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Most corrupted
by ramakrishna prayaga on May 08, 2007 01:20 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

He is the most corrupted CM ever born in India.There should a capital punishment for people who are corrupted being in such highly responsible positions.

He is a conversionist to the core.

Guys did you watch this show on NDTV CNN-IBN programme , How he was screwed up by karan thapar.

Shamless he is , still continues to rule the state.

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RE:Most corrupted
by ravi shanker on May 10, 2007 11:36 AM  Permalink
friend, he is a best cm ever in india, only bcoz of media he is underthreaten, he don lot of work which doesn't happen in 50yr in andhra pradesh, and you are taking of ramoji rao, what wrong they raised the question if ramoji rao has answer why cant he give clarfication, the main thing he cutdown huge money to media from 250cr to 50cr from advt from govt, so they started screwing him, what babu has done only IT or any thing else

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RE:Most corrupted
by Sai Puducode on May 08, 2007 01:31 AM  Permalink
He will continue as long as there is money to be made. He will milk the people as long as he can.
The actions of evangelical Christian CM YSR Govt. suggests a well designed plan to
decimate Hinduism in AP through destruction of Hindu Institutions and abetting massive
illegal conversions. The entire state infrastructure is made available for these activities.
Areas surrounding every major Hindu Temple has become center of intense conversion activity.
Endowment Dept. permits enormous Christian prayer meeting on temple lands with advertisements in
temples. Most important Hindu holidays such as Rama Navami are selected to be removed from Govt holiday list. Next, he will refuse you a govt job if you are a Hindu.

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by Minu Mukherjee on May 08, 2007 01:41 AM  Permalink

*of Ramji Rao

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RE:YSR is deeply involved in Evangelical COnversion activities
by Sai Puducode on May 08, 2007 01:19 AM  Permalink
aranatha Volunteers International (MVI) is approaching its 750th church to be constructed in India since beginning work in the country in 1998. Based on the maximum capacity of each church design, the effort has yielded approximately 250,000 additional seats for the Adventist Church membership in India.

In 1998 the Southern Asia Division had a reported 225,000 members. Today, Ron Watts, president of the Southern Asia Division, estimates that the numbers reach 825,000.

"We have 3,000 congregations that are meeting without a house of worship, meeting under the trees or meeting in the street," says Watts. "And they feel disgraced by this; they feel they're living in dishonor. . . . When we visit villages, they don't ask for the other things. The one thing they ask for is 'Please help us to have a place where we can worship God.' " --Maranatha Matters/AR

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by Minu Mukherjee on May 08, 2007 01:37 AM  Permalink

This will give rise to Hindutva, VHP, BJP to the furthest corner of Andhra.

Which is not bad afterall.

South Indian people are more religious, traditional than average east indian/north india.

If I can get upset with Y Samuel Reddy, I can understand what is going thro minds of millions of Telegu people.

he actually forced to backtrack after caught red-handed doing mischief in Tirupati. Didn't he?

In the process, 10s of millions of Hindus got engaged and they will further radicalise many more.

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RE:YSR is deeply involved in Evangelical COnversion activities
by Sai Puducode on May 08, 2007 01:46 AM  Permalink
You are right. If Hindus will finally wake up from their slumber & realize that they are cornered in their own country they will beg VHP/RSS/BJP to protect them.

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RE:YSR is deeply involved in Evangelical COnversion activities
by ravi shanker on May 10, 2007 12:07 PM  Permalink
plz may known who is Samuel?, even i am from andhrapradesh but YSR full name is not Samuel is full name is Dr. Yeduguri Sandinti Rajasekhara Reddy

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RE:YSR is deeply involved in Evangelical COnversion activities
by Sai Puducode on May 08, 2007 01:27 AM  Permalink

We know that from the Bible ignorant people were convinced that God was sitting in the clouds and for that reason they lifted their hands and raised their voices in appeals for help. Astronomy pointed a telescope to the spot where God was supposed to be and found no such character there. If upon the invention of the telescope God moved to a different abode, he left no trace of his former occupancy. Astronomers, using the most powerful telescopes, telescopes that can scan the universe for millions of miles, testify they can find no trace of such a being, and that God must be some crafty creature to have made his getaway under the circumstances. For there are stars within the domain of man's exploration whose light-rays require thousands of years to reach us, and if God is beyond the region of these stars he is certainly useless to us, because in less time than would be required for him to come to our assistance the human race might be no more.

But God for the moment is not our subject; neither is prayer, nor the Science of Astronomy. We are concerned for the moment with the fact only that the Science of Astronomy, which should find some benefit in the Bible, since it is supposed to deal with the region of space in which Astronomy is interested, rejects that book completely, by saying: the Bible may be perfectly satisfactory as a moral guide, but it contains nothing of value to Astronomy.

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RE:YSR is deeply involved in Evangelical COnversion activities
by Minu Mukherjee on May 08, 2007 01:34 AM  Permalink
Saiji: wait for just 2 years. Just watch the fall of YSR.

Andhra Janta pulled down mightly Indira. YSR is too small a fly.

He is most divisive, anti-national, corrupt CM India ever has had.

Courts will allow cases against him slowly but surely.

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Telegu Newspaper posing with YSR?
by Minu Mukherjee on May 08, 2007 12:58 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

What a shame. When YSR is hounding Enadu group for their corregious role in corruption case involving YSR & his family.

What a shame!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He is visiting World agricultural meet? When more than 10,000 people farmers died after he came to power?

He will face a very hostile crowd in US. Hindu groups will not leave him just like that.

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RE:Telegu Newspaper posing with YSR?
by Minu Mukherjee on May 08, 2007 01:04 AM  Permalink

* When YSR is hounding Enadu Group for courageous role in breaking news in corruption case involving YSR and his family.

