RE:Vande Mataram
by Tarik Quamar on May 02, 2007 08:06 PM Permalink
no one can say that, it is like any ask 1st ur father or ur mother it is not the question nonscence,ya we will accept Uniform Civil code but not hinduism, u askin abt US and Europe but u to dont know abt that, this is right to do, not nessecery if u want u can ok man,but i think so very few man do,becauese u gauys dont know abt muslim, every one condemned wat happen in india or outside of inida there is nothing it happen any where we conndemned, u dont u know why because there is onlu one hindu country in the worls u dont have relation out side of world,
RE:Vande Mataram
by ashok y on May 02, 2007 07:34 PM Permalink
I dont think you commented on the news what you read! Your message has nothing to do with the news you read.... preserve this message when paste in another relevent article.... good luck
RE:Vande Mataram
by venky prasad on May 02, 2007 09:07 PM Permalink
"Johnson", can we first have your hindu name?
I have always been amused by bajrangis passing off as christians - basically implying that there is more authority to a comment passed by a "foreigner".
RE:Vande Mataram
by Ismail on May 02, 2007 09:36 PM Permalink
Dear Friend, For a Muslim, it is God/Allah/Creator who is first, than anything else in this world. Than, his own father or mother or siblings. So, where is the question of country coming first than the creator. The very country is the creation of the creator. So, God/Allah/Creator is first than anything else, even above his/her mother. This is what Islam teaches. Don't get confused. At the same time, don't confuse that this means Islam allows Muslims to betray one's own country. Hope you are intellect enough to understand this. Islam only says, between the Creator and your Country, it is the creator that must be your choice. Simply because the country itself is a creation of the creator. Now, between 1 country and another, obviously a Muslims's choice would be their own country. Now, if you Hindu's keep calling Muslims as terrorists and kill/rape and make life miserable for Muslims, then, don't blame Muslims if they seek to violence. Muslims or for that matter, any minority religious sect expects other religious sect to respect their belief and practise. If you keep interferring with a minority's faith and practise, trying to force them to take your belief or the West's belief and practise, you are betraying your country by causing communal divide. Don't blame Muslims for that. Here's an analogy. What would a Sri Lankan Buddhist majority call the Tamil Tigers who want a separate land? Who knows what the Tamils go through in the hands of Sri Lankans Buddhist majority!
Just because the West has a Uniform Civil Code you want one in India? This shows your slave mentality to the West. Why can't you ask the west to change their culture to ours? This is what Muslims resist against, the slavery to the West and their belief. 50% divorce rate is the success of uniform civil code in the West. And, you want to blindly assume it is the best. A society cannot be ruled by mathematical/scientific formulae my friend.
Do you know that right in the heart of America there is a community that practises Polygamy (and they are not Muslims!). Do you know that right in the heart of America, there is a community that does not adopt technology and live oldstyle (Amish - they are not Muslims!!)
Look, what is happening to the Indian culture now? Toilets are clogged with Condomns in Call Centers. Women dress up showing every part of their body. Money and wealth is being worshipped day in and day out. If this is the culture you want to be in, I don't want to follow that, and I don't want my Mom, Sister or Wife to follow that. I want them covered. So, I become an anti-indian?
RE:RE:RE:Vande Mataram
by vinay inala on May 03, 2007 12:01 AM Permalink
So why dont you go to Pakistan or one of those screwed up arab countries where you can practice your own culture. I bet your mom and sister would be very safe there, especially with honor killings.And even the law is based on your religion, that way u wouldn't have to have a seperate law. Ever thought about it??
RE:RE:Vande Mataram
by Rationalist on May 03, 2007 12:32 AM Permalink
But why is that whenever during a hindu festival procession muslims have created problem by throwing stones, footwear and starting riots. Is that a challenge for Hindus? Is rioting birtright of muslims that u dont want to give up in name of common civil code?
RE:Vande Mataram
by daniel on May 02, 2007 08:23 PM Permalink
My pedecessors long back belonged to the hindu culture. I, though a christian, belong to the hindu culture, even now! Go to the church, when and as like, Feel bad about the caste in which I was born. It is the failure of our culture to prevent its members to drifting to Chriatianity, Islam, and Communism. Without constant review and repair, any sytem is found to collapse. Now, pertaining to the article, when an arrest warrent can be issued against the prez himself, each accident, leave alone the encounters had to be scrutinized, for upholing the law of the land.
