Please do not build your empire on dead bodies of farmers, you will not progress and entire your business will be destroyed if you do so. Why cannot you go back after this bad incident
I dont appreciate the incident of Nandigram but at the same time I also like to say that the villagers were lying in some cases may be for the influence of some Political party which has recently roused and will be vanish by next few years. And the person who is trying his level best to lift this state with his own efforts might go into vain as bcoz some of the veteran politician of his same party is not trying to do him brilliance for their own shake. I will ask our honourable CM not to sit back and get ahead as this type of people will be their but you have to keep your spirit up and look forward to lift the face of Bengal. I appreciate and salute our CM.
RE:Feel sad for our CM
by abby Das on Aug 14, 2007 05:02 PM Permalink
A long time has passed by when you posted your comments.In between the mass kiling at Nandigram has happened.Lately when Budhdha babu said "No land will be taken at Nandigram" then Mr Balai Roy(AG) inside the highcourt gave a comment that "There is no need to give importance what the CM says."Can you imagine what an insult this was?Still our HONEST CM is silent.He cannot say anyhting and has lost all authority.Actually he has recahed the maximum level of frustration and has gone down to personal level attacks inside Bidhan Sabha. We all feel pity for him.
RE:Feel sad for our CM
by Malay Hazra on Apr 14, 2007 04:45 PM Permalink
I think you don't have any fillings for poor illeterate or less educated farmers.
RE:Feel sad for our CM
by abby Das on Mar 23, 2007 05:31 PM Permalink
well,saluting a lier is as good as supporting his lies and indulging yourself to those lies..Saluting a killer is as good as killing people.Which of the two you would want yourself to be identified?
These three leaders have started saying lies from the day when tatas did "Secret Trade" with the Govt.Their lies continued and some of the media house got purchased and started beating their drums.Now the Nandigram issue has struck the drum and it has bursted.Now what would they beat?Their own back?
You pls answer the few quiestions. 1) Why you start a trade union in front of every factory land even before laying the foundation stone? 2) Why you protest all over India except WB (in Kerala no industries)against land allocation to industrial units elsewhere? 3) Why in WB alone you invite foreign Investment but opposing the same elsewere? 4) Why the so called new avtars to save poor M/S karat, Mrs karat, Yechuri, Raja and bardan &Co are keeping mum. 5) If the NANDHIGRAM incident is not a State sponsered Genocide then by what name it can be called?
RE:Nandigram: Trouble erupts again; toll rises to 14
by abby Das on Mar 17, 2007 04:15 PM Permalink
I would like to add few more points. 1.Why is Mr Budhdha Bhattacharya,Mr Nirupom Sen,Mr Biman bose giving false informations day after day?Does industrialisation needs to say lies?
Bengal has never seen such a CM who can lie to this extent. 2.Why they need to do \"secret Trade\" with the tatas?is there any secret trade being done between them? 3.Why cann\'t they think of alternative lands at Singur?Why did the CM repeatedly said 96% farmers willingly gave their land when they could only give documents for 40% of farmers willingly giving their land to the court?
Who are the communists? Can you a name single communist who had faught for the freedom of our country. In fact the comarades in Red were informers for the British against our freedom figthers. Communists have no lovelost for the either the poor or the rich of our country. All they want is to remain power and let the masses rot in abject poverty. All this talk of induatrialization and development are nothing but bullshit. Mr. Jyothi Basu ruled and ruined the state for 24 years and he brought the percapita income of Bengal to the lowest level in India despite the fact maost of the leading industries were started in Bengal before and after inedependence. Now Mr. Buddadev Battacharaya is trying to invite big moneyed MNCs from Indinesia and other countries only to enrich the coffers of the communist party. They have no love lost for the poor. What happened in Nadigram is a smaple of what could be expected of Communist rule in states and in India. What hppened in Nadigram is a miniature "JALIANWALLAH MASSACRE". It is mini TINANMEN SQUARE of China. The culprits who have to be blamed are the UPA and its head, for shamelssly taking the support of the commies (the traitors during independence struggle ) just to come to power. It is not only Buddadev who should be SACKED, but also the entire UPA governent should resign for this shamelss act of shooting innocdent people, that too the poor women and children of the rural community who eke out a living out of their lands. If Manmohan has any shame he should resign forthwith after sacking the WB Government. Shame ! Shame! Utter Shame!
For all who are defending the police killings in Nandigram yesterday, blaming it on law and order disruption created by the opposition and Naxalites, I need to ask you something.
For all who are students here.... Are you going to let your schools and colleges close if the authorities decide to shut it down to build a factory there? You know that, your only hope for a better future is studying, and you cannot leave it at any cost. They may pay you hefty compensations for your losses but will you stop studying for that?
For all who are working... I assume that you all are specialized in some domain or the other...and you know that the farmer's domain is farming.
Will anyone of you quit your job if you are forced to do so in the name of whatever it may be? You know that what you know is to work in your domain and if you quit, whatever money you may get as compensation, a day'll come when you'll starve.
I am sure the answer will be "NO"...none of us will be willing to sacrifice such things for any reason.
Sacrificing a house for land acquisition is easy since you know that you can build a new one with the money you get as compensation...but sacrificing the farming land is too hard when you know that what you know is only farming.
