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This is expected of the US
by A Moin on May 04, 2007 02:39 PM  Permalink 

The Indian government will do well to recall how the US intervened in Chile in 1970s against Allende, when he charted out an economic policy free of US interference.

From 1950s up until 1989, when we dealt with the USSR, they helped India without pre- conditions. Now, THAT is an ally.

Anyone expecting the US to exhibit the same professionalism as the USSR is sadly mistaken. I hope we realise before we become a neocon colony...

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India is not iraq
by Mohd Khizar Ariff on May 04, 2007 02:36 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

US should understand that india is not iraq that it can dictate terms.

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RE:India is not iraq
by A Moin on May 04, 2007 02:41 PM  Permalink
Well, good luck with that!!!!!! They'll dictate terms to countries like India more subtly, rather than blatantly (i.e. Iraq). And to a degree, they've succeded.

They've already pressured the local government into initiating a whole range of disinvestment policies in the public sector, which anyone knows goes against the welfare of the people in the longer run...

I wish we had someone like Lukashenko of Belarus in charge...

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by Crazy Human on May 04, 2007 02:34 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

US will do well not to interfere in India as India is a hellhouse full of incompetent politicians, who are probably the most corrupt in the entire world

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by Philip John on May 05, 2007 08:54 AM  Permalink
Nuke the bloody spineless Indian politicians

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What for they have been making hue and cry????
by AAA AAA on May 04, 2007 02:33 PM  Permalink 

The letter is written be a Senator, not by the Govt. of US.

Its as good as Sitaram Yechurui or Chandra Babu Naidu writing something to Bangladesh Govt. or US Govt.

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US should respect a democratic country for its non-alignment
by Rajat on May 04, 2007 02:30 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

US should not use India to dictate Iran. Indian government is free to use its policy towards Iran or other country. Who should be our friend is entirely internal matter of India, United State shouln't jump into the matter

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RE:US should respect a democratic country for its non-alignment
by A Moin on May 04, 2007 02:49 PM  Permalink
Good luck conveying that statement to the neo-cons. If the US government, especially the neo cons followed your line of thinking, there wouldn't have been bloodshed in Afghanistan & most certainly not Iraq.

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will US also reply our letters on their foreing affairs
by sundara rajan on May 04, 2007 02:27 PM  Permalink 

can we take this opportunity to ask US on its foreign policy and can we in our turn ask US to sever its ties with IRAQ and also to stop its selling of arms and ammuinitions within and outside its country?

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UPA is foolish
by rajeev sharma on May 04, 2007 02:25 PM  Permalink 

What happened to Quottorochi matter? where is UPA on that issue? or Sonia ne UPA ke sar par danda mar diya hai...

and opposition also should not sit back on that issue... Forget Marxist,,they are nonsense fellows out to destroy our country...wake up congress...its better late than never

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best to ditch IRAN
by prachanda siva on May 04, 2007 02:25 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Continued relations with Iran is not going to benefit the country. These arab countries did not do us any favours apart from funding hard xore and fanatic muslim cause and providing funds to terrorists etc. May be we should start cultivating better relations with USA carefully while distancing ourselves from Iran.
History proves this.

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RE:best to ditch IRAN
by prasanna patil on May 04, 2007 02:42 PM  Permalink
First of all USA shouls not interfere in our matters.

u r right.these arabs fund for the above said causes.why should Indian govt should support them.these marxist..the destroyers..always keep an eye on vote banks.so start raising issue not at all related to us. shame on them....

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RE:best to ditch IRAN
by Farhad Hotelwala on May 04, 2007 02:58 PM  Permalink
History has proved what ???
History has proved that USA is the No.1 in Double Standards and No. 1 Opportunist.

Infact we should distance ourselves from USA.

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RE:best to ditch IRAN
by syed Nadeemullah on May 04, 2007 02:39 PM  Permalink
dont forget, it was Iran that voted in favour of India against a UN referendum moved by Pakistan...also remember the Indian diaspora employed all over Arabian peninsula whose wages contribute fatly to the Indian exchequer...Also dont forget historically US has always not only ditched allies but also destroyed them, be it Iraq, Iran, allies in the '60s, lebanon, afganistan allies in the '80s....to fulfil its vested intrests

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