That is why I hate police...... Police are protectors of law.... If law of land is not protected then there is no difference between criminal and a police. relegion has nothing to do with it..... I have seen many people taking communal about this matter..... If he killed for contract ..... do you people think will matter for him either he is a hindu or muslim???? .... This whole system is so criminalized and corrupt.... 4 days back I have seen a footage of police making arrested bar dancers to dance in the lockup..... I was surprised by looking such inhuman behaviour by police that too in police station.... .... It is unfortunate that we need take help of these police....
RE:That is why
by digital on May 02, 2007 07:06 PM Permalink
Very well said. Some people with communal mind are trying to give it a communal color. This is a failure of the system. the police have become supari killers for the politicians.
RE:That is why
by Satyendra Dubey on May 02, 2007 07:06 PM Permalink
Hi ASHOK this is not for Discussuing POLICE in general but Actions of MR VANZARA and Home minister in Particular...only for killing those Terrorists....RIGHTEOUS....otherwise every body knows how cunning shameless and corrupt POLICe in India is..Thanks
by digital on May 02, 2007 07:08 PM Permalink
Was tulsiram prajapati also a terrorist ? Was kausar bi also a terrorist? Even sohrabudding was killed to settle political scores. terrorism is a world used to hide the criminalization of the police force.
why only police, whole society has become corrupt, look at people who get elected from jails, who votes for them? police are the part of the same sick society and unfortunately also me.
RE:That is why
by ashok y on May 02, 2007 07:14 PM Permalink
Ok I accept he is a criminal..... wearing kakhi... do you think killing a lady and burning her for eliminating witness???? Do you support this .... I can never thing of this justifictaion even in my bad dreams..... Even cinema me bhe kabhi nahi dekhaa hero ka yesa karkath.... Condemn it as a Indian not as hindu..... This is dangerous if everybody starts thinking it in communal point of few. "One day there wont any law of land" Developed countries are developed because .... they follow law of land.... not the law of relegion either a muslim or hindu.....
RE:Apologies if I sound rude, but I ask this question out of sheer curiosity
by Satyendra Dubey on May 02, 2007 07:02 PM Permalink
RE:RE:Apologies if I sound rude, but I ask this question out of sheer curiosity
by pioneer express on May 02, 2007 07:39 PM Permalink
its not rediff alone , all others vinod mehta, rajddep sardesais, kumar ketkarset al are in the same category. they will only give doses of secularismto already secular hindus, can they go and stay in bhendi bazar and tell muslims that what happened to pundits in kashmir valley was wrong ? soft options are always easy.
RE:RE:Apologies if I sound rude, but I ask this question out of sheer curiosity
by Tarik Quamar on May 02, 2007 07:57 PM Permalink
dear nr sidhu, u say that i secular, 1st aff all ur soun is no like secular, 2nd when u dont read news pape or dont watch new channel then dont write these kind of question, whenever any thing happen in india we all condemned, it is by all the muslim organisation like all india muslim council, dueband and like that, how can u say that we r not condemned gujrat riots,we r not only condemned but allso come against riot on the street, in all over the indea,when blast in delhi all muslim organisation condemned, and boollody gus kuutar guy are only thinking like that, how many mulim abus hindu on net but u guys are reduculas, u dont know love u know only hate with other religion
RE:RE:RE:Apologies if I sound rude, but I ask this question out of sheer curiosity
by Siddhu Warrier on May 02, 2007 09:29 PM Permalink
I apologise if muslim organisations had come out in condemnation of the bombings across India. I must have missed it, or the media just didn't cover it well enough.
I don't hate Islam, nor do I hate Muslims. Like I mentioned earlier, I have read parts of the Quran (would have read more if I could find a Hindi translation - dont like to read it in English), and have gone to mosques myself. My question was out of sheer curiosity, as all one sees in the newspapers is about 'Muslims this', 'Muslims that' - almost all of which is negative. However secular one is, one is influenced by what one sees and reads.
I apologise once again if I offended your - and any other Indian Muslim's feelings.