BJP has married the destructor of Goa. Manohar Parrikar has married the Russian Mafia and with the blessing of the Central BJP leaders. Is BJP a terrorist.
RE:What a marriage
by Saale tera baap on Jul 27, 2007 03:04 PM Permalink
BJP is not a terrorist. I think you are a terrorist. Our Parrikar is great. he will sweeep all the dirty politicians out of GOA. You are one of the slaves of some dirty politician. From which politician you got money to write this type of comment against Parrikar saab. He is our God. I love him. I can sacrifice my life for him. You want to meet me???
RE:RE:What a marriage
by Bhupinder Singh on Jul 27, 2007 08:17 AM Permalink
edwin it is better to enter in politic and become terrorist and secrifice your life for people,, every action have reaction and fool criticise and wise act upon for benefit for other,,, as far i know,, manohar parrikar is quite educated and gaon have did a good prospertity under him,, if congress is good why there people are desserting them,, congress culture of greed will not let them live in peace,,,, so far congressruled the state on caste, relgion and communal,, with money are paying the way for their destruction,, long live the theory ofdictatorship of indira gandhi day,,, who died for pm seat and lived for that,,,,
RE:new god in town
by Bhupinder Singh on Jul 27, 2007 08:18 AM Permalink
siddique have you been to maternal uncle ,,you are allow to enjoy the holidays with sensual pleasure of sister ,,,
I wish there was a law that people to switch to join another party should not be able to contest elections for the next 4 years (if not more). This may disuade horse trading. In the age of coalation governments, a rule like this would pave the way for clean governance. Speak up Goans, dont loose this moment. B. Dias
RE:Queen Victoria Fernandes
by marat on Jul 26, 2007 09:39 PM Permalink
BJP Is losing every where like In president electione their MLA's Ditched the party vote to Mrs patil. they lost in UP ,they Putting a congress filtered candidate as their VP candidate. What they can Do just BUy MLA's and form govt in GOA. YEs it is true BJP Is diffrent party in all aspect even Human Trafficiking Vandeaaa Matharam
BJP Is losing every where like In president electione their MLA's Ditched the party vote to Mrs patil. they lost in UP ,they Putting a congress filtered candidate as their VP candidate. What they can Do just BUy MLA's and form govt in GOA. YEs it is true BJP Is diffrent party in all aspect even Human Trafficiking Vandeaaa Matharam
Another multi party masala mix. will it survive its term??? Better to make all of them ministers including the opposition minus the speaker ( deputy speaker- not essential as there is no question hour at all with all ministers). The exchequer may run dry- so what- why should we deny the MLS their legitimate dream??. This real a democracy- not based on policies but on profiting... Long live indian democracy. Jai Hind
I used to support BJP only because I believed Parrikar was a man of his word; but now I feel he too has succumbed to political pressures and the lure of the throne.
I will now onwards vote for the non-BJP/non-Congress candidate who I believe has the best chance of winning.
I know it will not solve anything, but atleast it will reduce their margins of winning by 1 vote.
RE:BJP has lost a voter
by Saale tera baap on Jul 27, 2007 03:27 PM Permalink
you vote non-BJP/non-Congress candidate and who in turn will finally support either of them.
RE:BJP has lost a voter
by D agrawal on Jul 26, 2007 07:57 PM Permalink
but u forget that what congress did to BJP in 2005. So in politics tit for tat is the only solution.
RE:BJP has lost a voter
by Wolverine Logan on Jul 26, 2007 08:52 PM Permalink
yes, tit for tat, and thats why they get elected and than fight for the chair, what is the benefit for those who vote? any improvement? there has to be a solution and not as per your say as tit for tat is the solution
RE:BJP has lost a voter
by anil fadte on Jul 27, 2007 01:46 PM Permalink
mR. Agarwak, Mr. Parrikar would have think about Goa.please recover those words of mr. parrikar during last election time. are you thick mr. Parrikar on right way becouse of tit for tat
by Ha ha hi hi on Jul 26, 2007 07:19 PM Permalink
yes.. really... Now BJP has got Christian Right Wing Party.(Churchill Alemao).. so now all religious parties SGF,BJP,AKAli DAL, SHIv sena are now under single banner...this message goes to all hindus that bjp can throw hindus in dustbin for the sake of throne..Churchill is an live example
RE:goa should merge with karnataka and maharastra
by Saale tera baap on Jul 27, 2007 03:36 PM Permalink
You both are kannad Ghantis. Come and meet me and i will show you how to merge. you both should be lucky that you are not swept out of goa like garbage
There is no difference between our indian team and goa govt.
Similarity 1. Both always lose 2. indian team players and goa govt always keep on changing 3. there is always a fight on both 4. In cricket BCCI and indian team fight and in goa congress and BJP fight. 5. Both have affected people 6. and finally both have earned money only and did nothing.