Will industrialization in any way help these farmers? It may help engineers, skilled labourers and a few other sets of people, but never these poor people (who sweat in the sun and drench in the rain all through the year to grow their crop and then fall into party-politics at the time of harvest, striving hard to sell their reap). If pushed into the factories, they can at most become unskilled labourers, which in no way is going to improve the condition in which they are living now.
Then why is this Industrialisation needed? Is it to improve the condition of the people who are already living a comparitively better life? Is it justified to throw 70% of the population(farmers) into darkness to improve the lives of the remaining 30%?
It's high time we stop thinking of our own selfish benefits and start thinking beyond that. Because, what is happening to those poor people might one day come uopn us. If we don't protest now, it may be too late.
And for those who think that, thinking of farmers will go against industrialization, I can assure you that, unless motivated by other unexplainable reasons, there are host of other ways, and acres of barren and not so fertile land there in West Bengal, which, if utilized optimally, can bring industrialization, svaing the poor farmers' cause too.
RE:For all who are defending the Nandigram killings
by hello on Mar 15, 2007 11:01 PM Permalink
Let us give condolence. I don't want to comment on development in a dead house or funeral house.
RE:For all who are defending the Nandigram killings
by Jurist Jurist on Mar 16, 2007 11:44 AM Permalink
Dear Arya Gupta,
You pls ask your Communist comrades the few quiestions. 1) Why they start a trade union in front of every factory land even before laying the foundation stone? 2) Why they protest all over India except WB (in Kerala no industries)against land allocation to industrial units elsewhere? 3) Why in WB alone they invite foreign Investment but opposing the same elsewere? 4) Why the so called new avtars to save poor M/S karat, Mrs karat, Yechuri, Raja and bardan &Co are keeping mum. 5) If the NANDHIGRAM incident is not a State sponsered Genocide then by what name it can be called?
RE:For all who are defending the Nandigram killings
by sree on Mar 16, 2007 07:10 AM Permalink
Arya Gupta, As you pointed out yourself so brilliantly, a house can be easily given up because you can get another one.
Then by hte same logic, you can go to another school if the givt takes over yours. And I sure as hell can get another job at another company if the govt takes over my current company.
In fact, each of the above cases constitutes a windfall in financial terms.
Both the examples you give above - students and working people - boomerang on you. Comparison is a science.. do it properly or not at all.
RE:RE:For all who are defending the Nandigram killings
by abby Das on Mar 17, 2007 04:26 PM Permalink
Dear Gupta Ji. You can go to another school,another hosue,another job only when there is no "Secret Trade" done between the Govt and the industrialists.When they "Have "Trade Secrets or Secret Trades" done with the industrialists,people can only go to "Hell" as said by Mr Binoy Kongar.The party justified his statements and showed that how right he was.
RE:RE:RE:For all who are defending the Nandigram killings
by devdatto on Mar 20, 2007 12:56 PM Permalink
Hi, can u plz elaborate on the "secret trade" if it really happened then plz elaborate or is it like "scientific rigging" that mamata bannerjee says after every election in west bengal
RE:For all who are defending the Nandigram killings
by abby Das on Mar 23, 2007 05:35 PM Permalink
well,It was said by My Nirupom Sen.He said that there has been a "Trade Secret" between the Tatats and the Govt and that is the reason they cannot dissclose the deal made with the tatas.He indirectly said that there has been a "Secret Trade" done and they do not want to disclose that.So it is better if this question is answered by Mr Nirupom Sen.
RE:For all who are defending the Nandigram killings
by abby Das on Aug 14, 2007 05:05 PM Permalink
Devdatto After the Haldia election you must have understood what "Scientific rigging" is.Few of the EVM showed much lesser votes in total but when the total votes received by the candidates were added up then it showed a much high figure.How is this possible?((This was covered by a lot of channels and newspapers).Without tampering the machine software this is not possible.Mamata was intelligent enough to understand what "Scientific rigging" was even before these reporters did understand.Its a pity that you still down't understand.
The behaviour of the Government of West Bengal smacks of foul play.they say that not an inch of land is to be aquired in that village .and hat the ppolicemen wer esent to lay roads.which giernment on earth engage policemen to lay roads anwhere in the world .?What ws the need for the west Bengal government to lay roads with police protection?which villager would object to laying of road to his village ?How did the govenment anticipate toruble in laying road and wha made them to send 5000 policemen to lay road .?so the Goernment had some nefarioujs purpose in sending in sending a large contingent of policemen to the village for laying ing orads or to gie protection to the people laying road .the goernment was keen on doing something that the p[eople of the village did not wnat .what made the goernemtn to go adamentaly about something that the p[eople did not want and go to the extent of killing the people to go ahead his plan.?May be he stands to gain a lot .No politicnan is free from some interests in these days .It seems that the Chief Minister of Bengal stood to gain or has already reaped some hefty benefit in doing somethin g against the people and even killing them.The matter needs to be investigated as the behaviour of the chief AMinister does not seem to be in the interest of the people but somebody else or something else .
RE:Nandigram: Trouble erupts again; toll rises to 14
by devdatto on Mar 20, 2007 12:54 PM Permalink
the roadways that lead to the entrance of villages in nandigram were previously damaged so that no car or anybody can enter the village thru roadways for the past 60 days there were continuous protests agaist restoring the roadways. this was to inform u about the state of roadways in nandigram.