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Observation on Supreme Court
by siddharth tripathi on Mar 06, 2007 03:03 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

its good to see SC making comments like "caste-based reservations will not divide the nation along caste lines"

Years back when giving acceptance to reservations in Job to So called backward caste and weaker section of society, supreme court never thought that caste should not be the criteria and only economic backwardness should be one.

Discussing about need for education reforms, grants and all the stuff is too old to say, but I would say, can anyone in this forum cite an incident when govt has not acted on casteist lines.
Govt's ir-respective of alliance are there to divide society and rule and fools like us to comment

happy commenting
Koi bhai election ladke to dikhaye

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by Dev on Mar 06, 2007 02:48 PM  Permalink 

After more than 50 years of independence, the so called lower caste has got an upper hand and can be very well regarded as the "upper case". Now its the turn for the real upper caste for reservations who have been deliberately sidelined by caste politics and vote bank. The upper caste are very much in need of reservation as they have been made a "lower caste" by the vote bank politics. The need is for reservations purely on economic conditions and not on caste basis. Does any of the political parties have the backbone to atleast talk on these lines.

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India does not need China!
by Tan Chin Hui on Mar 06, 2007 02:45 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Haha..Looking at this forum i cannot but laugh. This country is already so divided. What a shameful country called - INDIA, still people divide themselves based on age old practice called CASTE..Hahaha

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RE:India does not need China!
by ramu on Mar 06, 2007 02:48 PM  Permalink
this idiot is not a chineese... he sud be an betrayer from india itself.... no chineese in this world can ever write a full sentence in english.... they are completly illitrate... counting their days ... they dont know when america nad its alies will toast their ass

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RE:RE:India does not need China!
by vishal agarwal on Mar 06, 2007 02:56 PM  Permalink
well said ramu...

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RE:RE:India does not need China!
by Tan Chin Hui on Mar 06, 2007 02:57 PM  Permalink
Hey buddy..just wait till you are overrun by the dragon..we are already screwing you in the US.

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RE:RE:RE:India does not need China!
by ramu on Mar 06, 2007 03:04 PM  Permalink
i donno if u r a chineese... but ill tell u ...my friend is in china working for a company called foxcon... he says china is like a hell...and faces of the chineese ppl are like rotten egg and it stinks even when they are 100 metres away.. he also complimented them by sayin... "if u see the faces of the indian pigs.,, u dont have to see chineese ppl, cos both are simiilar"...
and if u r a non chineese jus tryin to provoke ppl here... pl go and ask ur mom... who is ur real father!!

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RE:RE:RE:India does not need China!
by ramu on Mar 06, 2007 03:03 PM  Permalink
lets see who will overrun who... u 4.2 inch B******d, first grow up litrelly then mentally..first see if chineese ppl can tackle dalai lama.. if u r a chineese pls look out of ur window... american ships are on the way... their nukes are already positioned... its jus a matter of time that china will live in stone age.. like iraq, afganistan

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quota is here to stay
by ramu on Mar 06, 2007 02:38 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

untill an SC/ST/OBC, get back their properties from the so called upper caste,which the so called upper caste ppl grabbed it form them long long ago... wih the help of the british... by SERVING the british..... this quota will continue.. if any party tries to shun the quota in favour of UC... they will be litrelly thrown out of this country by 95% of the ppl of this country... already the spirits are running in high voltage.... one provocative statement from any SC/ST/OBC leaders will finish the UC for ever....and they will have to return to their original business in middle east asia crying "biksham dehi".. its time for some more quota...

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RE:quota is here to stay
by subodh joshi on Mar 06, 2007 02:53 PM  Permalink
Ramu, the topic of discussion is reservations in educational institutes.I think you have not understood it. You have gone off on a tangent thretening UC by throwing them out of the country because u think these 'biksham dehi'people took away your wealth. Please take advantage of the reservation and try to educate yourself in understanding English.

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RE:RE:quota is here to stay
by ramu on Mar 06, 2007 03:18 PM  Permalink
i dont mind if i understand english or not... but 1 thing i clearly understandable... the so called upper class(middle east asians) cannot withstand the growth of the real indian

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RE:RE:RE:quota is here to stay
by Ramachandra AN on Mar 06, 2007 05:20 PM  Permalink
I hope you take your mother when she is dying from Heart attack to only SC / ST doctors and your wife when she is delivering her premature kid to only obc doctors. Hope u allways fly in Indian Airline piloted by an ST.
and long live ramu ( i do not know your age )

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RE:quota is here to stay
by subba reddy on Mar 06, 2007 02:58 PM  Permalink
In stead of begging for the QUOTA why don't SC/ST/OBC people study well and stand in the competition instead of asking for Biksham. And these blody politicins are playing games with people of India by putting all these reservations and this is kind of Devide and rule game. Actually most of these reservations are misused by the people who are already using reservation in their family. We should implement a rule like "One Family One Reservation".

