Ex ISI was silent & was enjoying his position. Now he open his both eyes. PAK is getting all supports from USA since 30 years to perform certain task. USA has no alternate other than to finish PAK.
It will be impossible to defeat Taliban and Alquaeda as long as Pakistan state continues to exist in its current form. To chastise Pakistan of its Taliban and Alquaeeda addiction, first of all it is necessary to divide Pakistan into its component parts. Only then we can gain some element of control on the growth adn propagation of Taliban and Alquaeeda. Till such time it will always be a hit and run exercise for US and Afghan troops. Probably if the US forces acquire the right to indulge in hot pursuit of the militants, there could be some improvement in control of these militant elements. But to gain full control on the situation, dismemberment of Pakistan into three or four states is very essential.