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Bechara . Allow FC and BC's to fake certificates
by Blazer on Jun 19, 2007 01:56 AM  Permalink 

This should be allowed a free & fair chance for everyone.

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why was this article posted under news?
by Sivaram Iyer on Jun 19, 2007 12:40 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

i thought this is a common practice in the north.


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RE:why was this article posted under news?
by Editor Rediff on Jun 19, 2007 12:55 AM  Permalink
i thought this is a common practice in the south. lol .. lets make it issue and fight

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RE:why was this article posted under news?
by Human Value on Jun 19, 2007 05:18 AM  Permalink
You are worst kind of scum .... the DMK robs you Iyers of any kind of respect and treats you like 3rd class citizens. If you are a man and have balls try to end the humiliation and mass exodus of iyers from TN instead of making stupid comments like this.

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RE:why was this article posted under news?
by Sivaram Iyer on Jun 19, 2007 08:43 AM  Permalink
I m least bothered about how political parties treat me or my caste - they will suffer for their misdeeds... future is doomed for them!
I m not gonna get doomed nor affected by any barbaric act of any of the marascus political parties down there.

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RE:why was this article posted under news?
by Sonu on Jun 19, 2007 03:36 AM  Permalink

Abe Zhandoo baam, tujhe "north" aur "south" ke siva aur kuchh aata bhi hai kya?

oops I forgot, Hindi "illa" bole tu...

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