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RE:quota is here to stay
by Ramachandra AN on Mar 06, 2007 02:46 PM  Permalink
Only on the day when pigs could fly, your dream will come true

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RE:quota is here to stay
by rakesh sharma on Mar 06, 2007 02:51 PM  Permalink
You people are lazy dont want to work hard and get succeeded. Getting the admissions by quota will not going to make you intelligent.Definitely if some of you will become doctor, we can imagine about the life of the patient. Instead of quota ask the government to provide free education for your people let them come in the merit and fight with the poverty.

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india is not a democratic country
by HS MANOHARAN on Mar 06, 2007 02:24 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

a country, that discriminates people by either creed caste race and cultural affinities is not a democratic country.so says the united nations policy manual. as long as congress is there, there will be this policy of divide and rule, since they can not come to power by sheer intellingence or worth. they can retain their vote bank by increasing reservation only and n0t by other means.

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RE:india is not a democratic country
by Uday Shankar on Mar 06, 2007 02:38 PM  Permalink
The castism begins when you get married na. Why everybody go for a intercaste marriage.

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Reservation should be on economic back ground not on the basis of caste.
by adidam amarnath on Mar 06, 2007 02:10 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

In Metro cities nobody knows other's caste.If a person joins in corporate college then he can get good rank in EAMCET.Those corporate colleges donot admit students on caste basis.IF u pay high donations u will get seat irrespective of ur caste.Even though a person belongs to so called upper caste he will not efford to join in that college.Reservation should be on economic back ground not on the basis of caste.I hope court will take care about economically backward students of upper caste in which political parties have failed.I will never vote for Congress and other parties which have supported this bill in parlament which is playing with the lifes of economic backward students of India.

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RE:Reservation should be on economic back ground not on the basis of caste.
by anand yni on Mar 06, 2007 03:13 PM  Permalink
Incidentally, during the sixties, reservation was based on social, educational and economic backwardness, all clubbed together. Unfortunately for the politicians, under the economic backwardness, many forward caste students got the seats. This was not palatable to most of the politicians (read congressmen) since they were unable to achieve their goal (of vote bank policy). Hence this "Anomaly" was "corrected" by deleting the word "economic" from the list. With this master stroke, most of the poor students coming unfortunately from higher castes lost reservation from then onwards.

I have a relative who joined as an Assistant Engineer about thirty years ago. He got one promotion after a couple of decades to Asst Executive Engineer and a few months ago the EE, that too after the intervention of the Highest Court of the country. In the meantime many joined as probationers, worked under him and moved up. Many of them became Chief (Thief) engineers long ago. The only saving grace is that they keep consulting him on all important professional matters since they are, you know what I mean!

The current situation is that irrespective of the party in power or opposition, all politicians will unanimously vote for reservation and its perpetuation.

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RE:Reservation should be on economic back ground not on the basis of caste.
by Ashok on Mar 06, 2007 02:28 PM  Permalink
My heart bleeds when I see that my son cannot get admission to Eng. college without paying money when his classmate with much lower mark can just walk in. My heart bleeds more when I see that the other chap will also get reservation when he applies for a job. Worst of all, the other chap who had it easy throughout his life will also get reservation in promotions. How long do you want to support someone based on his caste and make it unnecessary for him to ever perform.

Secondly, I would not mind if all these benefits are going to some (so called) low caste person who is suffering from hunger and deprivation. But I find that most of the beneficiaries are those who are already well heeled. My own close friend (who is a VERY good fellow) who is no match to me in either studies or any other skills comes from a well to do family. He, his wife and his two children all got everything under reservations. Recently, he even got a site alloted under SC/ST quote in a prime location in Bangalore. I continue to suffer because I am borne in a (so called) upper caste and I am struggling to educate my son.

No wonder my son wants to leave the country as quickly as possible. If you continue to do this to our youngsters, we would be making other nations richer at the cost of our skills.

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RE:RE:Reservation should be on economic back ground not on the basis of caste.
by Uday Shankar on Mar 06, 2007 02:46 PM  Permalink
Ashok, now atleast you change. Why dont you hold your caste still. Let your son get married a lower caste girl. Similarly your daughter can marry a lowere caste boy. In next 50 yers we can reduce this caste impact. This is to be coming from you. Dont blame others

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RE:RE:RE:Reservation should be on economic back ground not on the basis of caste.
by Ansuman Dhal on Mar 06, 2007 03:09 PM  Permalink
Uday why don't you goto Kolkata or some other metro where this intra cast marriage happens a lot.Don't blame the marriage blame the so called creamy layer.I think you below to the so called, that's why you are opposing the voice of the nation against quota.

