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by poonam shukla on Dec 24, 2008 01:11 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

respected sir,

I want the personal phone no. of Advocate Satish Mishra.

Thanking you,

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Re: urgent
by Guest on Jul 24, 2011 05:44 PM  Permalink
hi poonam ji,
namaste ji
aap kaisi ho ji.

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She is not any Messiah!!!
by Abdullah on May 28, 2007 02:35 PM  Permalink 

She is a ordinary MLA & now CM in UP!!!

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Its Just Politics
by geela parul on May 11, 2007 10:36 PM  Permalink 

hey guys,

you are fools to argue about election results.
mulayam,bjp know that they are gain coming back
after 5years........, antiincumbency factor..

so they will again get chance to steal......
so why sweat!!!!!

that is why they make sure that they
earn as much as they can while they are
in power..........

every party runs on this manifesto.....
earn enough that you can fight 5 elections
without in power.........

so either way we are to be fleeced.....
nobody is here to amelorate our sufferings.....

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by Nagraj on May 11, 2007 03:04 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

at leaset politicale leader should understand that bramhins can change their fate.

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by amit tiwari on May 11, 2007 08:39 PM  Permalink
Today Every Political leader know That every government cann't become without support of Brahmin.

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by alok Misra on May 11, 2007 11:36 PM  Permalink
The fact of the matter is that Brahmins were thrown in the side walk by all political parties including BJP.Who they were projecting their leader?Bajpai was the soul of the party, so were Brahmins in Congress.But then You cant expect much from people like ajit singh and Mulayam to go for Brahmins whose entire idealogy is based on one caste.Congress started playing the card of reservation thinking that it could compete with others like Lalu/ and similar outfits.
Not so. Every Dalit and OBC knows that in reality few among them corner all the benefits and this is not going to work. If you fail to implement theprograms correctly which certainly all governments will fail for shure, the backlash will be severe and the paople will be not only acrimoniou but angry withe party. It is no secret that Mulayam was outright helping his clan for long.Mayavati also doid the same during her last stints.But then Brahmins were the only cast group who were in fact least caste concious as can be gauged by the fact that Ambedkar was the name of a brahim given to a dalit. They are the most tolerant of all of them. Furthur there are much smaller cases of atrocities done by Brahmins(almost non-existent) against other lower castes.Now if Mayavati ignores this support of Brahmins she will face similar fate politically. This message is very loud and clear that no stable govt can work without brahmins for long and ruling India is just not possibile without them.Reason : Brahmins are an intellectual lot and their economic power is not much but their intellectual power is equal and more than the rest of them.

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by R Balasubramanian on May 07, 2008 06:48 PM  Permalink
in India it is crime and curse to be intellect. More so if it is a brahmin. Though Brahmins are considered upper caste, in the present day majority of the brahmin family are under below poverty line. You should see it to believe it in villages. Their only hope of life is unshakeable faith on god and prayers. Brahmins least involve themselves in anyillegal activities and shun violence and crime. Inspite of many hurdles in their way they continue to survive because of their rightuousness and intellect which is undisputable by any one.
Mayavati has learnt this within a short span, which the other parties are reluctant to accept in general though agree internally.
In the forthcoming election in Karnataka, Mayavati's presence is unconfortable to other parties.I prefer to vote for her party but for Bangarappa as he is a betrayor and tamil hatred. He was the cause for the violence in 1989 (cauvery water dispute) in Bangalore when innocent tamil labours and others were targetted and massacred and properties looted right infront of police who were silent spectators. This was confirmed by the then DGP (Ramalingam)who is now retired.

Balasubramanian - Bangalore

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by R Balasubramanian on May 07, 2008 06:53 PM  Permalink
At the time of Cauvery Riot, congress was in power in Karnataka. Though it is pretty well known that the CM (Bangarappa) was directly involved he is not charged and prosecuted. But alas Congress keeps on harping on Godra Issue and blame Modi for the same wherein the true fact is otherwise.

Balasubramanian - Bangalore

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by anil sharma on May 12, 2007 09:13 AM  Permalink
Now Brahmin mashiha only & only Mayawati.
Hopefull next time she will be become primeminister due to brahmin support, if she is doing quota on financial background and not on cast basis.

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Mayawati wooing the Brahmins
by Shridhar Iyer on Apr 26, 2007 05:31 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

This party was founded only in the name of Dalit upliftment, and has been so for all these years.

In the meantime, they realised that it doesn't make sense( read vote bank) to claim only 'dalits', hence all others were also included like OBCs, Muslims, etc. Now they thought under the present situation (division of votes between 4 parties - BJP, SP, BSP, Cong) it will make sense (read vote bank) to include Brahmins also inside the umbrella. Hence some tickets were also issued to Brahmins in thier strong hold.

Don't ever imagine that they really love Brahmins, and will do something to the Brahmins if they come to power. It may be a political arithmatic. We should be really happy if they come to power and do something for the betterment of this great, but, minority community.

Let us hope for the best.


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RE:Mayawati wooing the Brahmins
by ranjit singh on May 11, 2007 01:27 PM  Permalink
you are too selfish to expect benefit from dalits. at the same time u are glorifying yourself as great, but, minority community. what a farce?

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RE:Mayawati wooing the Brahmins
by avdhesh kumar on May 11, 2007 05:58 PM  Permalink
man i think that there is some problem with u.
if they go with dalits only then u say that its a lower caste party.
when they have given representation to all then still u r having the problem.

if u come to the power and dont do anything its ok and torture the people its ok.
but u cannot even think of letting somebody else come to the power and so some good..

