HYDERABAD: The plan mooted by the state government to create a non-existing caste system among the Muslims and have about 90 per cent of the total 80 lakh of them declared BC was reportedly opposed by a large section of the community leaders.
The aides of chief minister Y S Rajasekhara Reddy recently met a group of Muslim political, social and religious leaders in Hyderabad to get a feedback on the issue and were disappointed to note that none of them said it would be wise to split the community.
According to some analysts, there have been instances where the Muslims and Buddhists have been taken as single groups such as in Karnataka and declared backward.
The Tamil Nadu GO No.1564 of July 30, 1985 has used terms such as Syeds and Sheikhs for declaring the Muslims backward. But these and other similar terms do not denote a caste, which is essentially categorised on the basis of one's traditional occupation and a set of rituals. The government has also reactivated Backward Classes Commission, which is going into its second round of hearing on Muslims soon.
The sources believe that the data collected by the chief minister's men would be incorporated in the commission's report in support of declaring the Muslims backwards.
The report could also be presented to the High Court as a comprehensive work undertaken at its instance on the subject.
RE:High Tech Terrorists & Low Thinking Politicians?
by AmarAkbar Antony on May 07, 2007 04:02 PM Permalink
Some Napunsak (a person whose sex cannot be determined), I am sure, will report this as Abuse.
GPS which stands for Global positioning system derives its inputs from the communication satellites orbiting the earth at an altitude at 36000 km. 1/3 rd of the earth is under the Line of Sight of such satellites. Total denial of GPS service or GPS signals is possible only if the satellites are destroyed or US blocks the commercial downlink frequency. The CDMA telephony also depends on GPS for synchronization. However, it'll be possible to partially block the interpretation of GPS data by the receiver by corrupting the signal with strong noise modulated signals in the same downlink frequency of 1575 MHz with a bandwidth of 6 MHz. This can corrupt the detection ability of the GPS receivers in the vicinity of the jamming device i.e. about 40 km. But if there's a person in Pakistan with a GPS device guiding his men into the Indian territory, it won't be possible to block his device from detecting the GPS signals. Else, one of the Indian satellites in a lower orbit may be used to emit noise modulated signals at the GPS's downlink frequency thereby corrupting the reception of GPS signals. But this will however have commercial impacts as the entire CDMA telephony currently operating in the Indian sub-continent depends on GPS for synchronization.
RE:It's not easy to block all the GPS signals.
by on May 07, 2007 05:18 PM Permalink
I think it is good idea to jam GPS, GSM and CDMA signals near border areas. Istead of using a satellite to do the job I think it can better be done using tower antennas. This will make them blind of their positions.
MPs,MLAs entire time is spent in appeasing certain castes and communites.Rest of the time is spent siphoning indian taxpayer's money. They dont have time for national security.Laloo Prasad says "what is IT?"I will never allow to enter IT in bihar
While terrorists are using GPS for infiltration, the Indian politicians are using OBC Quota System. Objectives of the terrorists and the politicians - Divide Mother India.
Get up those children of India whose sex cannot be determined (meaning Napunsaks. I have had to explain because some Napunsak is reporting this message as Abuse.
This technology has been in existense for quite a fews years now. Almost every truck today carrying expensive goods has this system to be monitored. Our defence specialists I am susre should have expected this because ships, expeditioners find great use for these navigation tools. With this tool all that the terrorists can do is keep on track and be warned if they are loosing their way. If army intelligence has a good idea of the route that the terrorists would take they now have a better chance to nab them because earlier they wre more unpredictable without these devices now they will become more predictable. The title to this article is actually baffling army should be happy now.
hi all, not only we require hi-tech to our army but also we have to fight these militants on ideological front also. we have to understand their ideology for what purpose they are fighting. their ideology is "Jehad" and to eliminate other sects from their dominace portion. we have to accept their motive and find ways to sideline such forces whether in arms or just sympathisers. unless and untill we will accept politically the ground realities of militancy in kashmir and in other parts of india we will be unable to fight such militant forces because itis war of nerves also. it requires political will from all the corners and from all the parties,all political parties have to adopt secularism in true sense and not only for muslims( militant is a militant not muslim,hindu,sikh etc.).
