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Imagine this person was made India's Home Minister by VP Singh!
by Bhaskar Chattopadhyay on Mar 27, 2007 12:17 AM  Permalink 

Imagine the damage this person did as Home minister.

He released many terrorists to rescue his kidnapped daughter, while fact remains terrorists and his family are hand in glove, and was about to release his daughter.

And shameless congress will do anything to remain power.

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We need strong leaders like Vajpayee and Advani to deal with these terrorist leaders.
by Bhaskar Chattopadhyay on Mar 27, 2007 12:13 AM  Permalink 

PDP is trying to create space for Islamists, Islamist-Facists, terrorists in Kashmir.

Please read the op-Ed written by noted security analyst Praveen Swami in the Hindu page on last Friday/Saturday.

Make no mistake: Hindus will never accept any dilution of Indian Stand in J& Kashmir.

Muslims in India will face huge problem if they are seen supporting Kashmir's secession, terrorism.

Those days of Gandhi, Nehru is over.

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Mufti Mohamad and Kashmir
by systems technologies on Mar 26, 2007 08:54 PM  Permalink 

Mufti Mohamad is a pro-separatist leader. To the extent that he could send his own daughter to the extremeist to get their demands sanctioned. He should be forced out of public life. Gulam Nabi Azad is doing excellent job and he should be supported.

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what about the killings done by terrorists
by yadav on Mar 26, 2007 08:53 PM  Permalink 

These b*****d talks about troop with drawl and humanrights violation of security personal, but never talks against the terrorists. The terrorists are killing innocent people and waging a war against india, but this traitor mufthi and impotent congress is going soft on terrorists and allowing them to destroy india. Congress and its supporters will ruin the country.

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Mufti Mohamad & Kashmir
by systems technologies on Mar 26, 2007 08:52 PM  Permalink 

Mufti Mohamad Sayeed is a pro-separatist leader. To the extent that he could send his own daughter to the extremist groups. He must be forced out of public life. Gulam Nabi is doing excellent job and he should be supported

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