Who are they to comment/opine on India's internal matters? This is not Academy Awards show with some committee judging the best/worst movies/performances. This is internal to India. BACKOFF
This tells us where we actually are in the world pecking order. Would the US even think of giving such a certificate for China. Power comes out of the barrel of a Gun!!!!
who are u to comment on our acts? we dont require ur comments. we dont recognize ur comments. u dont require to appreciate. u r not god for us to tell. u do ur business. dont show to the world, u r king maker. u r getting ruined nowadays everywhere. please put efforts to save ur selfs from others. dont involve..we warn u.
This statement of Mr. Boucher " India and Pakistan have acted as statesman like manner" stands no where if things are not in deeds. Entire world community is worried about the kidnaped Atomic Engineers,intention and repurcursion. We have been neuclear but most important is safeguarding the same so that it does not go in to the hand of Terrorist like people who in turn misuses it for other vested reason.
It is very important for Mr. Mussaraf to instore democracy in the country other was we have past experience of military regime and the growth of anti elements.
Thank u USA, ur certificate of appreciation is most welcome. Infact we Indian politicians do all these dialogues only to get these good behaviour certificates from the West.
Doesnt matter if USA itself behaves in an unstatesman manner in its dealings with others, but we always will be dissappointed if these patting on our backs is not done once in a while.