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by jagoindia on Jun 28, 2007 12:20 PM  Permalink 


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For example!!!
by hiral joshi on Jun 28, 2007 11:58 AM  Permalink 

There is a media-maligned CM in India, his name is Narendra Modi. He is very popular and loved in Gujarat. He is almost everyday receiving gifts from the people of Gujarat. What he does is he periodically auctions these gifts(which constitute cash, gold, silver etc) and deposites the cash earned by the auction in the state reserves. Does Maya have courage to do such thing?

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re: assets
by jagoindia on Jun 28, 2007 11:55 AM  Permalink 

maya got huge assets they need to be checkd throughly by tax officals and party men.....I know u guuys understand what i mean. politicians with huge assets not as huge as jayaji

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by jagoindia on Jun 28, 2007 11:43 AM  Permalink 

arey why do u worry about just 52 crores. This could be just5% of here total property adn this would be same case with all politicians in India. For instance take jaya she says she got nothing... all these politicians will not be happy if they get their minimum quota of 1000 cr. this I would say minimum.... dont worry about crap 52 and that its just tip of the iceberg. I will see how many think that Iam right..............

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Tax her heavily on these money
by hiral joshi on Jun 28, 2007 11:37 AM  Permalink 

OK lets believe Maya for the moment but where are the proofs of transfer of money? Receipts, or check. How did this transfer occur? If people gave her these money in cash in form of small amounts, why didnt she cared for keeping proper records of the income? Gift is also taxable and these money are gift(as per Mayawati).

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Mayawati's assets in multiple crores
by Shridhar Iyer on Jun 28, 2007 11:01 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Who is she trying to fool? All the assets could not have been given by her party members. Even if we assume, a part of the whole assets, was given to her by her party members, then we need to understand who gave them, and we should ask those people, the source of their income for the generosity!. Nobody will give their hard earned money free to somebody. In all probability the ill gotten money could have been shared.

Now that she has become the CM of the big State UP, and her help is required for the election of the President, the Central Govt also has put her Taj Corridor case in the back yard, instead of taking the case to its logical conclusion, and punish the guilty suitably and quickly!.

Just because they don't want to accommodate a very honest, able, straightforward and unpliable person in Mr.Kalam, a sub-standard candidate has been thrust by the UPA on the country, which is a great disservice to the nation once again.

All these are happening, which suits the political parties, and their partners. They gave a damn in the whole process to the people, on whose votes, they have come to power.

Long live the biggest democracy in the world!.

"Wake up, stop not, rest not, my dear countrymen, until the goal of punishing all those responsible for the ills of the nation, are dethroned and punished as per the law of the land, that too quickly.

Indians are in the forefront of NASA, Software Industry, R&D establishments all over the world. Our politicians call

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RE:Mayawati's assets in multiple crores
by Shridhar Iyer on Jun 28, 2007 11:01 AM  Permalink
continuation of the earlier message:
this phenomena as 'brain-drain'. In reality it is simply they have been driven away by the unfavourable climate created by these politicians, for example: no respect for merit, admissions based on caste, community, recommendations, etc, and not merit, poor quality infrastructure, poor quality and quantity of drinking water, electricity, corruption in public life, etc.

My dear countrymen, wake up, and when are you going to punish those who are responsible for all the ills as mentioned above? Don't allow them to take you for granted repetedly.

With best wishes,

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what about the undeclared assets
by Akshay Kumar on Jun 28, 2007 10:53 AM  Permalink 

This 52 Cr. is Mayawati's declared assets. So one can imagine how much will be her undeclared assets. why u need MFs, shares etc. yaar ? Just learn from Mayawati how to make 52 crores with zero investment.

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u s a need mayabati leader
by Bhupinder Singh on Jun 28, 2007 08:42 AM  Permalink 

1.2 million people in usa earn more than 60% total income of usa, 25% peopel in usa dnot contribute , what social uneqaulity,, they need mayabati style leader to bring socialism

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mayawati maya
by Bhupinder Singh on Jun 28, 2007 08:36 AM  Permalink 

what great leader of poor masses, accumuluted52 crore in just few years in politics without any hard work, now she is imagining to be primeminister of india, how much she targeting to accumulate,,50000000 crore at least by thier builder, smuggler, extornalist and raper their i e supporter of donation,,, poor atal ji, manu bhai are just puppet in her front,, what a great financial new of high status,, wonderful, sub kuchha maya jaal ho gaya,,

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american also need mayabati
by Bhupinder Singh on Jun 28, 2007 08:35 AM  Permalink 

in usa 1.2 million family are earning the 50% income of whole usa,, what a shame 10% people of usa earning the 50%money and lower 25 % are notearnign for economy,, they need also mayabati socialistic leader to represent the poor negro,, and poor people,,,

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