why do we harp on dynastic politics when we, the people, have the power to vote the family out, and yet keep bringing them back to power. Is it imbedded in our collective dna that we're used to be ruled by dynasties? I have nothing against the Gandhies, but please, we only deserve the leasers we get.
To you old&aged Congress leaders, if you are making Rahul as your leader though by sonia's pressure... be ready to accept his jamaican wife as India's prime minister tomorrow.
RE:no gandhis in congress
by Raju Ban Gaya Gentleman on May 02, 2007 04:55 PM Permalink
ha ha. we saw what congress party did when non-gandhi sitaram kesri was head of the congress. from 400 plus setas they came down to a miserly 100 plus.
RE:RE:no gandhis in congress
by wani bhardwaj on May 02, 2007 06:05 PM Permalink
They cannot, because they are cheaters and looters of this country. Even the surname they are using as the MOST CORRUPT and it shows the meantality of their politics!!!
RE:no gandhis in congress
by prince prince on May 02, 2007 05:42 PM Permalink
yeah extraordinary......... Congress is not meant to be only for the Nehru/Gandhis, why have the Gandhis never stepped down even though they don't deserve to be there? after Independence the Royals were asked to stepped down because India did'nt want the dynasty kind of rule anymore, then how come this Nehru/Gandhi dynasty is still continuing? and what extraordinary work have they done? they have just added figures to their bank balance and drained the country dry
I am looking for the user with userid "Raju Ban gaya Gentalman" He claims to be a Brahmin and a stern support of Congress. I want to pass him this link on rediff: http://www.rediff.com/news/2006/may/23franc.htm
RE:Looking for Raju Gentalman
by Raju Ban Gaya Gentleman on May 02, 2007 04:56 PM Permalink
r u looking at the mirror and speaking when u talk abt getting good sense!!!! first how abt posting in an unbiased way. then u can think of other things like who is better to rule india.
RE:Looking for Raju Gentalman
by Manoj Tuli on May 02, 2007 06:02 PM Permalink
The congress has brought you people(Brahmins) to your knees. Poor contemporary Brahmins. The ones who commented the sins are dead, the ones who suffered are dead, and we Indians are revenging one generation%u2019s agony with a generation that is innocent. Support the congress and keep washing dishes of the so called "lower casts" mujhe kya? Its worthless debating this with you. Its people, the likes of yours who are the most deserving to wash dishes. Keep doing the good job. And I am not posting any more posts for you dear friend. Have a big brain instead of a big mouth. Its in front of your eyes to read what the Brahmins have been reduced to in this country, and you still want to support the perpetrators, on the other hand the BJP is fighting for your-good-self! All the best. I leave you alone with your agony, confusion and helplessness. You are blinded with your blind faith on congress. One can awaken a person who is sleeping, but what do you do with a person who has closed his eyes and pretending to sleep. My best wishes are still with you.
RE:Looking for Raju Gentalman
by prince prince on May 02, 2007 06:06 PM Permalink
after surfing the message boards regularly, it looks like congress has very les or no chance of coming to power in 2009 elections
RE:Mr Ghosh and Bharat Darshan
by Bharat Darshan on May 02, 2007 04:15 PM Permalink
your comment abt Rajiv/rahul/sanjay and abdullahs was definitely out of context, wasn't it?
If you think you can hit below the belt so will others.
RE:Mr Ghosh and Bharat Darshan
by Bharat Darshan on May 02, 2007 05:04 PM Permalink
No they are related to Ankita. Ask her and she will tell you how Nehru had.....
by Ram Sharma on May 02, 2007 03:48 PM Permalink
bharat darshan i don't know who u r. but u should have decency to write in a good language while discussing, at least with ladies. if u have anything to say, give logic and do not use abusive language. using such language shows that u do not have any reply.
by Ghosh on May 02, 2007 03:25 PM Permalink
This is typical BJP/RSS menatlity. Always like Sanjay Joshi. (Remember the CD with the lady released by M...)