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RE:Telegu Newspaper posing with YSR?
by Sai Puducode on May 08, 2007 01:10 AM  Permalink
How Congress, Communists, JDS etc run after minority votes by giving all types of concessions & there is no one to look after poor Hindus. You are lion cubs & not meek sheep & %u201CArise, Awake & Stop not till the goal is reached%u201D. Look at what the state & Central governments are doing. Reservations in Andhra Pradesh, TamilNadu, Kerala and AMU, the attempt by the ruling coalition to revive the IMDT Act which was struck down by the Supreme Court, the creation of a separate ministry for minorities, free money for Hajj, and the Muslim headcount in the armed forces are some examples of "minorityism%u201D perpetrated by this government. The poor Hindus are being induced with foreign currency & other benefits & now DMK wants to give them special backward class privileges. Now there will an exodus to convert to Islam & Christianity. Hindus are the greatest enemies of Hindus & for short-term gains they will do anything.
India is faced with alien religion invasion.In the past 10 years over 33,000 new churches and congregations have been established in India & Asia. Of this number, Global Mission Pioneers have established more than 22,000. There are more than 27,000 Global Mission Pioneers planting churches around the world. By the end of 2002, it is hoped that there will be more than 40,000 Pioneers planting churches.
On September 11, 2000, a contractor with Maranatha Volunteers International entered India & Afghanistan to supervise construction of a Loma Linda University Center, located in the heart of Delhi. He will also construct housing for Loma Linda personnel who will teach se**x, A*I*Ds, venereal diseases, hold clinics, and teach English. Our aim is to destroy local language, customs, & division of families. The program is expected to be completed early next year.
Global Mission reports, "Thousands of places around the world now have Seventh-day Adventist worshipers where previously there were none. We have just begun. We have millions of $ in our disposal & there are millions more to be reached by the gospel. Who can estimate the challenges and opportunities of the 10/40 windows? However, we have nothing to fear as we have ample evidence of dollars working in our Global Mission program. This we do know, as long as we have been willing to go, US conservatives have provided the people, the method, and the means. We will not fail because it is His work."

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We need anti-conversion law URGENTLY!!!
by Sai Puducode on May 08, 2007 12:46 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Formidable forces operating in the field of conversion warrant anti-conversion law. The phenomenal financial wherewithal available for Christian missionaries (NEW BORN CHRISTIANS- BENNY HINN) for proselytisation and evangelistic activities to facilitate conversion of people of other religions to Christianity is indeed mind-boggling. Their annual financial budget for proselytisation and evangelic activities in foreign countries is 145 billion dollars (Rs. 7,50,000 crore). Looking at the infrastructure facilities they have on role four million full-time workers numbering larger than the combined military strength of United States of America and Europe. This is the largest single army of workers save the red army of China to propagate Christianity. They run 13,000 major libraries. They publish 22,000 periodicals and print four billion tracts every year. They operate 1800 TV and radio stations propagating Christianity. What about their strength in India? They have more than 1,00,000 Pastors evangelists and preachers(NEW BORN CHRISTIANS- BENNY HINN). They have set a goal of building 2010 new churches by the year 2010 and to build in Tamil Nadu alone 1000 churches in the far-off villages. These are the plans of just one sect of Christianity. Globally supported and funded and with meticulous planning, preparation and follow-up action the converters have exterminated hundreds and thousands of native Americans and turned the United States into a Christian nation. Whole of Europe has been turned into a Christian nation leaving no native element. Latin American Countries have become Christians. 92 per cent of the Philippines 32 per cent of Africa and Korea have embraced Christianity. The ancient Rome and Greek Civilisations have gone into the archives after the advent of Christianity. Should this happen to India? Should Hindu civilisation and culture to be a thing of the past? In the world there are 52 countries for Muslims and 88 countries for Christians. For Hindus there is only one country and that is India. Should Hindu India be allowed to be exterminated and wiped out as happened to other countries of the world? China, Taiwan and Sri Lanka refused the Pope's request to visit and launch his new activities that aim at the evangelisation of Asia. Hindu majority India, though not a Christian country, has allowed him to do so. Therefore the Pope should feel grateful to the tolerant people of India. Clearly no Western country would give a state welcome to a Hindu religious leader seeking to promote Hindu conversion activities in the West.India is one of the few countries that recognises the Pope as a head of state. The United States and most Western countries recognise the Pope only as a religious leader. Clearly the Pope is not coming to India as the political leader of a secular state but as a religious leader. He is not coming here because he wants to make a pilgrimage to honour the great Yogis and swamis of India or to visit her great temples and tirthas. Today the Catholic Church is losing power in the West. Without replenishing its population base it is facing a severe crisis. India offers perhaps the best possibility for doing this with a large population with a history of religious devotion and monastic activity that could readily become priests and nuns. The bloody history of the Church in America, Africa and Asia is an open book and well known. The Native Americans in the United States still tell stories about how the feet of their people were cut off for refusing to walk to church or their tongues cut off for refusing to recite prayers. The church has claimed that its intolerance is a thing of the past. The problem is that the same attitudes and behaviour that resulted in such violence in the past still go on today. The official policy of the Catholic Church today is still that Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism and other Indian religions are not valid or true. This promotes division, misunderstanding and can still lead to violence.

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RE:We need anti-conversion law URGENTLY!!!
by on May 08, 2007 11:48 AM  Permalink
Hello friends.I think we are very much going away from what the topic wanted to feature.

Sai it is good to know the indepth knowledge you have and the way u want to protect Hindus from being converted.

I would like to emphasize on one thing. Being a democratic country a common man has his right to practice any religion he/she wishes. If they get converted it is out the favours they would have recieved after making a wish. People are diligent enough to judge which religion to follow and u cannot just force anybody to follow any religion. If they belive in any GOD they follow that GOD and I dont think coversion affects them. Let us respect the individuals freedom to follow their religion of choice and not debate too much.

