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by Raj A on Apr 01, 2007 12:08 PM  Permalink 


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u people r great
by rafiulla mohammed on Mar 26, 2007 07:06 PM  Permalink 

u want to support the people woh kiddled rajive gandi,and killing may inocent people,they dont have sense when they blow them self in th areas the people who were died arent they were inocent,now when government is taking action and doing right,the LTTE says to divide the contry what for to divide the contry the goveenemnt must clear all LTTE and make the full democratioc country.international comunity must help the Srilankan govt.by providing advanced fighting systems.

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stop this mayhem
by sushant naik on Mar 26, 2007 02:54 PM  Permalink 

Indian govn. should immediately interfere in the situation and stop sinahalese killing poor n hapless tamilians...we shouldnt be scared of Eelam anymore, they deserve it after being harassed and taunted as Indians by cheap Sinahalese all the time.

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Tigers getting ready for 'bloodbath'
by Narasimalu Balaraman on Mar 06, 2007 02:38 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Mr Tamil Selvan is correct, LTTE gave enough time to SLG to come up with some alternative solution for Eelam, but SLG not interested in any solution to Tamil People at all. World community including india playing a cheap game for their personal interest, even after killing innocent tamil fishermen India is stell licking the Sinhalese politicians. Tigers gave the clear message to the community and they are in a situation to reteliate back the brainless sinahalese

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RE:RE:Tigers getting ready for 'bloodbath'
by on Mar 27, 2007 07:46 AM  Permalink
He is right.i accept his message

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