Imagine the damage this person did as Home minister.
He released many terrorists to rescue his kidnapped daughter, while fact remains terrorists and his family are hand in glove, and was about to release his daughter.
And shameless congress will do anything to remain power.
Mufti Mohamad is a pro-separatist leader. To the extent that he could send his own daughter to the extremeist to get their demands sanctioned. He should be forced out of public life. Gulam Nabi Azad is doing excellent job and he should be supported.
These b*****d talks about troop with drawl and humanrights violation of security personal, but never talks against the terrorists. The terrorists are killing innocent people and waging a war against india, but this traitor mufthi and impotent congress is going soft on terrorists and allowing them to destroy india. Congress and its supporters will ruin the country.
Mufti Mohamad Sayeed is a pro-separatist leader. To the extent that he could send his own daughter to the extremist groups. He must be forced out of public life. Gulam Nabi is doing excellent job and he should be supported