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RE:More data on decimation of hinduism by Yesudas Samuel Rajashekhar Reddy and his family
by chaitanya kumar on May 08, 2007 12:41 AM  Permalink
i am from Andhra originally and didn't expect this kind of change in few years time where hinduism will be attacked full throttle there. I don't know the extent of conversion carried out, but seems something serious going on because Andhra rarely comes in news. This time it's christian aggression. Appreciate the efforts of hindus of other states in informing people about these attrocities.

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RE:More data on decimation of hinduism by Yesudas Samuel Rajashekhar Reddy and his family
by Sai Puducode on May 08, 2007 12:43 AM  Permalink
Govt including the CM must be removed from the TTD board. We Hindus will decide how we spend our money. We dont need anti-nationals running our temples. If they touch a Church or a Mosque the whole country will burn. They think the "Chaltha Hai" Hindu is easy game...

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Church and YSR
by Serial Tourist on May 08, 2007 12:30 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

What happened to the plan of some US Hindus to protest against his visit, citing TSR's help in christianizing of Andhra?

Some missonaries had also threatened the Hindus of US from carrying out any protest during the chief minster's visit.

A Christian chief minister going to US to attend a seminar on agriculture. There is something strange going on. Will he be meeting red necks in US administration to report on how evangelism can be speeded up? It was by great efforts that Sonia Gandhi was infiltrated into Gandhi household by CIA.

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RE:Church and YSR
by Sai Puducode on May 08, 2007 12:39 AM  Permalink
Please sign the petition & ask all peace lovers to sign it:

You have to remember that these Indian christians are supported with money by Evangelicals like Bush. Here is a threat from the Malayali christian leader ! This SOB thinks that this is Saudi Arabia where they support only Islam.

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RE:Church and YSR
by Gaurang Vaishnav on May 11, 2007 09:42 AM  Permalink
The protest in Chicago was hugely succeeful. I was there. See the Press rEelase below. Dr. Jayachand Pallekonda is President of Federation of Indian American Christian Organization of North America, was arrested by the police for trying to choke to death a Hindu protester.
Gaurang G. Vaishnav

** PLEASE HELP SPREAD THE WORD ** to Friends, Media in US/India, Organizations

Prakasa Rao Velagapudi, President
Save Temples/Global Hindu Heritage Foundation
548 SilverStone Dr
Madison, MS 39110
Phone: 601-856-4783

*A massive awareness campaign by over 400 people was held to protect Hindu Temples in India.*

Rosemont, IL- May 6, 2007 %u2013 A massive protest campaign organized by Save Temples forum was attended by about 500 Concerned people during the visit of Mr. Y S Rajasekhar Reddy, Chief Minister of the South Indian State of Andhra Pradesh. Mr. Reddy was at the Donald Stephens Convention Center to attend a Reception hosted by organizations TANA and ATA. People including many doctors, IT professionals, businessmen were protesting the policies of Mr. Reddy's Government which have been highly detrimental to the Hindu institutions including temples.

The protest was held from 3:00 PM till 6:30 PM which included men, women and children of different nationalities from all around the country. Most of the concerned participants attended in response to the fliers and advertisements placed in various temples and various Indo-American newspapers. Many participants responded to the continuous bad news such as temple land scams, cancellation of Sri Rama Navami as Hindu Holiday and misuse of temple funds., Frustrated youth spontaneously arrange the protest and it was so overwhelming that it was beyond their expectations. Members of several organizations such as ISKCON, Christians against proselytism, Indian American intellectual forum, Vishwa Hindu Parishad also joined the protest.

One of the protesters, Mr. Durga Prasad from Arizona, was on Fast without taking even water starting on Friday night till the protest was concluded. He provided tremendous inspiration to the fellow protesters.

The protesters demanded repealing the Hindu Endowments Act, religious freedom for Hindus in practicing Hindu religion and management of Hindu institutions. The participants raised slogans such as 'Repeal Hindu Endowments Act', 'Hands off..... temples', '1-2-3.... keep temples free', *Eadukondalavada Venkataramana Govinda Govinda* etc. and sang devotional hymns.

*Representatives Meet the Chief Minister *
V. V. Prakasa Rao and Prasad Yalamanchi have been in constant contact with Dr. Gavva Chandra Reddy, the president of ATA and Dr. Bandla Hanumaiah, the president of TANA. They have been very cooperative with our request to meet the Chief Minister and also expressed their concern for the welfare of the Temples. At the request of Dr. Gavvaa, V. V. Prakasa Rao and Prasad
Yelamanchi met with Hon. Chief Minister, Dr. Y. S. Rajasekhara Reddy in Hyatt Hotel in Chicago. They expressed concerns of all Hindus regarding the plight of the temples in Andhra Pradesh by saying that thousands of acres of Temple lands have been sold, Temples' revenues have been diverted to non-Hindu causes, numerous Temples have been demolished and hundreds of Temple lands have been allowed to be encroached.

They mentioned that the Endowment Act should be repealed. Mr. Reddy mentioned about the recent amendment to the Endowment Act giving autonomy to about 30,000 temples with less than Rs 50,000 annual income and giving Rs 2500 for these Temples to support Dhup Deepa Naivedyam program; release of Shirdi Sai Baba temples to independent management trustees; and legislation to ban missionary activities near major temples. When the representatives mentioned that although the Hindu community was happy to read the news about these developments, they again requested the repeal of the Endowment Act. They mentioned that Hindu Temples should enjoy the same freedom and independence as other two major religions. Then they submitted a "Memorandum of Concerns to Hon. Y S Rajasekhara Reddy, Chief Minister, Andhra Pradesh" Mr. Reddy scanned through the memorandum, smiled and said, "Anything is possible," and that he would consider the demands.

