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Supporting Political Party
by Golu Gayani on Mar 16, 2007 12:11 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

It is not a question of Supporting political party and then barking like a dog. Friends if you know really what you are talking about then show the proff. Tell how much good Congress has done so far to the lives of common (talk common) Indians. The life has become useless, no quality, no food at the end of the day. Rising prices. What has Congress done. We need the Result to say Yes we are able to see anything (I mean a single thing) Congress has done which has improved the life of a common Indian?

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RE:Supporting Political Party
by Abhi on Mar 16, 2007 12:15 AM  Permalink
congress has done far far greater things for rural india(70% of india's population) than any other party of india. congress is the best option of all evil political parties.

Some of Sonia's steps implemented by UPA:
1. Rural health commission
2. Right to information act
3. Bharat Navnirman yojna
4. Rural employment bill

Now do what you morons can do best by reporting this message for abuse so that no one can read it and you ca go on with your useless rants of how "great" Hindutva is!!!!!

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RE:RE:Supporting Political Party
by Paula Joseph on Mar 16, 2007 08:36 PM  Permalink
Congress is known for passing bills to woo voters, but never implemented in reality. In the words of late Rajiv Gandhi, only 5-10% is actually reaching the needy & rest of them are going into the Congress goondas pockets. Show me how much of the above is implemented. Your congress morons divided this country & continually made India as a hub of all worst activities. Congress should be wiped out.

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RE:RE:RE:Supporting Political Party
by Abhi on Mar 16, 2007 10:17 PM  Permalink
atleast congress has good intentions. bjp did not even pass any substantiative bill during its 6 years reign. other parties are worse. if the money is eaten up by middlement the system and the people of the country are to blame. we must have the humility to appreciate good things done by politicians. if you denounce everything done by politicians as hogwash, this robust democracy will become meaningless. the reality is far from that actually. there are good people in this country and people must be smart enough to recognise them.

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RE:go rahul!!! kick bjp's ass
by Golu Gayani on Mar 16, 2007 12:13 AM  Permalink
Same way high tech like Sanjay Gandhi and then Indira getting him murdered.
Show us the visionary Rahul and his vision. What makes you believe that he qualifies to be a chaparasi at the Sansad?

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RE:RE:go rahul!!! kick bjp's ass
by Abhi on Mar 16, 2007 12:19 AM  Permalink
i won't waste my time to tell about rahul's qualities to an abusive fool like you

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bjp supporters are actually darpok bandars
by Abhi on Mar 16, 2007 12:05 AM  Permalink 

they talk of having trishul hidden in their waist pocket...heck they are not even capable of handling messages supporting congress in the net..what will they know of using the trishuls...only know how to kill people by mobbing around them like they did in gujarat just like how a bunch of gangsters rape a helpless girl...

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RE:RE:RE:beware of this gandhi..bloody Rapist...
by Abhi on Mar 16, 2007 10:21 PM  Permalink
u moron bjp nuts...do u guys have any brains at all? all u guys know is to wave the orange flag(u misuse saffron pure hindu identity by using it for politics) and waste ur time distributing trishuls. u guys are the biggest darpoks and aram-khors of india. dirt fake hindus like u will never know what greatness, wisdom, humility, sacrifice and suffering is as u need to know hinduism in proper and deep context to understand these qualities.

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RE:RE:RE:beware of this gandhi..bloody Rapist...
by Abhi on Mar 16, 2007 10:23 PM  Permalink
u guys know nothing other than abusing people...u are the dirt of this great land called bharat or sindhu...u people are the asurs of hindu rashtra. from ancient mythological times, u people have been creating problems for everything good in this land. tum lokon ka sarvanash ho.

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RE:RE:RE:RE:beware of this gandhi..bloody Rapist...
by Abhi on Mar 16, 2007 10:25 PM  Permalink
hiranyakashipu was a proud but arrogant and evil hindu. u people fanatics of sangh parivar are like the asurs of age-old who used to keep troubling the Gods like Vioshnu and Shiva. U people deserve sarvanash and destruction.

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RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:beware of this gandhi..bloody Rapist...
by Sharan Patil on Mar 22, 2007 07:21 AM  Permalink
Stupid Abhi, wat you know about nationalism, culture & relegion & tolarance .. congress is removing hindu & hinduism bit by bit from the country by supporting .. & that too in the name of secular,.. if we cant save hinduism now then there is no future to india after 100 years,.. coz after all "religion is the permanent politics", now for first time in
Tirupati they are building a Church.. (thx for Congress govt permission) can u imagine the same in Vatican or mecca, well why it matters you??? intense desh prema debate se nahi aataa hai, We love BJP coz it talks about strong nationlism which u wont understand..

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Why only Rahul???
by rathinam velu on Mar 15, 2007 10:03 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Poor Rahul.. he can cover only 32 in UP... where is the grandson of Sonia madam?? if he covers the remaining part, sure Congress will be the next ruling party in UP

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RE:Why only Rahul???
by Abhi on Mar 15, 2007 10:11 PM  Permalink
don't worry...buddas of BJP like vajpayee and advani can't cover even one constituency....

