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How to convert to Hinduism
by Sam on Jun 18, 2007 10:30 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Arya Samaj %u2013 the mission started by Swami Dayanand Saraswati. The state and central government has given authority to Arya Samaj to issue a certificate to those who wish to

embrace Hinduism.

Now how does one become a Hindu? It is very simple. First there is a purification ceremony known as %u2018sudhi karma.%u2019 Then render hymns from the four Vedas. Now the person is

a Hindu and he/she will get a certificate. The person will only be converted to Hinduism not to any caste. The person can use this certificate to enter any temple in India.

Apart from the Arya Samaj there are other Hindu organizations that are entitled to help people adopt Hinduism. They are usually determined by the state governments.

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RE:How to convert to Hinduism
by Vesel Sha on Jun 18, 2007 05:57 PM  Permalink
pal see if you can do something for a good cause. The least u can do is throw in some change


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by Yaqoot Mir on Jun 18, 2007 08:30 PM  Permalink
270 Million people in 1400 years is less than 20% of the people eliminated by a combination of Chritianity, hitler, civil wars not involving Islam, famine, poverty and political conflict so much so for your facts and figures quit focusing on one religion for gods sake you bum and go get a life.

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by vikram singh on Jun 19, 2007 05:39 PM  Permalink
To: Yaqoot Mir mulla
yo listen man why the hell are even on this site on the first place. Firstly, you cant even dream to compare Our India with Pakistan(donated by us) and instead of wasting time here why dont you go work on some world project like bombing or somthing you know....be productive like your other brothers.
pakis are jealous cuz they are hindus/sikhs anymore and the religion they are trying to follow will not accept them. (you know what i am talking about). Mullas from middle east dont consider you guys "true mullah".
Jai Hind.
oh dont come back here......go watch an indian movie lolz

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by on Jul 30, 2007 10:58 AM  Permalink
or go read www.faithfreedom.org

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by Ahimsa on Jun 18, 2007 11:16 PM  Permalink
So much for Islam being a tolerant, peacefull , blah, blah, blah religion.

Islam can join a group of killer religions like Christianity.

Yaah you are right islam can be grouped among the pehenomenons like poverty, famine, didesase, war which brought killings and destruction to the humanity along with Christianity.

So going by your logic let us strive hard to elimainate, poverty, disease, famine, war, islam, christianity from the world. This will bring prosperity and peace to the humanity.

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Overestimates agressive actions
by N Yadav on Jun 17, 2007 12:42 AM  Permalink 

While I agree with the authors scenario of a limbo puppet state goal for the US, there are some points which are unbelievable.
How exactly can the US foment trouble in Iran's Sistan-Baluchistan when Pak Baluchistan itself has a virulent anti-Pak movement? Thats like India trying to foment insurgency in POK through Indian held Kashmir. The author also claims that militant Islam is being manupilated to serve US interests. How can militant Islam serve US interests in an convoluted game when it is now a proven fact that jihadi's are a uncontrollable force even for states like Syria and even for the extremist outfits like Hammas. Moreover they are all consistently anti-US.
The central Asia scramble has to do with preventing spread of militant islam to those regions and secure their petroleum reserves.

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Right Treatment from the Wrong Friend
by navin aysola on Jun 16, 2007 03:31 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

If you have a democracy, people are the king. If you have a dicatator, then any country which influences him always has a big role to play.

There is no reason anyone should be sypathetic to Pakistan. It was always involved in trying to destabalize it's neighbours for the benefit of the US. Well, since its neighbours are either completely destroyed or going great guns, there is not much Pakistan can do for the US.

The only thing left is Osama and his generals. But once these guys are caught, there's nothing left with Pakistan to give the Americans. The missile defence shield will be in Central Asia. The US cannot afford to lose India or China.... and vice versa.
Pakistan cannot play a strategic role when it comes to Iran.. so theres not much left for Pakistan other than Osama.

Let a democracy be installed in Pakistan and things will improve for them. IF they continue with another dicatator, then it will be again a case of blackmail from both the sides.

No pity for Pakistan administration. They deserved it.

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RE:Right Treatment from the Wrong Friend
by vidya r on Jun 16, 2007 03:42 PM  Permalink
Its waste of time discussing pak

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