*Plan to disrupt the Peaceful Protest was foiled in Chicago*

On May 6, 2007 nearly 500 people were peacefully protesting in Chicago expressing their concern for the plight of Hindu Temples in Andhra Pradesh during Honorable Chief Minister's visit to USA. A group of five people came into the middle of demonstration and started asking why we were doing the protest. One of the Protesters gave the booklet containing the information. Protesters took the booklets when they did not want. Then one gentleman, later identified as Dr. Jayachand Pallekonda went behind Mr Praveen Gandhi and started choking his throat with his fingers. Mr Gandhi was not even able to shout as his throat was being pressed very hard. Nearby police saw the incident immediately, rushed behind Dr Pallekonda pulled his hands off Mr Gandhi and handcuffed him. Then took away from the Protest area and filed a case. Hearing is set for May 23, 2007 in Rosemont, Il. Mr. Gandhi was taken to the emergency hospital the next day due to the swollen glands. Dr.
Pallekonda is seen on the left side of the picture with black outfit. Dr. Jayachand Pallekonda is President of Federation of Indian American Christian Organization of North America, Washington, DC. His website link:

< http://www.zoominfo.com/search/PersonDetail.aspx?PersonID=50212444 >
Please follow this link to see the attacker:

After the protest, many participants gathered in a conference hall at a nearby Hotel to share their experiences and plan future action. The speakers congratulated the participants and urged everyone to carry on the fight for Hindu Civil Rights.

For information: http://savetemples.org

@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@

*Memorandum of Concerns submitted to *

*Hon. Y S Rajasekhara Reddy, Chief Minister, Andhra Pradesh*
Hon. Y S Rajesekhara Reddy
The Chief Minister
Government of Andhra Pradesh
Hyderabad, India

Hon. Y S Rajasekhara Reddy garu:

We the signatories of this memorandum, would like to request you and your Government to treat Hindu religion, Hindu Culture, Hindu Heritage and Hindu way of life with freedom from government control and interference. You are aware that you do not interfere with Muslim religion activities or trying to take control of their properties and similarly with others.

Over the centuries, Hindu Temple builders donated large sums of money, jewelry, thousands of acres of land and movable properties to their Temples, so that the Temples have sufficient resources to provide "dhupa, deepa and naivedyam" to the presiding deities and provide required worship services to the devotees. Day to day, devotees have been contributing donations and gifts for the utilization of Temple services and devotees needs. Hindu Temple lands, monies and movable properties, thus belong to the Temples which are required to be managed by Hindus / Trusts.

Even in the dreams, the donors did not vision and do not vision, that their sacrifices and generosity will be abused, misused, and usurped by the Government with the passage of Hindu religious and Charitable Endowment Act in 1987. Since the passage, thousands of acres of Temple lands have been sold, crores of Hindu Temple monies has been used for non-Hindu Temple and non-Hindu activities. Large number of Temples have been neglected from being renovated. Large percentage of Temple earnings have been forced to be donated to the state treasury. Thousands of Hindu Temple lands were allowed to be encroached upon, although 77,000 endowment officials are employed to protect them. Many archakas were not paid their salaries or have been underpaid.

1. We request you and your Govt. to be fair, impartial, reasonable and sensitive to the needs of Hindu Culture, Hindu Heritage and Hindu in particular to the Hindu Temples. The wishes and desires of the Hindus in protecting the Hindu Temples should be respected, similar to that of Christians and Moslems. We are not asking any special favors from the government. We are requesting your office earnestly, not to discriminate against Hindus and Hindu Temples. We request you, to protect the Hindu institutions with the same zeal and passion, which you have been showing for other major religions.

We the people of Indian origin, especially those hailing from Andhra Pradesh, are delighted that you are with us in the US associating yourself with an important event of the Telugu -speaking people residents in the USA. All of us are wishing that every government in the Union of India works for
the rapid economic, cultural and spiritual development of the country so that in the comity of nations, Bharat occupies a place that reflects its civilization, its culture, greater heritage and its prosperity in the past. India has a great record of striving to bring harmony and peace among
different nations of the world.

2. To succeed to be a great, prosperous, powerful, intellectual and spiritual power, it is essential that within the country there is perfect understanding and amity between people speaking different languages, following different faiths and beliefs. All of our people must have sense of one nation-hood and a common purpose and a common goal. We are sure that your government is working towards this objective.

3. We, however, have been hearing from news-paper reports and in the electronic and print media that different treatments are meted out by the avowedly secular governments to people of different faiths, especially it appears that Hindu places of worship are targeted. India's culture, civilization and literature and way of life had, for millennia, revolved around its places of worship, the various temples, Mutts and Ashramas.

4. We notice that while the secular governments are scrupulously keeping off from the affairs regarding the maintenance and management of places of worship of Christians and Muslims, Parsis and others; in certain states, notably in Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Kerala and recently in Maharashtra the state governments are managing the places of worship belonging only to Hindus through the governments' Hindu Religious Endowment Boards and Revenue Departments. We know that this originated from the Acts of British government in the 1930s. Such Acts have been, it appears, passed down to the successor governments like that in Andhra Pradesh. We believe that the so called secular government managing the finances, places of worship, the properties and their revenues of the Hindu places of worship alone is not a secular function. In fact it constitutes an adverse action and absolute discrimination against Hindus compared to the others like Muslims or Christians. Such a policy is un-constitutional.

5. What we are particularly concerned is what we hear and read about the properties of the temples, agricultural as well as urban being encroached upon, alienated in favor of institutions of other religions as well as government for distribution to all sorts of people for a variety of purposes. This act of alienation of the properties of the places of worship of Hindus, while not similarly treating the properties of places of worships of other religions, is a gross discrimination in regard to Hindus. We believe that it is due to mismanagement on the part of certain government quarters. We urge that your government should put an end to this adverse discrimination.

6. We are in possession of long lists of the properties of different temples encroached upon or alienated or in some manner not yielding any revenue to the temples. We suggest that informed people in your State to supply those lists to you and unto your government for immediate action.

7. We welcome your Government's recent Bill to amend the Hindu Religious Endowments and Charities Act (1930, 1987). We understand, from news papers that this Bill was to be passed in the session of the Assembly ending on 9th April 2007. But, unexpectedly, this was decided to be referred to a Select Committee. It is regrettably learnt that no Select Committee has been constituted before the Assembly was prorogued.

