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New way to convert black to white
by purna on Jun 27, 2007 05:52 PM  Permalink 

I hope this explanation will be accepted for ALL by the Income tax department.

"The BSP workers, who earlier used to send the money to the party, started sending it to me thinking that I had no money. They (workers) asked me to utilise the money in any way I wanted--for constructing a bungalow in Delhi or in investment," she told reporters.

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Shame on
by Rajesh M on Jun 27, 2007 05:39 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Please listen to the words - how arrogantly do come out a responsible CM elected to serve the people.

Shame! Shame!

I don't understand, from where these people are getting this much dare.

Pity at Bharat Matha.

Rajesh M

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RE:Shame on
by Sankaranarayanan Doraiswamy on Jun 27, 2007 07:35 PM  Permalink
She came to power with the votes of people who love her. People gave her only money so that she will take care of them. Hope income tax willnote that she got this much amount in her asset. What can they do but to approve that Maya and God gr8

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Will we vote for Mayawati next time?
by India on Jun 27, 2007 05:21 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

The answer is yes. Though politicans corruption are not proved in courts. Its common sense we know Rs.52 crore can't be earned in a right way by a politican. Guys like Lalu, Jayalalitha, Karunanidhi, Kumarrappa etc have made crore after joining politics.

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Give back those money
by Rahul on Jun 27, 2007 05:11 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Ms.Mayawati-what are yougoing to do with this 52 crores. Give back those money to the poor BSP workers.Let them live happily and keep praising you for life long.

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RE:Give back those money
by India on Jun 27, 2007 05:14 PM  Permalink
is maya a fool to do that

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Is money earned from Charity ?????????????
by amit gupta on Jun 27, 2007 05:09 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Ms Mayawati father retired from post office.
She was teacher before joining the politics.
Now she is politician. She may have many Benami properties in his family & her name. This is what called WHITE MONEY earned by her. A Inquiry should be ordered what is the property his family7 have???????
Do u think a person having so much money need RESERVATION for Govt. JOB

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RE:Is money earned from Charity ?????????????
by Prabhakaran Nair on Jun 27, 2007 05:20 PM  Permalink
Maywati - comes under reservation catagory. Becuase she is from backward class with Rs.52 crore asset. Only God can help us. That why people are asking for reservation on economic/income basis. The fools is ruling in the Govt. don't know all those things. Put a raid on all Politician res./places.

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RE:Is money earned from Charity ?????????????
by India on Jun 27, 2007 05:10 PM  Permalink
52 crore is white others in black too

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RE:Is money earned from Charity ?????????????
by I Say on Jun 27, 2007 05:06 PM  Permalink
True this is somethign she has declared. only God and Sonia knows how much she has actually got

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maya's maya mahal....
by ashish jyotindra vyas on Jun 27, 2007 05:06 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

for us the educated ppl, its so sad n strange that a complete illiterate woman, who doesnt even have civil manners, comes to power and rules over those learned IAS and IPS officers. i can imagine how those babus must be feeling when they hav to salute such a venomous creature like mayawati. mera bharat mahan. yes, she always gets away by only 2 excuses- dalit ki beti. if only ppl were educated enuf to know her villanous character, and chameleon like powers, maybe forget mayawati, there wont be any political system left in the country...coz most of the politicians are corrupt to the core. neways...i shudder at the very thot that wat will become of the country if sucha useless, illiterate, and mindless person becomes the PM of the country....i, for sure, will commit suicide.

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RE:maya's maya mahal....
by Abdul Rahiman on Jun 27, 2007 05:14 PM  Permalink
Boss! We can blame ourselves for this, do you want to contest elections, Does your family likes you to join politice? It is our society that is responsible for dirty politicians, first of all, we should consider politics also a noble profession as any other job, then quality people will enter politics. The more we shy away from it, we can only expect Mayas, Lalus, Mulayams, Raja babus in politics.

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RE:maya's maya mahal....
by mahendra sapa on Jun 27, 2007 05:24 PM  Permalink
I agree with you 100%. The educated mass will have to take a plunge in politics else we have no right to comment of what's going wrong. Kinnare per beth ke saab salahh de sakte hai, panni mai utar ne ke baad hi asaliyat ka pata chalta hai

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RE:maya's maya mahal....
by Rahul on Jun 27, 2007 05:14 PM  Permalink
prepare to suicide.One such a person will become president shortly...

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Sab Maya hai
by I Say on Jun 27, 2007 05:05 PM  Permalink 

Man this is the pits. Will this argument of hers stand in the court of law. Is anyone any party going to take up this case of Wealth beyond ones legal sources of income??? Now that she is mollycoddling with the congress its legal I guess. long live the queen of the oppressed. The rest of the country is going to be further opperessed as behan mayawati will no doubt start making appearances with more diamond jewellery and pink dresses

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BSP workers gave me money: Cretin Mayawati
by Bodh Ramdeo on Jun 27, 2007 05:04 PM  Permalink 

Ever heard of tax evasion? If she had received all this money, it should have been declared as income and taxes paid as required by law.
The IB & I-T must immediately initiate proceedings against her for non-payment of taxes.
Also, what other assets hasn't she decalred that was given by 'BSP workers'?
Apparently only crooks, dacoits and goondas are good enough to make it into the Congress Party good books.

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Who said Dalits are poor
by Dada on Jun 27, 2007 04:59 PM  Permalink 

Who said these Dalits are poor and needy. I strongly suggest to stop reservations on caste basis. There are poor ppl in dalit as well as in general too.

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