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RE:Mayawati wooing the Brahmins
by Neelam K on May 12, 2007 05:13 AM  Permalink
its only people like u and me are creatign these terms "daluit" for political purpose and causing friction

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bsp and election
by on Apr 26, 2007 03:50 AM  Permalink 

i don,t belive in cast system.but look around and calculate what the so called upper cast people all aryan people from other countries settled in india and grab our everything from real owner of india dalits,when we have real survey abuot populations of india then you know how many dalits and how many upper cast people.that days is comming soon.and whats going to happen i don,t know.but i realy love to say accept dalit as a old brother otherwise its too late.forgot cast system if you could please.

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RE:Please don%u2019t divided Hindus on cast base, it is big miss under standing on Cast Systems
by sharp head on Apr 26, 2007 02:10 PM  Permalink
dear mr saitsh understand this.
Abusing Islam -is Abusing hindu god lord Siva
by sharp head on Apr 26, 2007 10:42 AM | Hide replies

Dear hindu brothers
when ever you talk about islam,please mind your language.
people of islam are our own hindu brother who worship lord siva.
when you take purana of hindu scriptures you know devotees of lore vishnu and shiva fight for hundreds of centuries.though both belong to same religion thier gods are different.
To over come these kinds of head ache many devotees of lore siva made a seperate set up.
that is islam.
So todays muslim was yesterday hindu only.
they are as good and devotional towards god as hindu brothers.
let us respevt them

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by sharp head on Apr 26, 2007 10:19 AM | Hide replies

Fact is 90 % of kashmir(both india and pakistan) muslims are brahmins by their origin,90 % of the khans of entire asia are brahmins by origin,like wise several castes of hindus got converted under single plat form called islam.
Basically islam is another form of hinduism.Tehy are devotees of god siva.

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RE:Please don%u2019t divided Hindus on cast base, it is big miss under standing on Cast Systems
by sharp head on May 01, 2007 01:38 PM  Permalink
Mr shishir sastry
Please dont get offended.
95% of the Muslims existing today are basically converted from hinduism.
Pakistan,afganistan,bangladesh,indonesia,iran,iraq like few more countries were 100% hindu countries.Todays muslim was yesterdays hindu.
this is 100 % fact.In Mecca they prey Kaabha(inside khaaba there is a siva linga they prey that only).
Islam byitself has no identity without a hindu convert.
First they got converted as muslims ,subsequently they got perverted.
that is why Few of them/ do all the wrong things

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RE:Please don%u2019t divided Hindus on cast base, it is big miss under standing on Cast Systems
by kumar on May 04, 2007 12:38 PM  Permalink
Mr. Sharp head i do not agree with you theory, but what i can tell, that except Kashmir, 1% of muslims in entire india, muslims are good friends to Hindus. This is what i had observed. I had seen so many muslims in Tirupati, bhadrachalam, etc holy temples. I request every hindu to do not criticize muslims.
It is christians who are doing real harm to Hinduism, by putting smile on their face they are comverting people. Lord Venkateswara is famous for 7 hills, but you know now Lord venkateswara is limited for only 2 hills. This government order brought by IAS officer Mr. SAmules, i think, under government of Y. Solmon Rajasekara reddy.
Hence what i wnat to tell is christianity is more harm ful. 90% christians are trying conversions and sprewing venom hinduism. But where are muslims, except Kashmir, in whole india, they are friends of Hindus. They had are not trying any conversions. This what i had observed. SO, HINDU BROTHERS DO NOT CRITICISE MUSLIM BROTHERS, IF YOU WANT TO DO, DO CRITICISE CHRISTIANISM.

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RE:Please don%u2019t divided Hindus on cast base, it is big miss under standing on Cast Systems
by Manjula A on May 11, 2007 12:45 PM  Permalink
Dear Mr. Kumar,
Have you ever heard this theory that Lord Venkareswara is in fact not Lord Venkateswara but was really Karthikeya whose statue was fraudulently converted to that of Venkateswara?

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RE:Please don%u2019t divided Hindus on cast base, it is big miss under standing on Cast Systems
by partha sarathy on May 11, 2007 06:05 PM  Permalink
Good hearsay.Can you provide evidence for your statement?Foolish theory to fit shivaites ag.vaishnavites by british christians.Go deep into the subject before putting the pen.

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RE:RE:Please don%u2019t divided Hindus on cast base, it is big miss under standing on Cast Systems
by Robin on May 21, 2007 05:10 PM  Permalink
Christians have done harm by educating people irrespective of castes while only Brahmins and some so called upper-caste people were allowed to study. Humiliate and criticize Christianity, torture Christians as much as you can then only Christianity will spread very fast.

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All out....BJP Getting Majority.....
by Viewpoint on Apr 20, 2007 09:27 PM  Permalink 

As mentioned by others earlier...latest trends and opinion polls clearly show that BJP is getting clear majority in UP.

With every phase BJP is emerging stronger. Congress is also recovering its lost ground.

Mulayam is rejected for spreading corruption, selling farmers land to Reliance and others at very low prices, spreading dalali culture using Amar Singh 'LOT-POT', bringing family culture for which he used to criticise Congress, using Muslims and then not doing anything for the community etc etc.....endless list...of his achievements.

These elections will reflect same as was shown by electorate in Bihar...misrule was rejected and development and clen-people were voted to power.

Rahul Gandhi also working hard....deserves 60-80 seats.....!!

Hindus-Muslims-all castes will vite for development this time. VIRDICT IS CLEAR, UP MAY DUM HAI......ITS PEOPLE CAN NOT BE FOOLED BY AMITABH BACHACHAN....he is good actor and should limit himself to acting in Pictures.....

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