Very interesting. When they detonated the bombs that killed thousands of innocents he didn't have any consideration. At that time he was driven by revenge/Qurans strict interpretation.
Now that the judge has given him his fair share of punishment.....he is quoting no less but Christ. If only he had that consideration prior to killing thousands of innocents...
RE:Yaqub Memon's change of heart
by Sarath Chandra on Jul 27, 2007 06:18 PM Permalink
I think he was saying that he (judge) does not know what he is doing and that he (judge) should be forgiven by God. I don't think he thinks (atleast outwardly) what he has done is wrong. He actually probably wants the judge to praise him and reward him (which he is promised will happen after his death by his interpretation of his religion). Living in denial isn't so uncommon for many people. But it causes suffering.
RE:Who is to be blamed Muslims or non-muslims
by amjad ansari on Jul 27, 2007 07:08 PM Permalink
have you read the previous and post verses of Quran of mentioned by you?????????
RE:India should salute Judge Kode
by amit goyal on Jul 27, 2007 10:09 PM Permalink
why u people are against Hindus, i really don't understand. Tell me who is not your enemy ?????????. The whole world is facing muslims terrorist problem, then what about them. Hindu religion is the most peaceful religion, allowed u to stay back even after the partition. Tell me if u can understand why partition was made . It is because muslims and all other religion should stay separately . Alas because of dirty politics it didn't happen. Now u will say Hindus are there in pakistan. See there living condition, its really pathetic and there population is shrinking day by day, however muslim population in India has increased to a alarming level and increasing day by day as each muslim produces herds of children and having four slaves .
RE:RE:Everything is planned BY NAVED SUTHRIWALA
by lynal dsouza on Jul 27, 2007 05:47 PM Permalink
i dont think it was only the loss of muslims in these riots many hindus too losed their life and to some extent i agree with u that these also are to be punnished. but as far as this is concerned i think this was an appropriate decission for all and i believe that even if a hindu would had been involved he too would have met with such punishment but sadly we see because of few your wjole community is being defamed so better try to improve ur self rather than pointing finger to others that will help bring peace and communal harmony.
RE:Everything is planned BY NAVED SUTHRIWALA
by Srinivas Rao on Jul 27, 2007 06:18 PM Permalink
Can any one explain me how riots in other parts of India affected Memon brothers, so that they have taken this drastic step, none -as observed by our honourable judge Kode. When ever these guys think they think in terms of religion. None of these accused is affected directly or indirectly by the riots, then whats the crap this fellow Naved is talking about ? Ask these fellows leave the country if they dont like it. We have enough problems to resolve.
RE:Everything is planned BY NAVED SUTHRIWALA
by stephen black on Jul 27, 2007 05:36 PM Permalink
Most of the times riots have been initiated in other parts of the country by Muslims in muslim majority areas and others are affected. Can you recount any of those. How about the non-muslim families affected by the riots ever want to speak about them. Is all about muslim welfare or are there any other so called minorities in India. Is an atorcity against a minority a crime and is fine if its aginst the majority community. If you have an opinion be fair and just and do not just talk about on religion or community.
Fine them atleast 50 lakhs with life imprisonment followed by hanging so that it is a detterent to all who would ever nurse the idea of harming the nation. Utilise the fine amount to pay victims (maimed) and families and families of defence forces who lose/injure their loved ones protecting the borders. No consideration should be given to women or sick to soften the sentence, because these people have killed/injured many women and men and caused a lot of pain, agony, suffering and sickness to victims and their families, we need to take that under consideration. Tooooo soft a sentence.
RE:Too soft a sentence
by stephen black on Jul 27, 2007 05:38 PM Permalink
life imprisonment so that they & their loved ones suffer everyday, death is a relief for the criminal but living in prison is payback time.
RE:Too soft a sentence
by NAVED SUTHRIWALA on Jul 27, 2007 05:42 PM Permalink
what nation u r talking about.that which is totally corrupted.They weren't victims who lost their lives in the communal riots.many innocent people lost their lives.what was their crime,just b'coz they were muslims.and the blast was a reaction to riots.
RE:Too soft a sentence
by Biswa Samanta on Jul 27, 2007 05:59 PM Permalink
Naved, you people will never understand what a nation is. U are all uneducated people filthy. People make a nation and you all are animals.
RE:Too soft a sentence
by stephen black on Jul 27, 2007 05:59 PM Permalink
Corruption and terrorism are different issues, If u are so disillusioned why do not u migrate to some muslim country where you will have a better life. None muslim country will take you in though u are a muslim and u will realise how u guys misuse the freedom in India. Muslims were equally guilty in riots if not more so get your facts right and dont write dumb stuff. Terrorism needs to dealt in the most stern manner and that goes for all involved irrespective of religion. It is a fact that its mostly muslims involved and if you are sensible you should treat those muslims as outcast so that they do not give a bad name to Islam on the whole. think u dont realise that they are a bigger harm to Islam and muslims than anyone else.