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RE:RE:RE:RE:Reservation should be on economic back ground not on the basis of caste.
by Uday Shankar on Mar 06, 2007 03:18 PM  Permalink
It never represents the entire India. I am not at all opposing the reservation. Once caste is getting away from us automatically reservation too.

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RE:RE:Reservation should be on economic back ground not on the basis of caste.
by me on Mar 06, 2007 02:53 PM  Permalink
I completely agree with you. Dont know when these shameless politicians will look into such matters.I feel very sad to see even after so many protests Govt just wouldnt budge.One thing is clear ; till there is a CONG govt , people like us continue to suffer.And our only mistake being born in a upper caste ! ! !...

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RE:RE:Reservation should be on economic back ground not on the basis of caste.
by Sameer Uke on Mar 06, 2007 02:55 PM  Permalink
Your heart bleeds now...the people of so called lower castes had bled 2000 years ago..and that forced backwardness is still continuing in the SCs and STs even 2000 years down the line. Then not a single SC was allowed to even sit in the class.How many upper caste rickshaw pullers do you find through out INDIA? please try to survey and report...you will get your answers..

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RE:RE:RE:Reservation should be on economic back ground not on the basis of caste.
by Ansuman Dhal on Mar 06, 2007 03:14 PM  Permalink
There are many upper cats rickshaw pullers. The so called creamy layer in SC/ST are getting the cream of quota not the SCST people from rural areas where there is a real need. I have lot many examples of creamy layer on SCST getting benefit of this quota not the real needy SCST. As a SCST go to rural india help the needy SCST and make them at par to get the quota.You make your own survey and analyse the data and the write.Just because you are from creamy layer of SC
ST don't write. This Congress govt is the worst govt india has ever got.

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RE:RE:RE:Reservation should be on economic back ground not on the basis of caste.
by Parthasarathy Y K on Mar 06, 2007 03:14 PM  Permalink
Do you mean to say that you can study, work and hold respectable positions being an illiterate and with no aptitude? Do you think such idiots can take this country to new heights? Thats why we see many govt organizations running into mess and horrible staff who don't know exect acceping bribes, talking foul language etc. I've personally seen SC/ST%. people laughing at upper caste student who did not get a medical college seat despite scoring 98%. An SC/ST who scored 52% got the seat. Who is going to make people suffer most? 52% guy or 98% guy? People, Wake up and abolish castism. Give respect to talant and encourage.

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RE:RE:Reservation should be on economic back ground not on the basis of caste.
by Synicle on Mar 06, 2007 03:23 PM  Permalink
Nice story. In which prime location of Bangalore did the government allot sites under a quota?

Bangalore Development Authority Website says,
"Computerised random allotment of sites ensuring social mixup was done using the following criteria : (1) Category. (2)Number of Attempts. (3)Age."

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RE:Reservation should be on economic back ground not on the basis of caste.
by anand yni on Mar 06, 2007 02:57 PM  Permalink
I had a classmate in Cl XII. He failed twice and joined the same medical college as I did a year later. I had gone to final year when he just cleared the I year. I joined a job & went to the hostel to meet some friends five years later. I saw him there. On enquiring, he sheepishly said that since he had not cleared all the subjects prior to final year, he was not able to take the final year exam. On my next visit several years later, I found him in one of the departments as a demonstrator. Another classmate of ours was on the verge of becoming a professor. Although he could have got a govt job as a doctor elsewhere, he preferred to stay in the city in a department away from patients. He had registered for his MD. He failed repeatedly but finally was pushed up by the exasperated examiners. He immediately got promoted as associate professor & possibly is continuing as professor till now. No student ever goes to him nor is he bothered. He gets his pay & perks with which he is happy. His children also must have joined (ruined) some college some where. All this, thanks to reservation policy. I am sure everyone remembers the story of the wolf and the lamb. Since our forefathers committed unproved sin several hundred generations ago, we are being punished for the same, since the politicians want to rule the roost. This is evidenced by the fact that the government is opposing even the exclusion of the creamy layer.

God save those students and this country.

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RE:let good sense prevail
by ranga venkat on Mar 06, 2007 02:14 PM  Permalink
UR sin is not born in a caste which is having a reservation

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RE:let good sense prevail
by Ashok on Mar 06, 2007 02:17 PM  Permalink
Your sins are as follows:
(1) You are born in India
(2) You are born in a (so called) upper caste
(3) You (and/or) your forefathers voted for vote-bank dependent politicians.

