the most important change should be democracy, the roots of democracy are very weak ,Dictators like Musharaf cannot be true voice of Millions of ppl, These non elected bodies mislead people in every aspect showing as threat to security of nation. US eventhough has good trade relationships would like to have its ally as Pakistan for Geography and political reasons.hope democracy gets restored in Pakistan to see sensible brains and politically professional and deserving ppl occupy the Right seats
RE:in True Sense
by S Kiran on Mar 07, 2007 08:51 AM Permalink
Democracy can not solve the problems that Pakistan is creating for the world. The root of the problem is Pakistan itself. It was created with the intention of being a troublemonger. Only its extermination will solve the problem.
The Bush government is probably trying to tell the American public that the reason why they are not winning the war is because of non-cooperation from Pakistan. They are trying to make Pakistan the scapegoat for this debacle.
RE:Paki a scapegoat?
by Shankar Panday on Mar 06, 2007 10:42 PM Permalink
Pak has taken too much of US tax payers should be forced to deliver now..Pak facilitated airlifting of Pak jihadi army officers from Tora Bora..all terrorists named so far has connections to Pak..bin al Shibh was hobnobbing the middle Gulshan e Iqbal Karachi...Pak should be pressured to close or bomb all madrassahs, change its bigotted text books and declare itself a secular country immediately.
May be Mr. Mush does not understand american english. He might have misinterpreted the sugar coated words from Mr. Cheney. :-).
Mr. Cheney might have said. Hey mush you are doing great and we really appretiate your help in War against terrorism. but you gotta do more buddy or I will kick ur a$$ ha ha ha.
Cheney would never use the language, the people in subcontinenet use :-). food for thought? :-))
RE:Is it because M's english
by Sarnath Kannan on Mar 06, 2007 10:34 PM Permalink
Mush, We support you!!!! Be bold and independent and clean out terrorist camps from Pakstan for the betterment of your own state!