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RE:RE:Why only Rahul???
by hiral joshi on Mar 15, 2007 11:15 PM  Permalink
And still BJP will win.

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RE:RE:RE:Why only Rahul???
by Abhi on Mar 15, 2007 11:53 PM  Permalink
woh toh waqt hi batayega??? forgot india shining so soon????????

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RE:RE:RE:RE:Why only Rahul???
by Paula Joseph on Mar 16, 2007 08:39 PM  Permalink
Recent elections proved that you moron. Lets see the power of Congress in UP.

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RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:Why only Rahul???
by Sharan Patil on Mar 22, 2007 07:24 AM  Permalink
it does not matter who wins or who loses, weather counry will be secure, strong, self-reliant or not??? & i think 3-year congress(sorry 53 years of cong) is enough for us, other than slave mentality..

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RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:Why only Rahul???
by Abhi on Mar 16, 2007 10:27 PM  Permalink
congress won in maharashtra in 2004, in Goa in 2005, in tamil nadu in 2006 along with DMK and in Assam in 2006. BJP is nowehere now. u people deserve only the pits. And Congress won the recent Zila Parishad polls in Maharashtra. So keep showing your blindness and no-brainliness to everyone to the rest of us. We are enjoying it.

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Dear Rahul
by kamal juneja on Mar 15, 2007 07:43 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Rahul Baba India is not you Jageer,people have shown in Maharashtra,Uttaranchal and Punjab.You are going to loose Delhi,UP,Goa and please dont thionk of Gujrat.I pray to God that Gandhis dont come to Power.Your family is responsible for the plight of UP and India

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RE:Dear Rahul
by Sirach B on Mar 15, 2007 10:18 PM  Permalink
For your kind information, congress won majority of seats in the Zilla Parisad election which held after mumbai civic election.
I understand that the one party rule is coming to end in India, please wants more from each Govt.Lets see what happens when Punjad and Uttaranchal goes to polls after five years..I'm sure Ruling party(BJP) will definetly loose.
So please do not write-off any political party.

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RE:Dear Rahul
by Abhi on Mar 15, 2007 10:14 PM  Permalink
u must be in your hole since congress came to power in 2004....keep remained in that hole so that sane people can't see your face...moron...nehru was the founder of all scientific institutions, indira got rid of pakistan from bangladesh, rajiv was pioneer of telecom revolution, sonia is responsible for getting rid of useless BJP and keeping india free of communalism and with manmohan will usher india into a century where it will become superpoer...and rahul...your guess is as good as mine...he will make india into a superpower...

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RE:RE:Dear Rahul
by Sharan Patil on Mar 22, 2007 07:29 AM  Permalink
stupid, 50 years of power is too much... where one can make a lot of things, i wont count the instances.. just loook at the result we are still DEVELOPING COUNTRY, thanx for earlier ruling parties and Families.. Friends today Congress one point agenda is 'BRING BACK GANDHI FAMILY TO POWER', .. :) well i remember bhagat singh's lines 'Yeh desh hai veeron ka,...'

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RE:RE:Dear Rahul
by Golu Gayani on Mar 16, 2007 12:37 AM  Permalink
Super power or Supe pauper, by selling India to foreign country......
I see current India hungry, not able to feed family and send kids to schools.
The powerty has grown many fold. I see live on TV daily fights of life in India for every common man. Atta 10 Rs/Kg, Onion 40 RS kg, Rice 35 Rs Kg, what else. Potatoes, the cheapest is 10 Rs kg. This is Super power India of Swami Rahulji.

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RE:RE:RE:Dear Rahul
by Sharan Patil on Mar 22, 2007 07:30 AM  Permalink
I strongly agree Gayani..

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RE:RE:Dear Rahul
by Paula Joseph on Mar 16, 2007 08:40 PM  Permalink
Sonia's good ass licker.

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RE:RE:Dear Rahul
by Paula Joseph on Mar 16, 2007 08:42 PM  Permalink
Ha Ha Ha, getting rid of communalism??? Congress is the root cause of communalism in India, you moron. Who started useless Khilafat & which burnt thousands of hindus? You ass licker of Sonia & Rahul...
Day has come to wipe out Congress...

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Rahul Gandhi to campaign
by Hebbar R on Mar 15, 2007 07:16 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

If the Congress looses in most of these elections, will we be spared of the Gandhi dynasty rule?

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RE:Rahul Gandhi to campaign
by Abhi on Mar 15, 2007 10:15 PM  Permalink
so that great mahatmas like sushma swaraj(who was rady to tonsure her head even when her husband was alive) or uma bharti can rule india??? tumhara jawab nahin.