8. We have gone through the gazette notification of the Bill to amend the Endowments Act, and also read the contents. Though we are not in a position to completely scrutinize and comprehensively comment on them, we have received some comments from other concerned people. One such comment is attached to this Memorandum.

9. Generally the amendment suggested in the Bill would mitigate some if not all the omissions and commissions in the government's management of the places of worship of Hindus. There appears to be a sinister motive behind the postponement of the passage of the Bill. The Bill has for example a very salutary provision, which prohibits the alienation of Temple lands in both Urban and Rural areas. Some people seem to be having their eyes on the urban properties so that these could be acquired by government and distributed as sites for housing or for other purposes. This is highly reprehensible and un acceptable.

10. As the passage of the Bill might take quite some time, we urge that an Ordinance be passed in this regard. It should be done because the Legislature is not in session. When the Legislature meets, the Select Committee to be constituted can do its action and the Ordinance be replaced by a properly and duly passed Bill.

11. One thing of utmost concern to every right %u2013thinking and true Indian is the aggressive propagation of a non-Hindu Christian faith, in and around Hindu places of worship. We also refer to hospitals where Nurses belonging to Christian faith are having a free run in brain -washing Hindu patients to change their faith with the promise that if they do so, Jesus Christ will heal them. We urge that this type of practice on the part of a section of Nurses in government hospitals should be made a criminal offence and must be stopped immediately.

12. Another urgent matter of concern is the diversion of funds of the temples especially, of the quite rich and famous Tirumala Thirupathi Devastanam for purposes not connected with Hindu dharma such as Jala Yagnam, sports events and various Government schemes. We hope that this news was untrue but we request you to kindly ensure that your government does not spend any money from the tax revenues in favor of some religion(s) and not others.

13. We also learn from news paper reports that assured the Christian clergy in your State that just as the Hajj pilgrimage of Muslims is being subsidized by the Central government, your government would subsidize the pilgrimage of Christians of your state to Bethlehem / Jerusalem. This is a singularly un secular act and discriminatory to Hindus. We hope that the news is wrong but would like you to affirm that the news is wrong and that the Government of Andhra Pradesh would not spend either the tax monies or the monies of Hindu temples for the benefit of people of other faiths like Christianity and Islam.

14. The Seven Hills, famously known through centuries as Saptagiri belong to Lord Balaji / Venkateshwara by government notifications in the past, documented in government records and in the belief, trust and conviction of hundreds of millions of Hindus through- out India and abroad, belong to Lord Balaji. In your own State, very common name of people is Edukondal Rao/ Kondal Rao, testifying to the popularly accepted ownership of the seven Hills by Balaji. Just as in the Vatican (Rome), where no other faith is allowed to be propagated and no other places of are worship are allowed to be built, government should ensure that there is no propaganda or
propagation and much less conversion activities in the area of the Seven Hills. This also applies to the other famous temples of Andhra Pradesh. To cite a few - Narisimha Swami in Simhachalam, Rama & Sita in Bhadrachalam, Kanakadurga in Vijayawada, Bhimeswram in Vemulavada, Satyanarayanswami in Annavaram, Shiva in Kalahasti & Srisailam, Nrusimha in Mangalagiri and so on. The sanctity of all these places as well the properties of these temples must be secured against alienation and those which are already encroached upon or illegally taken possession must be restored to the temples.

15. Finally, we would submit that it is a significant responsibility on you because you are not only the Chief Minister but a very active Christian Chief Minister and the party you belong is led by Madame Sonia Gandhi who is a practicing Catholic Christian. The wise say that Caesar's wife must be above suspicion. Therefore, there is onerous responsibility on you as an active Christian under the patronage of a very Christian leader of the UPA and the Congress Party that you do not do anything which adversely daringly affects Hindus, and their places of worship . We are sure that you would like to be successful CM and that the monies raised through taxes and barrowings by the government are not in any way utilized/spent for promotion, protection and propagation of Christianity. Please note that your largest constituents are Hindus.

16. There are reports about the Padmavathi Mahila University in Tirupathi largely funded by the TTD is facilitating the conversion of students to Christianity, the fact which was confirmed by state CID report. The Vice Chancellor (VC) of this University is a practicing Christian lady. She is reported to have removed the pictures of Hindu gods and goddesses and has been encouraging the display of Biblical sayings and quotes in various places in the university. Some of the Christian lecturers and staff prevailed upon students to change faith and such converts are reported to have been traumatized. The suicide of a girl, Umamaheswari who converted to Christianity but whose conversion was resented and denounced by her parents and relatives, is a telling point in this regard. Those responsible for Uma's death should be brought to justice.

It would be appropriate, if such over zealous evangelicals as the current VC of Sri Padmavathi University are not posted as VCs in any university, especially in the TTD inspired and funded educational institutions.

17. Hundreds of groups of missionaries/canvassers of Christian religion and those converted to that religion are reported to be engaged in the distribution of literatures derogatory to Hinduism. Huge sums of funds seem to be coming to them. While the Hindu temples are languishing, hundreds of new churches are coming up even in purely Hindu localities. The springing up of disproportionate number of non-Hindu institutions in predominately Hindu localities is not acceptable. The militant and continuous propaganda over loud speakers and other means used by the proselytizers and seekers of converts to Christianity could lead civil strife in the community and would ultimately lead to communal clashes. Hindus will protect their people from the being converted and insults to their religion will be countered.

We request that the source of funding for the various missionary activities should be investigated and any activity which is conducted as a mission, to market any religion is unethical, non-spiritual and destructive of the local cultures be prohibited. While one can appreciate a person discarding the religion in which he was born and embracing another after study of both; conversion of the poor, illiterate ill %u2013informed, indigent people by organized groups is certainly unethical and fraudulent. Therefore, there is need for prohibiting systematic conversion activities by organized religions.

