is problem. We have Kashmir which is muslim dominated and most of Indian security forces virtually live there because of that. One more muslim state means a million more Indian army recruits and thousands of tanks. It's a problem :-)
opinion poll says that The two surveys have projected no improvement in the position of Congress despite a vigorous campaign by Rahul Gandhi and perhaps the Rule of Nehru Family of 50 years is considered to be sufficient by UP and Indian Public and all efforts of Rahul and Priyanka backed by Sonia cannot revive Congress to Rule UP and India evan
Phulpur, the Loksabha seat which returned Jawaharlal Nehru few times, now seeing Wahiullah - the Madrasa teacher who bombed Varanasi station (because "it looks like a temple") in the frey.
Exit Polls predicted BJP to win by majority in the last Lok Sabha elections. What happened? Did it score? Matter of fact, Congress became the single largest party and formed a Government. Exit polls cannot work for Indian elections. Indian society, thinking, politics, politicians and election dynamics are too complex to be sampled by say 40000 people. So these exit polls can be a 'feel good' factor for some people and entertainment for others but are seldom able to say any truth.