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America Should Mind Its Own Business
by Harshad on May 04, 2007 03:57 PM  Permalink 

India should not base its Foreign Policy as per wishes of America . We will not bow down to so called super power.

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Americans...who the HELL are they
by Anusha R on May 04, 2007 03:51 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

just a one line reply...
Dear TOM, DICK OR HARRY...whoever you are ...we happened to go through the mixture of words of your communication dated......and since it made no sense to us (or to any country of self-respect and standing), the same is being filed in the DUST BIN. we appreciate your wasting of time in creating such mixture of words and embedding the same with drawings like cartoons (signatures). To assure you our best, we have given instructions to our office peons to handle any such communication from you, the same way we handled it now, by not even bringing the same to our attention.

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RE:Americans...who the HELL are they
by Mohamed Mansoor on May 04, 2007 04:25 PM  Permalink
Well said. That should be the best reply for the world police.

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RE:Americans...who the HELL are they
by Kanwar S Arora on May 04, 2007 04:17 PM  Permalink
Nice one :)

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the letter is nothing to do with sovereignty.!
by ramesh d on May 04, 2007 03:50 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

It is plain letter stating that,if u want to do business with us forget Iran.
The discussion should be "who to choose? IRAN or US??
NOT on ,that we are buckling under pressure.
The letter says clearly US interest,if we support it they will support else,relation will be bad.

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RE:the letter is nothing to do with sovereignty.!
by Narendra Tade on May 04, 2007 04:34 PM  Permalink
It is regrettable that you miss the point and the essence of the letter.

The letter clearly spells of a 'threat' from an assumed position of a big brother and difinitely means much more than 'if you want to do business with us ....' condition.

It means, awarding an adverse stand in UNO, World Bank (IBRD), Commonwealth(through GB) and a non-cooperative position in a host of other international bodies that range from health, trade, education, employment,sports etc...In other words - it is a threat of sanction.

But, I am sure, US will not make the mistake of treating the capabilities of India to be in similar lines with a Vietnam or Afganisthan or Iraq or Iran or Somalia

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us rocks
by indian on May 04, 2007 03:50 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

why should US interests relate to us.
when did US support when we cryed about terrorists activities in J&K
how is the gas line between iran and india related to US. It is none of their buisness.
even after all these north korea has acquired nuclear capability. Is india alone responsible for all problems in the world.
It is shame that US says we are two big democracies. When and in which aspect did it really help us in any of activities other than helping pakistan. A crocodile like US cries on human rights without cleaning its own house. Hang the yankees

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RE:us rocks
by faisal tabrez on May 04, 2007 04:03 PM  Permalink
Still their frontline concern that Indian is trying to illegally import tech from US justifies that they are having cunning eyes on each and every moment of ours. Time is same again US has played same old british tacts of divide and rule. They have made it happen in Mid East. Before they explore with their insane intention to East we must stop them using diplomatic measures i.e- not agreeing on Iran issue, nuclear issue etc. This will help us to contain them in the mid east region. Also this delay in formulating their intention will jeopardise the ideological US set up in US itself and hence will make them to move backwards. Containg US is for sure the only left measure for future powers like India, China and other countries. We have a cause to make it today- Iran, terrorism, nuclear war heads, Green house and many more... We must utilize this time frame for strong development from inside to outside. Curbing corruption is the firs step and we will have laughing results if we can do it ASAP.

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Excerpts from Report on this issue in TIMES NEWS NETWORK[ FRIDAY, JUNE 17, 2005 01:42:01 AM]
by SPC on May 04, 2007 03:49 PM  Permalink 

In its strongest comment on the proposed Indo-Iran gas pipeline yet, visiting US assistant secretary of state Stephen Rademaker, who looks after arms control in the adminstration, said going ahead with the project would be a mistake.

%u201CWe think it would be a mistake. It would provide oil revenue to Iran that could be the basis of funding for weapons of mass destruction,%u2019%u2019 Mr Rademaker said.

Senior US embassy officials here were quick to qualify his remarks by adding that there was no formal position on the issue yet as the proposal for the pipeline was not yet officially on the table.

