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Bad reason
by unni krishnan nair on Jun 04, 2007 05:17 PM  Permalink 

It is a good move considering the advanced age of these people. But the reason could have been much more descent.

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What about Child prisoners ???
by Dipak Bose on Jun 04, 2007 09:31 AM  Permalink 

There are millions of children in both UP and Bihar who are imprisoned by landlords and factory owners, employing them as child labourers.
Why does not Mayawati free them first???

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Mayawati & Mulayam, 2 sides of the same coin
by Ind Prince on Jun 04, 2007 03:17 AM  Permalink 

Mayawati and Mulayam, two sides of the same coin.

Criminals with a mask of politicians run the state, Muslim writ runs large in some areas of U.P.(people call these areas as Mini Pakistan),main industry of U.P. is fast becoming kidnapping and whatever little law and order was present in the past has all but collapsed. At least Nitish is making an attempt to reverse the jungle raj in Bihar but U.P. is a total gone case with politicians like Mulayam and Mayawati holding sway.

U.P. is beyond redemption and now only God can save it.

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Come on
by Ramesh L on Jun 04, 2007 01:32 AM  Permalink 

"The decision was taken to commemorate my first installation as chief minister of the state on June 3, 1995", Mayawati told a luncheon press conference here Sunday afternoon."

Yeah right! Thats a big occasion to free prisoners. All these self-centered politicans of our dear country.

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