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RE:RE:RE:Rahul Gandhi to campaign
by Abhi on Mar 16, 2007 12:12 AM  Permalink
as if BJP does anything at ground level at all...2004 elections was lost mainly because rural India kicked BJP out...Sonia has maximum support in rural India because she is one of the few Indians doing something good for them unlike fake hindus like you who only yap about India's development but are happy earning their salaries from white-skin people's leftover outsourced jobs

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RE:RE:RE:RE:Rahul Gandhi to campaign
by Golu Gayani on Mar 16, 2007 12:20 AM  Permalink
Sure mataji may have rural support may be because playing with emotions of Rural uneducated folks that I am window of Your Indiraji's Bahuji. Ask mataji can she go to a village and take water out of the well.
Has she ever visited rural India and taught a kid anything.
What is her vision of India. I have never heard her with any visions, except she talk of her husband and Monther in law.
May be she shared some of her unknown hidden visions with you?
Regarding outsourced jobs of white skin, I am not crying for any whiteskin motaji, you are, are and that also with no base and proff of what they have to make India shine?
So who is living on left overs?

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RE:RE:Rahul Gandhi to campaign
by Paula Joseph on Mar 16, 2007 08:43 PM  Permalink
Much better than Italian bitch...

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Rahul Vs UP
by ramachandran nair on Mar 15, 2007 05:28 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Sooner the better for congress to bring back the glory to the giant state of Uttar Pradesh. A change is a must for the better. Now UP is in bad shape due to misrule or adverturism of ruling party with lot of corruptions tag on their heads.

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RE:Rahul Vs UP
by Hebbar R on Mar 15, 2007 07:15 PM  Permalink
Why UP? Congress has been the route cause of India's backwardness by its wrong policies from the first govt post independence.

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RE:RE:Rahul Vs UP
by Golu Gayani on Mar 16, 2007 12:29 AM  Permalink
Great and well said brother. We all agree with you. Congress was the first Party of india and has been a strong party but has doen no good regardless of how long it satyed in power. Remember History and Congress guys.

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RE:RE:Rahul Vs UP
by Abhi on Mar 15, 2007 10:17 PM  Permalink
and bjp made india great by giving it riots, terrorist attacks, unneeded war with pakistan, selling off all institutions for peanuts, uti scam, coffin scame, tehelka scam etc etc etc??? Open your eyes.

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RE:RE:RE:Rahul Vs UP
by vadapalli srinivas on Mar 16, 2007 06:53 AM  Permalink
what about the countless riots in congress rule, recent terrorist attacks, 3 wars with pakistan and above all bofors scandal. first of all open your eyes you stupid abhi

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by Abhi on Mar 16, 2007 09:15 AM  Permalink
u piece of shit....BJP did zilch nada in its 6 years of reign...rich-poor divide increased like anything in india..urban chaos magnified...and what did it come up with regarding bofors in its 6 years of rule...nothing..no prooof...u fuckin crybabies..u all are fake hindus good for nothing....and saale madrasi phut yehan se

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by Paula Joseph on Mar 16, 2007 08:49 PM  Permalink
You are a good campaigner for Congress, go to UP and do... YOu ass licker of Sonia & Rahul...

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RE:RE:RE:Rahul Vs UP
by vicky tiger on Mar 15, 2007 10:37 PM  Permalink
you got to be joking Abhi

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RE:Rahul Vs UP
by Suresh Menon on Mar 15, 2007 06:23 PM  Permalink
aah right, bring back the angels of Congress, who have only a holy halo of righteousness on their heads!

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RE:RE:Rahul Vs UP
by chaitanya kumar on Mar 15, 2007 06:36 PM  Permalink
people left congress because they felt it is worse and it is.

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RE:RE:Rahul Vs UP
by Abhi on Mar 15, 2007 10:20 PM  Permalink
UP has become worst since all the casteist and communalist parties came to power since 1988. In 70s and early 80s, UP was a leading industrialized state of india. guess who was ruling it at that time!!!!

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RE:RE:RE:Rahul Vs UP
by Golu Gayani on Mar 15, 2007 11:54 PM  Permalink
None of the party is going to do any good to UP. Including Devi Mataji Sonia and Swamiji Rahul. They are there to suck the blood on innocent folks.

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RE:Rahul Vs UP
by satish gunjati on Mar 15, 2007 06:44 PM  Permalink
Rahul remembers Now UP because of Elections Time.Right?

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RE:RE:Rahul Vs UP
by Golu Gayani on Mar 16, 2007 12:38 AM  Permalink
Right brother Satis, and that also he remembered because Punjab taught Congress to open eyes and do not think Indian folks are ion theirr pocket.

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RE:RE:Rahul Vs UP
by Abhi on Mar 15, 2007 10:16 PM  Permalink
and vajpayee was busy doing good for BJP all this while?????????

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RE:RE:RE:Rahul Vs UP
by Abhi on Mar 15, 2007 10:18 PM  Permalink
i meant UP not BJP.

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RE:RE:RE:Rahul Vs UP
by vicky tiger on Mar 15, 2007 10:40 PM  Permalink
Hey...pls for god sake dont criticise Mr Vaipayee...He is a god gift to nation:)))))

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by Abhi on Mar 16, 2007 12:00 AM  Permalink
he is a curse to the nation...a half-awake moron at all times who can't speak two sentences for good...not to mention compkletely devoid of morals..the mask behind the hidden evil of BJP....all fake hindu hooligans fooling 80 crore hindus and i am not one of them

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