18. There is also another fraud. While thousands of churches are coming up, Christian organizations and their leaders such as KP Yohannan and Indian Missions association are asserting that their population in AP is more than 10%, the successive censes have been showing Christian population as declining. This fact is confirmed by World Christian Database. Please see the table below:

Christian Population in Andhra Pradesh

Year 1971, 1981, 1991, 2001

Total population mln, 43.5, 53.6, 66.5, 76.2

Christians mln , 1.8, 1.43, 1.2, 1.1

% of Christian population , 4.19, 2.68, 1.83, 1.44

19. It appears that converted dalits are advised not to disclose and provide for any government record, the fact of their conversion/true religion so that they continue to avail of the reservations meant for SC among Hindus. Obviously, converts who became such because of the promise of non-existence of dalitism and cases in Christianity (as propagated by the missionaries) are misled by the converters and are led to be untrue to themselves, first by not declaring the fact of conversion and second to be deceitful by appropriating for themselves the privilege of reservation meant for SCs among Hindus. It is said that 80% of the SCs working in government are in fact, practicing Christians having suppressed the fact of their conversion and true religion for the government records. There must be an inquiry in to this racket.

20. We request you again, to introduce a bill to REPEAL of the Hindu religious and Charitable Act in the legislature at the earliest possible date. It will be a good decision to correct the grave injustice that the Hindus are subjected to for many decades. We strongly believe that you have enough support and strength, to achieve this important task. Authorize all the Peethadhipathis with full responsibilities in Andhra Pradesh to administer the Hindu temples and their resources.

You will be remembered for repealing the Endowment Act and will be a part of Andhra Pradesh History.

*Summary: *
With immediate effect ban sale, transfer and gifting of temple property
With immediate effect start recovering temple lands sold illegally

* Promulgate an ordinance to effectualise the Bill (Introduced in the Legislative Assembly's Session ended on 9.4.2007 but not passed) to amend Hindu religious Endowments & Charitable Institutions Act.

* Preserve and secure the ownership of all the Seven Hills area for Balaji /Venkateshwara in Tirumala Tirupathi.

* Stop all propagation & conversion activities in and around Hindu places of worship and pilgrimages and in Government Hospitals (by Christian Nurses).

* Allow no monies and properties of Hindu temples to be funneled for the benefit of Churches, Mosques and religious institutions of non-Hindus.

* Investigate into the source of funds accumulated for building hundreds of Churches even as the Christian population is decreasing in Andhra Pradesh as per successive Census reports.

* Bring to justice the perpetrators of Uma Maheshwari's death.

* Put an end to limitlessness of minority professional colleges ( BE, MBBS, MBA, MCA, B.Ed; Dental; Pharma) and the sale of their seats to Hindus %u2013 all seats in minority colleges should be filled up only by students of minority community
* Inquire into the mis-appropriation of reserved positions for SCs in Government by Crypto-Christians.

* Ensure that all functionaries - Commissioners, Executive Officers, officials and Trustees - of Hindu Temples and associated institutions including those related to education, are believing and practicing Hindus, affirmed by oath, that they are practicing Hindus.

* Launch vigorous steps to recover encroachments and appropriations of properties of Hindu temples and have them secured.

We would appreciate your response at your earliest convenience.

Thank you,

Global Hindu Heritage Foundation

V. V. Prakasa Rao
Prasad Yalamanchi
Satya D

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RE:yesudas samuel rajashkhar reddy
by Sai Puducode on May 08, 2007 12:33 AM  Permalink
They have taken the tolerance of Hindus very far & our patience have run out. They are sitting on our shoulders & biting our ears. Even the Tirumala prasadam is being made by a converted christian company.This is a Sonia/YSR conspiracy. Support BJP/VHP/RSS for mere survival.

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RE:yesudas samuel rajashkhar reddy
by Augustine Alemcherry on May 08, 2007 12:41 AM  Permalink
Stop this communal venom, mr. Amatya. What is wrong in having chritian/muslim hawkers in Tirumala? Is there any rule saying that there should not be? Noone stops hindus from opening shops around a church!
BTW, why should the govt. pay hindu priests? Christian or muslim priest doesnt get paid by the govt! This is strange thing happening in a secular country.

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RE:yesudas samuel rajashkhar reddy
by kalyan chatrathi on May 08, 2007 01:17 AM  Permalink
yes., the rule in tirumala is from the vaikhanasa agama (the holy script that prescribes the conduct of puja in the temple).

according to the agama, since the hill is considered sacred, only the people serving the lord are allowed to stay in the hills. others have to move down to the plains.

this agama was taken into consideration when the 1932 TTD establishment act was passed. No changes has been made to this in the subsequent acts.

Mr. Augustine - let us show some mutual respect. i consider vatican, jerusalem to be holy because of the power of prayer in those places over centuries. i shall not violate any rules of worship in those places. is it too much to expect the same from other religions towards a site considered so holy for the hindus?

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RE:RE:yesudas samuel rajashkhar reddy
by Sai Puducode on May 08, 2007 12:51 AM  Permalink
You have nailed the problem right on the head. Why should Govt pay the priests? Because the Govt has taken over & controls all temples!!!!All churches & mosques are exempted ???!!This is Bharat where secularism is running wild??

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RE:yesudas samuel rajashkhar reddy
by Vas on May 08, 2007 01:03 AM  Permalink
Augustine, have you tried opening a shop near a major church, or on the church premises, with pictures of hindu gods and goddesses for sale? Try it and see what happens to you. You might not be violating any law by selling pictures of hindu gods just outside the gates of the church, but you sure are going to get your arm twisted by the church - its administration and priests, if you were to do so.

You christians talk about freedom of speech and actions only when it serves your (christian) purpose, but do everything in your power to stop other religions from doing the same at your doorstep.

