RE:When Hindu terrorists of Mumbai and Gujrat riots will be hanged
by yogesh gautam on Jul 27, 2007 04:51 PM Permalink
they will hang soon. our system is bit slow but finally act. they will be hanged.
RE:When Hindu terrorists of Mumbai and Gujrat riots will be hanged
by shashidhar prasad on Jul 27, 2007 04:41 PM Permalink
Let first killing in Kashmir stop..
RE:When Hindu terrorists of Mumbai and Gujrat riots will be hanged
by SHIBANI HAKIM on Jul 27, 2007 04:51 PM Permalink
I dont see a reason as to why an act of judiciary is compared to gujrat / Mumbai. Gujrat was a reaction of Godhara and Mumbai was a reaction of the bomb blasts... I'm not trying to justify them, but each case needs to be looked at seperately. We cant say that since the people who caused Bhagalpur were punished, dont punish the rioters of Gujrat. Similarly, dont compare this judgement with Gujrat or any other state. Your first reaction to this is negative, whereas this judgement, judge and the public prosecutor have shown exemplery courage and sense of judgement and responsibility and we all should commend it. I'm sure the great judiciory of India will get all guilty to book whether from gujrat, Mumbai, Kashmir, or wherever. Be positive dude !
RE:RE:When Hindu terrorists of Mumbai and Gujrat riots will be hanged
by Manoj Mehta on Jul 27, 2007 04:55 PM Permalink
Agree totaly with you. There is no comparision between riots & terrorist act.
RE:Memon Verdict
by AAA AAA on Jul 27, 2007 04:52 PM Permalink
Now the secular congress has puppet president in place, we should not be suprized his death sentence is converted into life sentence.
RE:Memon Verdict
by deshmukh m on Jul 27, 2007 05:12 PM Permalink
Shibani, The topic is TERRORISM & Muslim Terrorists. Can you reply "if every Muslim is not Terrorist then why every Terrorist is Muslim worldwide" Why only this community has problem in every country they go.No shelter required & punishment is justified Marwah
RE:Memon Verdict
by Sree. on Jul 27, 2007 04:53 PM Permalink
new president can't decide..she can't open it is only in the hands of sonia...sonia..sonia..italian,,, italian,,itlian..
RE:Memon Verdict
by SHIBANI HAKIM on Jul 27, 2007 04:53 PM Permalink
high hopes my friend ! He will be spared and made a Royal guest in Italy ! Do you think a puppet President would even take that name forget opening the file ! wait for the day when we all will be more ashamed than the day when Potty Ba Patil was elected !
RE:Memon Verdict
by sreevathsa rk on Jul 27, 2007 04:58 PM Permalink
so you are expecting New president to open the case.... We lost when pratibha was choosen by Sonia....
RE:Memon Verdict
by Arnav Kumar Inamdar on Jul 27, 2007 05:00 PM Permalink
This is the test of Shivsena Supremo Balasaheb to see whether 'marathi gaurav' for whom his Party voted to the highest office would uphold the law and do justice.If not,....?????
Yes culprits should be sentenced... But authority shouldnt have double standard when booking them.Its very clear that no one including leaders, conspirators and fecilitators(including Bal Thakarey) of 1992 massacre are not prosecuted till date.Then how will india be democratic...?
RE:Then what about Mumbai Massacre of 1992
by sreevathsa rk on Jul 27, 2007 05:01 PM Permalink
Grow up man... The sentence and the hearing was for the bomb blasts... Why you are making this a religious issue...
RE:RE:Then what about Mumbai Massacre of 1992
by Madhav on Jul 27, 2007 05:11 PM Permalink
Muslims deserved that and it had happnd...why dnt u talk abt hardcore terrorists like AFZAL...but only talk abt someone who is a hindu...i see u r a wonder u say this
I strongly with one of my friends on the web. It is NOT 40 minutes but 14 years. This judicial delay must have given birth to tens of thousands of Memons,who inturn fathered multiple Mumbai blasts. Need to give a deeper thought about the judiciary
Since they are sick,treatment hang them why liability to the govt to lookafter them and latter on file for petition to President and masalas from the Congress to pardon them
even sunjay dutt shold be given severe punishment just because he is son of sunil dutt or a bollywood actor shall not be freed..the punishment from the public can be ...stop watching his movies..but we indians can'nt do that we forgive and forget..even the supreme lord will not be that kind hearted
RE:93 bomb blast
by john on Jul 27, 2007 04:38 PM Permalink
but he has not given shelter to anyone nor killed. he has possessed the ak47 for his self-defence. hence he should not be given death/life prison. he should be punished for not having the licence
RE:RE:93 bomb blast
by Karunanidhi on Jul 27, 2007 04:58 PM Permalink
You sick John, AK47 for self-defence? He should not be hanged but she should be at least 10 years behind the bar.
RE:RE:93 bomb blast
by Me Patel on Jul 27, 2007 04:52 PM Permalink
do u know john what is AK47 and how to get it ... with love from pakistan? Self defence ....from whom?
RE:93 bomb blast
by deshmukh m on Jul 27, 2007 05:20 PM Permalink
Yes, he collaborated with them but not for TERRORISM.He is not involved in any act which harmed gen publick.He has nottaken part in any of the Supplies to terrorists or arranging finance, arms planting etc.He should be punished for posession of arms without licence. Marwah
RE:93 bomb blast
by amit goyal on Jul 27, 2007 10:51 PM Permalink
rememeber bhatkar sunil dutt won election where muslims are in majority.If it is so then why u people elected sunil dutt.
RE:93 bomb blast
by Kiran Dave on Jul 27, 2007 05:05 PM Permalink
I think you are from Pakistan or a son of Pakistani. Why you are loving of the possessor of Ak 47 ? ? ?Are you from bollywood ?
RE:93 bomb blast
by kothandapani muthu on Jul 27, 2007 05:14 PM Permalink
Hey this is Gr8.i too can carry Ak47 if have with license in the streets...Gud..
RE:bombay blasts
by Madhav on Jul 27, 2007 05:15 PM Permalink
i knw the name of hindustani....u r present in every forum like this....justice is not denied was denied to victims till now....and these bloody muslim terrorists got what they deserve....death
RE:memon verdict by C L Bhat Bangalore
by sreenivas murthy on Jul 27, 2007 04:44 PM Permalink
Now Sonaji will press Prez remote control to save the Memon
So that you could meet HIS FACELESS TERRORIST GOD!
Why are we stopping him?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
by Kiran Dave on Jul 27, 2007 05:11 PM Permalink
I think you are from Pakistan ? ? Your types of people are shouting everytime for problems. What your need from Hindustan? We are indian first then Hindu / Muslims & Indian people had give a full chance to Muslims to be a MP / MLA / President, Captain of Indian Cricket team, Tennis Star, Actors, Actress ?? ? What you people gave to India ? ?? Only bomblsts ? ? ?
by ismail shaikh on Jul 28, 2007 05:18 PM Permalink
this is the wrong way to answer. when the riots has taken plce the Shri balashaheb Thakeray was a chif minister if he has taken action that time the riots will not have taken place .about narendar modi he is also that kind of person to will the election .