Whenever we negotiate with U.S. on any serious matter, we tend to be na? and easily get into the web the U.S. negotiators skillfully spin. Few months ago, a jubilant Manmohan Singh returned from USA with the Nuclear Deal being stuck with apparently minor bits and pieces to be put in proper perspective, little did we know that very serious problems relating to our future Nuclear development programme would be in jeopardy if we would sign the agreement in the manner it was originally presented. Thanks to our scientific fraternity who strongly raised several vital issues to be sorted out before signing the Nuclear Agreement.
Now that Indian position in this respect is fully known to USA, it is upto Bush Administration to review the contentious issues and set them right. As a nation, let%u2019s uphold our independence, dignity and sovereignty. Under no circumstances, we shall buckle under US pressure for concluding the Nuclear Agreement putting our national interests at risk.
I want manmohan singh to not accept the present clause in the Hyde act. We dont have the right to reprocess the spent fuel is a big idean in the usa mind. Its very dangerous agreement. If they do like that we have a big problem So the country will be in their hands. The president of America will be the Prime minister in iNDIA.
rediff mail is a cheat,,,,,,,,420........one of my cousin got the prize of ipod during the world cup....(predict and win)they havent send it...but they told it was delivered,,,,,such a cheap company........
India is in dire need of imported fuel for our nuclear energy. We need electricity to plough our fields and run industry. Those who oppose the tie without knowing the facts, should find out solution, how to get this fuel. Our needs of electricity cannot be fufilled with coal,gas etc., etc., Hope, a political solution will emerge soon.
Manmohan ji We India ppl want to see that u'll give a Panju punch on Bush's face!!! Henry kisinger threatend us on 1972 with nuclear we want u tk revenge!!
by ABDULLAHSAIKH on Jun 06, 2007 02:55 PM Permalink
hello nly usa not a super power,russia also super power!!russia hv capability to destroy usa 1000 times& we r friend since 70 years!!
by arungopal agarwal on Jun 06, 2007 02:50 PM Permalink
I request rediff to award you both medals for coining/inventing new language. Kindly let me know who will give us imported fuel, if this deal is not done
YES good . I appreciate friends of India Russia is a true friend.
But we dont want to go against USA at this time. We have massive trade relatinship with USA upwards of $80 billion a year more than anyone else, we have productive relationship with 3 million Indians making USA their home sweet home, we have huge ties in industry and commerce, now defense ties too, Why would we want to demonize USA now ?
In 1970s it was different India and USA were in different camps, communist versus capitalists, today it is capitalist world, even Russia itself is become capitalist now.
I dont see why for any reason we should make USA our enemey and dig out old graves ?
India already has enemies that pose a clear danger to its' land namely China, Pakistan, enough water has flown the ganges since the problem of kashmir has arisen. Do we need to build up on our friends or add the most powerful country as our enemey ? think man think !!!!
by ABDULLAHSAIKH on Jun 06, 2007 03:04 PM Permalink
they hv to come India for their looting our assets!!!What do u think ,now share mkt is going boom,who is the benefiter,we r not,FII the big benef,they dont leave india !!
by ABDULLAHSAIKH on Jun 06, 2007 03:08 PM Permalink
ok i agree with u on this point,today we need some thing,but we dont want any thing to sell our soverenty!!
by Murthy on Jun 06, 2007 02:02 PM Permalink
Idiot first get Kashmir that is occupied 1/3rd by Pakistan and another 38,000 sq kilometer by china.
Don't mess with the USA. China, Pakistan, Bangladesh, how many enemies do you need ? and you want to add to the enemey list the great USA ?
M F USA has 9000 nuclear warheads, enough to destroy the world 13,000 times.
DONT mess with the USA, see Hiroshima, they have guts to use it too.
India is also great minus idiots like you. who dont know what you are up against.
USA alone accounts for 33% of the world economy with only 4% of the world's population. USAF is the most powerful and largest airforce in the world capable of hitting anywhere in the world. Americans have won 270 NObel prizes and over 75% of modern world world inventions in the last 100 years have come from good ol USA.
In Iraq they are trying to make Shias and Sunnis stop fighting who are behaving like idiots blowing each other up, IF USA wanted it woudl have simply bombed the crap out of Iraq and got out. but peacemaking for animals like arabs is a harder job especially if you are dealing with iraqi morons.
If someone asked me what the biggest problem with us Indians is, I would tell them it is our false sense of pride. Our inflated ego is the reason losers like the commenter above says crap like that.
USA USA I am USA citizen. what chamcha ? I am proud to be an American But I am Indian too by birth. I love both USA and India, You are gutter cockroach guy who belonged to camel riding tribe.