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RE:let good sense prevail
by ABC on Mar 06, 2007 02:18 PM  Permalink
Your first sin is that your great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great grandfather oppressed you classmates' great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great grandfather. Our second (and much more serious) sin is that we voted the Congress to power. We can't do much about the first sin but we definitely must atone for our second sin in 2009.

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RE:RE:let good sense prevail
by tejas gangane on Mar 06, 2007 02:55 PM  Permalink
Well the very fact that four centuries of oppression has been awarded to so called lower caste gets undermined.We can't even stand fifty years of discrimination & these lower castes stood it for good four centuries.We are just being deprived of education but we deprived them of basic needs like food shelter & clothing.For hours togethter a thirsty person/child had to wait on the well side till all the upper castes had their turns.If a basic necessity like water which is a natural resource & every individual has equal right on it, was discriminated, How on Earth do we expect these guys to forgive & forgo the benefits they are enjoying?Inspite of all this if we have to build Nation,Government should use reservations in right perspective & not for vote bank politics.

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RE:RE:RE:let good sense prevail
by Jatindra Deo on Mar 06, 2007 04:00 PM  Permalink
it is people like ramu who get easily carried away by emotions...well he has heard of those vengeful stories of oppression 400 yrs ago and now wants to avenge them for the next 400 yrs..its fools like these with premediviel leanings who need head for a head ,rape for a rape .....are reason enough for congress being voted to power...my friend talent cannot be suppressed ...what this policy will do is drive our best minds out of our country...to some research facility in US ..to a medical research centre in UK ....while india struggles to come into terms on quotas china will (and frighteningly has)move to the league of developed nations...today my friend china's spendings on defence is almost equal to our forex reseves....so before its too late we need to give bright minds a chance to explore there imaginations "inhouse" a runway ,a flight...ireespective of caste or creed ...lower caste or upper caste....its doubly important for people like ramu to realise that the hatred he harbours is misconcieved and out of context ..indias GenNext favours equality and harbours no hatred...no alternative to hard work

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RE:RE:let good sense prevail
by ramu on Mar 06, 2007 02:30 PM  Permalink
even if u vote out congress and bring back BJP... they cannot scrub the quotas...if they do so... there will be no more BJP in india... as only 3% of so called upper caste ppl only will vote for it

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RE:RE:RE:let good sense prevail
by kasturi narasimhan on Mar 06, 2007 02:53 PM  Permalink
Dear Ramu,
How do you think BJP can be voted to power by by just 3% of the people? Not all so called upper cast people robbed the OBC, etc. For example, my father and uncles did not have any property to call their own. They lived in other's houses when young and studies and came up in life. They only worked as technicians and now their children have become engineers, etc after studying hard and competing even with the quota system. Please let me know your background and why the creamy layer should still get benefit.

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RE:RE:RE:RE:let good sense prevail
by the_one on Mar 06, 2007 03:00 PM  Permalink
well your sin is that u have taken too long to realise that u are an INDIAN...lol

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RE:RE:RE:RE:let good sense prevail
by nitin sharma on Mar 06, 2007 03:10 PM  Permalink
Ramu seems to be so free that he has been crapping all the shit out of his mind....this is what happens when one is relaxed depending on the quota system for every act of life...after getting so used to the quotas...god know pple like ramu would be left good enough to do anything on their own

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RE:let good sense prevail
by Suman Ghosh on Mar 06, 2007 02:17 PM  Permalink
All the SC/ST/OBC people are just taking advantage of our vote-hungry governments' attitude. Govt doesnt care about development of the country or its people - all it cares is about votes. And as for the people, Infy chief Narayana Murthy had aptly said "India is probably the only country in the world which the people love to call themselves backward". Our future is doomed. So its better to go and settle in some other country rather than stay here and be ruled by illiterate, uneducated and corrupt people.

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RE:let good sense prevail
by Sameer Uke on Mar 06, 2007 03:00 PM  Permalink
Your sin is that you've been fed throughout your life with anti-quota sentiments..and even now you do not accept that everybody has a right to redeem himself/herself...and has the right to live life with dignity.

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RE:RE:let good sense prevail
by Venkat Prakash on Mar 06, 2007 09:05 PM  Permalink
mr.Sameer Uke.. it seems that u have been enjoying all the alms of being a "reserved caste" ,, what redeem ur talking about.. if u cant redeem ur selves if 3 generations when will u..?? its like a pig cant think of redeeming itself and become a cow ,, and the dignity as u call it is a "Bheek" and lust of power of the politicians

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