RE:RE:RE:Too soft a sentence
by amit goyal on Jul 27, 2007 10:33 PM Permalink
for bhatkar sometimes u say Hindus and sometime Cristians.It is better that u go to some mentally retarded hospital for some checkup or get admitted. if u don't know i will suggest u.
I remember the Deewar picture where Shashi Kapur proudly says mere paas Maa hai, She is the woman. But not the one who is ready to bomb the fellow citizens love and clemancy can be shown to a right person, Its not thereservation system where its like a birth right, Need to tighten the screws here
These is clear that muslims should get punishment but these was the reactions so where r the people who were responsible for action and why they r not punished till now or no case have been made on them till now Is these the justice?????????
RE:action against reaction
by Biswa Samanta on Jul 27, 2007 05:55 PM Permalink
All of you filthy, crap guys deserve death and it will happen very soon.
RE:RE:RE:action against reaction
by amit goyal on Jul 27, 2007 10:21 PM Permalink
u also deserved death. I am sure if u don't change your mentality then it will happen soon.
RE:action against reaction
by G2 on Jul 27, 2007 05:19 PM Permalink
what is action according to you..babari masjid??? then u r wrong...babri masjid was built by demolishing a hindu temple....
RE:RE:action against reaction
by Azeem Inamdar on Jul 27, 2007 05:52 PM Permalink
You are smart G2 but not too much, if you go to past too far then, this whole India was having different things happened. Live in todays life live in your Era not in past. Be brave and accept the fact that Hindus started all this in our ERA. Even Punjabis are Terrorist, Naxalist, LTTE count is on..... Just be brave.
RE:action against reaction
by G2 on Jul 27, 2007 07:33 PM Permalink
thank god atleast u accepted that there was a temple. bas mujhe yehi chahiye tha...
RE:RE:RE:action against reaction
by hitanshu on Jul 27, 2007 06:43 PM Permalink
its a terrorist language, you people will never change, your mind language every thing suggest only one thing, crime....and justifying...why dont you all go back to pakistan..which you and your leaders asked for........
RE:action against reaction
by amit goyal on Jul 27, 2007 10:18 PM Permalink
Dear Ahmed, India belongs to all not only Hindus, secondly why u want to send Hindus to Nepal, infact for u people Pakistan was created so it is better that u go to pakistan and leave Hindustan.
RE:action against reaction
by Asif Lakdawala on Jul 27, 2007 06:20 PM Permalink
hindu temple . pata nahi kaha se aaya ye dhram hinduuu . what u are telling temple . you make your own gods and then worship them . shittt . dont forget it was a mosque and the main villian in this are vhp and advani . punish them . old man like advani , chalne ki taqat nahi , bas---d . punish them . what about that blooody modi .
RE:RE:action against reaction
by hitanshu on Jul 27, 2007 06:46 PM Permalink
yaar, tum logo ke khoon me bhi yehi hai, tum logo ka itihaas bhi ye hi hai, bhai bhai ka dushman, beta baap ka dushman, mugalo se le kar aaj tak, na sudhare ho, na sudhro ge....sub aise hi lad maroge....
RE:RE:action against reaction
by G2 on Jul 27, 2007 07:35 PM Permalink
tum nahi samjhoge...uss ke liye thoda padha likha hone ki jaroorat hai...hindu dharam samajhna tumhare bas ki baat nahi hai...samjhe stone age se bahar aa jao.
RE:RE:action against reaction
by G2 on Jul 27, 2007 07:35 PM Permalink
Asif, tum nahi samjhoge...uss ke liye thoda padha likha hone ki jaroorat hai...hindu dharam samajhna tumhare bas ki baat nahi hai...samjhe stone age se bahar aa jao.
RE:action against reaction
by hitanshu on Jul 27, 2007 06:39 PM Permalink
modi is great, and we are proud, and if people dont change, he should be given free hand once again, finish them all
What about the Sri Krishna Report which has convicted 31 policemen who were equally responsible for the riots after Babri Masjid subsequently retailation by the muslims by way of blast. They are all scot free. Judgement should not be baised on religion. Punish all those who are guilty.
by hitanshu on Jul 27, 2007 09:43 PM Permalink
what babri masjid...? it was never a masjid originally, it was always tempel which was again destroyed by mughal(muslim) and you people always want reason for crime, why you killed so many inoccent people for ram mandir issue...if you really were concerned why did not you blamed and killed the people who did it? why inoccent dont give excuse which even your heart would not believe...and as far as temple is the reason...why was godhra incident happened ....? and at last but not the us how many temples are kept intact in your most religious country pakistan..none...did hindus killed inocent people their...? no, its not in our blood... so, this is the last alarm for you people...the day we all come on will really have to go pakistan running....jai hind...
by ismail shaikh on Jul 28, 2007 04:59 PM Permalink
hey hitanshu what r u talking.u know that this is india is a secular country.Whu Our Leaders has not got punishment whe the Babri Masjid Has demolished . U r the blind person in the world if u r not then try u understand the problem of riots.