Reading another person diary is a sin. More sin is giving negative comments out of that. If that person reacts, then shut up & go down agreeing mistake. If that is not possible, then don't post message here.
Basic infrastructure include - electricity, water, road & other transport facilities. After independence what is the progress on these fronts? Evaluate periodwise & put front of people. Rate of growth can be increased with all these three PLUS one more now is SECYRITY ARRANGEMENTS. Existing facilities as regards SECURITY - on all above three is equally important. Otherwise what we gain is lost in seconds this loss will in addition to loss due to corruption ?
I told lot of time, don't try to give different meaning to a civil nuclear deal. You guys talk & talk all these possibilities & angles instead of contributing how effectively we can get the best deal to solve our electricity problems.
RE:India Must Sign A Deal With US regarding
by keseven on Jul 30, 2007 05:26 AM Permalink
Hmm. There is only one country in the world with corruption, that is India? If so, give an example of a country w/o corruption.
Firstly there are no friends in Politics. Any one who thinks that way is plain "STUPID"! Its all about strategic interest. Its in US interest to have a Nuke Deal with India as it will help its sell tech to India plus help tap into Indias vast Nuclear Labor force that US is in short supply off. Its great for India as it despratly needs more energy to keep its economy growing. Nuclear is one path that can help but we need more nuclear material to fulfill that dream. This deal is great for India. The only people who are crying are opposition members who feel they have lost a golden opportunity as history will give credit to Congress. I feel party politics is destroying India. We should think what is good for the nation and forget about party politics.
And all this talk about US trying to PIT India against China. Give me a freaking break. China was our enemy even before US came into the pic. Some people have no memory, OLD FARTS !. CHINA attacked India. China helped our arch rival PAK to get NUKES. We should be glad that US has come to our aid because I feel India will find it hard to deal with both PAK and China if they gang up on us. We need Good allies with similar interest that will help us. US is a great strategic ally in this cause.
RE:US Nuke Deal with India
by sushant naik on Jul 30, 2007 03:00 AM Permalink
Well said...I completely agree with it...Indo-China war is a rare possibility,even US knows that...soo ppl dont be cynical...I respect US,their war on terror is helping us more than anybody else...Islamic world considers Ind,US and Isreal as enemies of its time for us to join hands.
RE:US Nuke Deal with India
by keseven on Jul 30, 2007 04:09 AM Permalink
Tomorrow, Al-Sarkavi will release a tape made in China. Infidel get out of asia, get out of africa, get out of america. we want to get cheap gas by killing innocents.
RE:US Nuke Deal with India
by keseven on Jul 30, 2007 04:41 AM Permalink
China is our mother country. If some muslim was burned alive in China, it is honor killing as per our revised version of the book.
America has no love for India. What they are doing, is what they have always done... to protect their own interests, which now happens to be 'Propping up India against China'.
It wont be a surprise, if US now starts selling all the hi-tech arms to India.
Its the very same US, which had sent its navy-fleet to the Indian ocean to Intimidate us during the Indo-pak war. Its the very same US, that put India under Sanctions. Its the very same US, which turned a deaf's-ear to our pleas agaisnt pak-sponsored terrorism, coz they needed pak against USSR in Afghan. Now they need india more than pak, so they are pampering us. Infact, americans are good ppl & its a beautiful country, but they have bad foreign policy. They are imperialist. They want to dominate the whole world..much against the wishes of their very own 'founding-fathers', who had very wise & had contemplated not to interfere in the affairs of foreign countries. But with money & power comes arrogance... the stuff which makes u mad & leads to your downfall.... this mad-urge to dominate the world will someday lead to the fall of this beautiful country. I live in USA, & like the americans & their country. But like i said, while they practice 'democracy' at home, they are totally 'undemocratic' while dealing with foreign nations, whom they treat as 'dirt'.
RE:Its just to contain CHINA
by sushant naik on Jul 30, 2007 02:17 AM Permalink
Yes we all know its all because of China and those Islamic Jehadis...we all know its the same US which once was anti-India...but please remember "Make hay while Sun Shines"....its time to capatilse this opportunity...time to shed our diffrences...and no-doubt Indian diplomats are doing their best...besides there a reason for US to be so altrustic...porkistan turned out to be a huge disappointment for them...Worlds know how sincere porki army is against crubing if US wants to attack porkis...then please, y not...India cant fight terrorism 9/11 US policies have changed, they know that India cannot be a threat...Infact being worlds largest democracy India can be a very good its time to forget the past...time to be prudent,wise n diplomatic...Jai Hind
RE:Its just to contain CHINA
by Mikkey Moouse on Jul 30, 2007 12:32 AM Permalink
RE:Its just to contain CHINA
by on Jul 30, 2007 02:17 AM Permalink
America is a well matured democracy with all respects to people & world. But when people get all the helps from America & not showing thankfulness & often when get a chance try to act adversely, what America has to do for getting its respect in the world?
RE:Its just to contain CHINA
by dull roots on Jul 30, 2007 07:23 AM Permalink
Your contention -'Propping up India against China' is lazy thinking. China did not invade Tibet at US behest, the 1962 war and even recent threats on Arunachal by China were not US prompting. We need to recognize the reality of the threats and take decisions after hard thinking. Please remember our Soldiers face bullets, real bullets at the front and deserve proper policies, equipments, and technlogies while they brave the fronts. Politicians from all parties and diplomats are hard at work to safeguard the nation and they deserve well thought assessment from educated and discerning persons like you. Regards....
RE:Its just to contain CHINA
by keseven on Jul 30, 2007 08:12 AM Permalink
Why do you talk soft to a person who talking stupid & accessing different negative meaning to a situation. Is that LAX is an educated guy. He is a crap begger.
Hope this deal bring good and the Nuclear Energy is used for generating power. Still many states in India have a very bad Electricity system. If this proceeds in a better way we would be able to generated Power more at a cheper price. Let all politicians work to achieve that,so far they were worried abt their power let them spend some good time to make their people enjoy some Power(Electricity) which is a basic need
RE:Hope Not power cuts
by dull roots on Jul 30, 2007 03:54 AM Permalink
It is sensible and noble hope! Alas N-deal will not solve it. The electricity tangle is lot more complex than N-deal! The issues like theft, pricing, distribution and generation of power needs changes to basic policies and laws, plus politicians giving up their deep-rooted control raj. Even IF politicians set up good laws and policies and become 'Noblemen', things will not change overnight. The market economy will take years to make necessary investments and build capabilites for reliable power supply. N-deal can only help in generation of power, that also atleast after 10 years.
RE:RE:Hope Not power cuts
by dull roots on Jul 30, 2007 04:06 AM Permalink
Power problem is merely symptomatic of a larger issue. India has fairly good governance at Central and State level, the problem is at the third tier - local governance i.e. - municipalities, or panchayats, or city councils. It is this third tier fails to deliver primary civic amenities like power, water supply, sanitation, schooling, health services, local road etc.. The transformation of this third class third tier of governance to top class perhaps needs enabling of land markets. The appreciation of land by providing better services may lead to more and more land acquisition for expansion of domain of these amenities and such expansion would finance 'amenitisation'. Alas, our laws totally prohibit such expansion and constricts growth.