Mr Rademaker%u2019s contention, however, gave an indication of the alarmist view that the Bush administration is taking on the proposed oil nexus between India and Iran.

US stand on the subject was conveyed by secretary of state Condoleeza Rice when she was here earlier this year.

Mr Rademaker, who held day long talks on arms control issues with Indian officials, pointed out that the US for long had actively made efforts to discourage oil development in Iran and even had legislation in place threatening sanctions against countries helping Iran in this regard.

Petroleum minister Mani Shankar Aiyar, who has just returned from a trip to Pakistan and Iran pursuing the pipeline deal, however, insists that India won%u2019t change its mind despite the opposition from the US.

He has got added support from the Left parties, who have objected to the US view on the issue. During Mr Aiyar%u2019s Tehran visit, an agreement was signed to purchase 5m tonnes of LNG over 25 years beginning %u201809.

The US though, to recompense for a possible change of mind on India%u2019s part, has already initiated moves to put on the fast-track its engagement with New Delhi on the energy front.

A series of high-level meetings have been held to prepare the foundation of a broad energy cooperation between the two countries with the objective of fulfilling India%u2019s energy needs.

National Security Advisor MK Narayanan, who left for Washington to hold talks with senior Bush admintration officials including his counterpart, will also meet energy secretary Samuel Bodman.

The issue of missile defence also figured in the talks that Mr Rademaker had with Indian officials today. %u201CRight now the two sides are in the process of educating each other,%u2019%u2019 he said.

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India should give in this time and be on good books of USA
by chaitanya kumar on May 04, 2007 03:47 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Russia and Saudi Arabiah have each more crude and natural gas resources than Iran. And there are so many other nations with plenty of crude and natural gas reserves. India has discovered hundreds of trillions of cubic feet of natural gas in KG basin since the past few years. The proposal to build a gas pipeline was made much before that and is gaining prominence recently because of devious UPA policies. According to some reports, the wealth of reserves in KG basin that has been discovered is very less compared to it's actual reserves. Cairns Energy has discovered billions of barrels of crude in Thar deserts and there too much is yet to be realized of what the actual amount of reserves are. India has more benefit for now by aligning with US and Israel rather than Iran. The recent jestures of UPA government towards theocracy in Pakistan is unheard of before. It seems to be pursued by groups who have something to gain by coming close to muslim theocratic nations. Friendship with muslim nations is good, but it should be pure business. India can join hands with US in gaining supply from oil fields in Iraq which is in US control. And there are many other nations like Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Libya, Sudan and nations in North and East Africa. This pipeline plan between Iran-Pakistan-India will bring uncertainities to Indian future interests because both those nations are severly affected by Islamic fundamentalism and their virus will spread here. And Iran gaining nukes will hurt India more than USA. One more nuke power in the region, more instability. US should help India in containing Pakistan which it will do for it's own sake due to possible future terrorist threats from that state and balkanize the place.

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RE:India should give in this time and be on good books of USA
by faisal tabrez on May 04, 2007 03:54 PM  Permalink
You are one of those who all are putting India on sale to US DICTATS.

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RE:India should give in this time and be on good books of USA
by on May 04, 2007 04:03 PM  Permalink
You surely are a pussy. Looks like you r the first bencher in class who always tries to please the teacher. Moreover, your analysis is crap. Dude, get your facts straight. Dont know why do illiterate people make comments on stuff they have no clue about.

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Let me do something
by Best Message on May 04, 2007 03:45 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

I will put strong objections regarding this issue to US Lawmakers.

Mr. Prime Minister, kindly arrange 15 days visit to USA for me and my family.

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US should stop support to Terrorist sponsor Pakistan.
by V S on May 04, 2007 03:42 PM  Permalink 

Iran is hardly exporting terrorism. That is just US propaganda.

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UPA-Bunch of ugly hyenas
by asd fg on May 04, 2007 03:40 PM  Permalink 

Not worth talking about them and left .
Disgusting dirty craps

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by asd fg on May 04, 2007 03:30 PM  Permalink 

Ban UPA and Left parties who have visions of 19Th century and save India..
They are creating vote banks by minority appeasement and reservation politics
US senators have all rights to express their concern

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