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by robyjoseph on Mar 27, 2007 12:04 PM  Permalink 

India need not bend her backbone too much for making a nuclear deal with the US. We must not entertain change of terms which were agreed earlier.

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Hydrogen Bomb
by Govinda on Mar 27, 2007 08:09 AM  Permalink 

Why can not India develop Hydrogen Bomb? Indian Scientist must develop something new.

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I want a relationship with all countries, but at the same time, we should not be weak!!!
by hello on Mar 26, 2007 11:03 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

I want a relationship with all countries, but at the same time, we should not be weak!!!

When you are weak, others will treat as per
their will!!!
When you are strong by any means, others will
consider you!!!
Getting nuclear power in clean ways is not for
any purpose, pure for electricity generation.
There are different ways India can strong by
militarily developed with advanced weapons!!!
As our weapon or defense are not any threat
to anybody, it is purely for defense purpose!!!
We never invaded anybody eventhough we had lot
of opportunity in the past!!!

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RE:I want a relationship with all countries, but at the same time, we should not be weak!!!
by hello on Mar 27, 2007 05:05 AM  Permalink
For that there is no need for nuclear-deal.
Nuclear-deal is for electricity purpose!!!
Also understand before talk.
Our weapons are for defense purpose!!!

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123(One Two ka Four) Agreement
by asokan a on Mar 26, 2007 09:30 PM  Permalink 

Indian Parliament is kept in dark about this 123 agreement whereas US Congress discusses part by part and corrects the already agreed agreement. India should not compromise on its security. India must ensure nuclear non proliferation with the same zeal as the other nuclear countries (except Pakistan).

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N Energy
by Vivek Jaiswal on Mar 26, 2007 09:25 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

India seems to have forgotten the lessons of doing business with the Americans.

They were the ones who held back spares and supplies to Tarapur.

Now we are discussing doing multi-billion $ deals based on Western Technology.

Has anyone analyzed how expensive this will be in terms of debt and in terms of economic dependence.

India would be better off mining uranium in Jharkhand and North East and focusing on the Fast Breeded Reactor Technology based on thorium - which will employ our graduates - rather than become strategically dependent on the West.

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RE:N Energy
by hello on Mar 26, 2007 09:55 PM  Permalink
I don't think it is not bad to do business w/
any body in this globalized world.

Whether it is America, Asia, Europe or Australia
or Antartica, if it beneficial!!!

We should not consider any body as Enemy!!!

Our requirement is some more electric power,
world want us to produce in cleaner ways!!!

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RE:N Energy
by Vivek Jaiswal on Mar 26, 2007 10:03 PM  Permalink
It is not a question of doing business. It is a question of STRATEGIC DEPENDENCE.

Suppose we purhase 10 reactors of 1 giga watts each based on US technology. The US and China arms Pakistan which attacks us. We retaliate. The americans stop giving us N-Fuel and cripple our energy sources and 10% of our electricity generation is stopped.

Don't think that this is a hypothectical situation. We paid good money for the Bofors guns - but when the Kargill war happened - the Swedes actually refused to give us the spares!!

Use logic and experience from the past.
Do not fall for propaganda.

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RE:N Energy
by hello on Mar 26, 2007 10:13 PM  Permalink
I saw some of your posts in other places,
to judge to fall to which propaganda!!!

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RE:N Energy
by ravi kanteti on Mar 27, 2007 03:12 AM  Permalink
Developing Fast Breeders?

Ofcourse, we can develop the Fast Breeder Reactor indeginiously. But do you know how long thats gonna take? Meanwhile, our neighbour China is adding nuclear reactors at a frantic pace. About 10 reacters every 5 years!!! Don't get me wrong, we are not competing with China in terms of who has more nuclear reacters, et al. Also, we are no where near competing with it. The point I'm trying to make is that, India needs energy to sustain its frenetic pace of growth. And it needs LOT of it. With oil prices behaving more erratic than the stock markets, India needs a concrete long term plan to quench its energy needs. For that, whether we like it or not, we need cooperation from outside, viz, US, Russia, etc. That would help us in setting up nuclear plants much faster. That is the need of the hour.

All the while, we do need to simultaneously work on our Fast Breeder reactors. They are the pride of our nation. But not make it the backbone of our enery policy. Atleast, not right now.

Economic Dependence? And mining uranium from Jharkhand?
The uranium that we find in India is, unfortunately, of very low grade. The cost of enriching it to suit our needs is much higher than procuring it from outside. So, here too, we can do well on our own but we would be better off with cooperation from the outside.

So, in the 'globalized' world we live in today, we need to draw a line between Nationalism & Practicality. So what's the need of the hour for India? Proving to the world that it can do things on its own(which the World already knows - Tejas aircraft, Arjun tank, PSLV, GSLV, our nuclear program, etc) or being more judicious in our nuclear spend??

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RE:N Energy
by hello on Mar 27, 2007 05:18 AM  Permalink
So, Nuclear-Deal is good for uranium for
Electricity purpose!!!
Fast Breeder is an indian owned techinque, no
one in the world developed!!!
At the same time India don't tell false stories
like Steam Boat as Nuclear Submarine like other

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I need the following too!!!
by hello on Mar 26, 2007 08:50 PM  Permalink 

(1) 1-800 number for India.
(2) State should be abbreviated to two letter
words in mails.
123 Street, Mumbai, MH - 99999
(3) All address in India should be reduced to
total 3 lines.
(4) Change of time zones based on the area
(5) High ways connecting east, west, north,

Please don't ask me why this comes to this area
I tried to email to Rediff, but I don't know
the email of Rediff.

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Everybody in the world can live w/ what ever faith w/o disturbing others!!!
by hello on Mar 26, 2007 08:23 PM  Permalink 

Everybody in the world can live w/ what ever
faith w/o disturbing others!!!
World is for people to live either poor, rich!!!
Only one country advance w/o any power or any
other problem in the same neighborhood while
another suffer too much power problems also
not the wish!!!

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