RE:Hi-tech terrorists baffle Indian Army
by mir hussain on May 07, 2007 03:54 PM Permalink
First i could like to Quote this saying "People hate those things which they hardly know". Being a muslim it is wrong on my side if i criticise other religion since i hardly know about them. What we see or read on the net, need not be true. Just boz of few lunatics you can't blame the whole community & religion. I sincerly believe that people who are incapble of dilvering good's only, know only to criticise rather than trying to know the truth.
RE:Hi-tech terrorists baffle Indian Army
by ravishankar singh on May 07, 2007 04:14 PM Permalink
my friend hussain, iam not criticising peace loving people of your side.i am criricising only those fanatics who believe in "armed jehadi ideology". if you are not follower and sympathiser of this ideology than where is a blame on any community.come and join hands to oppose such persons who are maligning your community by jehadi ideology.
The Indian govt is not talking about opening up of 7 more cross-points with Pakistan - as if infiltration was not enough to islamize India. Soon India would become and be announced as an Islamic state. I request all sane people to vote Congress and its allies out of the central govt for playing with national sovereignity.
RE:Islamization of India by Congress
by AmarAkbar Antony on May 07, 2007 03:45 PM Permalink
Indians will cry blood through their eyes for entrusting India to the Sonia, Manmohan, Arjun Singh mafia. We cannot really balme poor Manmohan Singh who is only SSL (Sonial Sandal Licker).
RE:Islamization of India by Congress
by Nitin jain on May 07, 2007 03:54 PM Permalink
I feel that india ( Not Bharat) has lost his Indenty. beacuse she is india NOT BHARAT. THIS COUNTRY is always (GOOLAM) under control by invader. that is her especiallity. HINDU IS MADE FOR CONTROL BY MUSLIM AND OTHER MINIORTY. THIS IS THE TRAGEDY BY HISTRY THAT OTHER COMMUNITY IS ALWAYS RULE over hindu. but these bastered hindu will never understand.
by Nitin jain on May 07, 2007 04:04 PM Permalink
Why we ( Hindu, although i feel frustated)not maintain glory, etho and culture of our religion like maintain by CHINA, AMERICA AND OTHER EUROPIAN COUNTRY.NOT FRAN AND BRETAIN ( because slowely slowely they are going to islamization).if our system - DEMOCRAY - Rotten democracy mean CHOES WHERE FREEDOM WITH ACCOUNTABLITY AND WITHOUT RESPONSBILITY.where milliom donkey electa dumb and deaf dunkey among them to rule and fullfill their agenda.
RE:Islamization of India by Congress
by abhishek anand on May 07, 2007 03:46 PM Permalink
by the way goshal, if we vote out congress who would come to power?... BJP..... Same guys who with all band party went to wahga border for lahore bus, to start bus service only to be taken by surprise in Kargil, after few months. Or a BJP Government who escorted terrorists to Kandhahar...... or to BJP which has an Iron Man called Advani who kissed Jinnah's ..... in his Pak visit. Or BJP which is so honest to the cause of Hindus, that it sleeps for most of the times and start its Hindu Yatras at the time of Elections. Election over, Yatra over, topic over. I dont say congress is good, but tell me a better option please
We need the able leadership of Maran to equip our Military with hi tech gadgets. He is the best person to handle this. Look at how much he has revolutionized the telecom industry.... before him we were literally being looted for STD and ISD calls...
RE:Telecom Ministry to jump in
by nandhu kumar on May 07, 2007 04:54 PM Permalink
PLEASE BE CAREFUL HE REMALE INDIAN MILTALATRY AS SUN TV NETOWORK SECURITY, iF HE DINT LESS THE COST FOR std ISD, Things will be diff, al most you know daily 20000/Lan line cancellation... Dont you have any idea about technology/ Meena like people ... Please aware maran and his brother running 20 Tv channels where from they got money.....