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RE:yesudas samuel rajashkhar reddy
by Arjun on May 08, 2007 01:15 AM  Permalink
There is nothing wrong with people of other religions praying to their gods at Thirumala. There is only one god and even a child knows this. Lord Venkateshwara is our pathway to that supreme being. For others they have different paths. So stop bickering. And yes, Hindus cannot pray in Saudi Arabia, but then we are not Saudi Arabia, we are India. We chose to live this way when we won our freedom in 1947. I think it is OK for muslims and christians to run their shops in Thirumala, as long as they follow the rules and respect our sentiments. Let them get the Lord's blessings too.

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Let your ciiticism be creative...
by John Dorapalli on May 07, 2007 10:31 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

People will have their own perspectives on different issues.

Mr.Naidu did well and made everybody feel as all is well, but is is not so. The people below the poverty line were suffering. His priorities were IT and infrastructure development. He did well up to a good extent.

Dr. YSR's priorities are different, his target is rural India and he is tring his way to succeed in that. He is spending crore's of rupees on that. Where ever there is money involved the corruption too is. We have to see how best we have minimized it.The good thing is the pace set by Naidu on IT & Infrastructure is not lost it is continuing with a greater pace added up with the agricultural sector too. That is the good part. Reforms with a human touch!!!

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RE:Let your ciiticism be creative...
by Sai Puducode on May 07, 2007 10:59 PM  Permalink
Examples of how people abandon their mothers & run & accept aliens as their "mothers" for cold cash !!


http://www.savetemples.org/images/pdfs/flyer_for_chicago. pdf

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RE:Let your ciiticism be creative...
by rakarapu kumar on May 07, 2007 11:22 PM  Permalink
I totally agree with you

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RE:Let your ciiticism be creative...
by Vasantgopal on May 07, 2007 11:14 PM  Permalink
So why are more and more farmers still committing suicides?
How come from a power surplus state AP cannot provide electricity to farmers now? How come with 3 major rivers AP is not yet fully irrigated, Rayalseema gets water only because of Saibaba? Telengana is still unhappy?
Why? Because Samuel R. Reddy's aim is something else- to pilfer money and convert innocents. That's all.

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RE:Let your ciiticism be creative...
by Vas on May 08, 2007 01:11 AM  Permalink
John Dorapalli, are you still alive and breathing? You are? Good! Then kindly explain why suicide is STILL rampant among AP farmers, if CM Samuel is allegedly focusing on the rural economy. Samuel has got the human touch all right - he holds the gun to the farmer's head, while the farmer pulls the trigger. That way, he thinks he can't be accused of murder. Get real, will you! And stop defending a crook, just because he is of your faith. YOu are no different than the muslims who defend a terrorist just because the terrorist is a muslim. If that is the christian sense of right and justice - no wonder christianity left the shores of Europe sometime ago.

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RE:Let your ciiticism be creative...
by Sai Puducode on May 07, 2007 11:22 PM  Permalink
This CM & people like him never understood the greatness of their religion of Sanatana Dharma but they know how the foreign money looks & the feel for white people's shoes to lick. These people will be born as rats or worse after they die. But they must keep their hands off our temples .
They will claim that they saw a new light as a reason which all can see if you go to:




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RE:Let your ciiticism be creative...
by John Dorapalli on May 08, 2007 12:17 AM  Permalink
Hey Buddy,

Lets Put Religion & Politics apart. Let me make things clear for you. First of all I am not supporting him. I have only said 2 different people with 2 different perspectives.
2nd, I have not written those comments coz his name includes Samuel.Has he ever acknowledged that he is a Christian? Don't go by names, a person cannot be a Christian just by his name.

I agree with you that many who claim them selves as Christians are not really are. Don't get carried away by their examples.

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RE:Let your ciiticism be creative...
by Arjun on May 08, 2007 01:21 AM  Permalink
This is unbelievable. What has happened to you people? Why do you have to bring religion into everything. You are all behaving like a mob with no societal values. I cant believe that you are educated enough to be able post comments on rediff. Dont target other christians just because you dont like Dr. Reddy. This is ridiculous.

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RE:Let your ciiticism be creative...
by kalyan chatrathi on May 08, 2007 01:24 AM  Permalink
john - are you from andhra? i am one though i live in chennai.

i visit various cities in andhra atleast 4/5 every year and see snapshots of the town progress/decline - something that people up close can never notice.

1. have you noticed that all roads have started becoming bad and revert to the pre-naidu era?

2. have you noticed that all rayatu bazaar (farmer market) have nearly closed shop and currently run by middle-men

3. have you noticed this summer that power cuts are back?

4. have you noticed that farmer suicide has gone down?

if none of these happened and what you said was true, i would be happy. but sadly, you and me both know that AP in YSR's rule has declined.

disclaimer: i give a damn about YSR's or anyone else's religion when it comes to development.

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This CM is a hoax & a fox in sheeps clothes !
by Sai Puducode on May 07, 2007 10:24 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

It is OK to be peaceful but sometimes you have to fight for upholding Dharma as stated by Krishna in Bhagawad Githa. That time is now or we will perish since the threat is so great.

Examples of atrocities on Specific Hindu Temples.
The state Govt. in association with Missionaries has particularly targeted the World famous Tirupathi temple.
The subversive activities of Missionaries were zeroed at Tirumala temple itself. Attempted to tie up SVIMS
Sri Venkateswara Institute for Medical Sciences with Christian Cherian Heart Foundation using 100 crores of
TTD money. Padmavathi University Vice Chancellor Veena Noble Das appointed by Govt. is engaging in
conversion activities on campus and is reported to be responsible for suicide of a student who was forced to
convert (Andhra Jyothi, 3/30/3007). In July 2006, TV Journalist Om Prakash who attempted to record the Christian
Evangelical activity was beaten up and his equipment was confiscated.
Simachalam is the Ancient Temple of Narasimha Swamy. Very Recently the Temple has come under siege
by Missionaries, who have been conducting aggressive conversions. In a span of 20 Months, four churches
and 3 convent schools have come up in the vicinity at the foothills. Just one village Arilova has 35 churches.
Out of 11,000 acres owned originally by temple, endowment department has record of only 8000 acres and it
is believed that more than 3000 acres of land was encroached.
BHADRACHALAM is a famous temple dedicated to Lord Sri Ramachandra and situated on the banks of the
sacred river Godavari. Govt. is currently planning to buy 900 acres of temple land at rate determined by
Govt. for donation to victims of Polavaram project (Eenadu, 4/3/2007). On Hanuman Jayanthi day missionaries
placed posters in the temple encouraging conversion (Eenadu, 5/24/06).
The actions of evangelical Christian CM YSR Govt. suggests a well designed plan to
decimate Hinduism in AP through destruction of Hindu Institutions and abetting massive
illegal conversions. The entire state infrastructure is made available for these activities.
Areas surrounding every major Hindu Temple has become center of intense conversion activity.
Endowment Dept. permits enormous Christian prayer meeting on temple lands with advertisements in
temples. Most important Hindu holidays such as Rama Navami are selected to be removed from Govt.
holiday list. All activities are designed to encourage Hindus to convert and make difficult to practice Hinduism.
The Major chunk of temple money is transferred for various political schemes while more than 40,000 Priests
are given salary below Rs.500 /- Month and over 3,000 Priest are paid only Rs. 400 /- for the whole year.
While Muslim and Christian institution funds are left untouched, Govt. relentlessly targets Hindu (e.g.,
TTD) money for various non-hindu projects.
More Data on Assault on Hindu Institutions
Endorsed by Hindu Community at large, Vishwa Hindu Parishad of America, Bangalore Initiative for Religious Dialogue (Christians Against
Proselytization), Indian American Intellectuals Forum. For more info please visit: http://savetemples.org, http://bharatjagran.com
Hinduism never discriminated any religion. It considers every religion as true, every prayer as true. Hindus
are said to help build churches when first Syrian Christians came to India. They gave home to many
persecuted people of the world such as Zoroastrians and Sufi Muslims. India is the only country in the world
where Jews were never persecuted. Now, Hindus own existence is being threatened in their own homeland.
Gandhiji who fought all his life for social justice & religious tolerance was being true to Hindu Gita. He called
religious conversions engaged by missionaries the deadliest poison that ever sapped the fountain of truth.
Selfish politicians like YSR are bent on destroying 10,000 year old Hindu Dharma.
Demand that Govt. must allow Hindu Advisory Councils - nominated or elected by Hindu religious Leaders & Community
to oversee the Endowment department and the TTD Board, and to provide guidance to Govt. as a first step, till
denationalization is realized.

Also this attack on temples is so widespread all over. Now Maharashtra wants to take over temples. If they touch one mosque or church the whole country will burn !! When will Hindus learn????? Support RSS/VHP/BJP

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RE:This CM is a hoax & a fox in sheeps clothes !
by rakarapu kumar on May 07, 2007 11:20 PM  Permalink
please dont form a new HINDU JIHADI group.the state has enough problems dont create a new problem please be in peace with all community people.

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RE:This CM is a hoax & a fox in sheeps clothes !
by Serial Tourist on May 08, 2007 12:33 AM  Permalink
rakarapu kumar

Happy do gooders like you are a disgrace. You are like innocent village bumpkins in a world full of cunning, sophisticated enemies.

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RE:This CM is a hoax & a fox in sheeps clothes !
by Vas on May 08, 2007 01:18 AM  Permalink
Rakarapu, no reason why women should put up with rape just because there are men like you who think that women should try and get along with men - whatever that means. There are good men and then there are creeps.

Similarly, no reason why hindus, agnostics and atheists should put up with being burnt at the stake by christians, who think that everyone else, other than a christian, is pure evil and deserves to be obliterated from the face of earth.

If you like, please go live the remainder of your life in the heart of Texas, where the bible-bashers there will use the head of someone like you as a punching bag for their daily workout. Lets see you try and get along with THAT!

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RE:This CM is a hoax & a fox in sheeps clothes !
by Sai Puducode on May 08, 2007 12:28 AM  Permalink
Hindu can never form a Jihadi group since Hindus believe in Live & Let Live. They never convert people to their religion. They always pray "Loka Samastha Sukhino Bhavanthu" i.e. let all people of all the worlds be happy. That cannot be said about Islam & Christianity.

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RE:This CM is a hoax & a fox in sheeps clothes !
by John Dorapalli on May 07, 2007 10:36 PM  Permalink
The Same CM did this too..

Picked up fron the links provided by U

India: Andhra Pradesh bans propagation of other religions at Tirumala temple
The Andhra Pradesh government Friday decided to promulgate an ordinance prohibiting propagation of other religions in certain notified places of worship belonging to any particular religion. The move is mainly aimed at banning propagation of any religion other than Hinduism at the Lord Venkateshwara temple on Tirumala Hills near Tirupati Tirupati Temple - January 2006 - © 2006 Simon Georget Hyderab... [May. 2 2007]

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RE:This CM is a hoax & a fox in sheeps clothes !
by Vasantgopal on May 07, 2007 11:10 PM  Permalink
That's because there was so much uproar against the move to construct huge church in one of the 7 hills. Samuel Rajas Reddy then said that he was unaware of it.
During partition of state, Tirutani went to TN, and Tirupati to AP, based on the agreement that it will be preserved as holy hindu pilgrimage centres- whole cities not just one hill. When there is such a law in place any other superficial law is just an eyewash by Sonia-Samuel R. Reddy! They will keep chipping at it till like rats in the basement.

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RE:This CM is a hoax & a fox in sheeps clothes !
by Sai Puducode on May 07, 2007 10:28 PM  Permalink
This CM has collected enough money to get converted & now destroying everything great built by his ancestors in AP.

http://www.christianaggression.org/item_display.php?type=NEWS&id=1178165 756


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