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hange up
by mohammed Gayasuddin on Jul 25, 2007 10:05 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Abu salim and Bedi both should be hange up till deth

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RE:hange up
by Ramesh on Jul 25, 2007 03:45 PM  Permalink
I Hope

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RE:hange up
by KK Nair on Jul 25, 2007 10:15 AM  Permalink
Do you expect such things will happen in India.

Your dreams will never come true

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RE:RE:hange up
by vinay krishan on Jul 25, 2007 05:09 PM  Permalink

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Nowonwards , Monica's Daily Routine
by Bhola on Jul 25, 2007 10:01 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

7.00 - 8.00 a.m. : Watching Baba Ramdev Yoga
techniques to be fit for
Shooting films

8.00 - 9.00 a.m. : Teaching people how to
prepare forge passports.

9.00 - 11.00 a.m : Taking Coaching Classes of
Girlfriends and Wives of
Chotta and Bada Bhais and
Dons and teaching them how
to handle their men.

11.00 a.m. to 7.00 p.m. : Shooting in Films
whose subjects are
Terrorism , Mafia and
other Organised

7.00 p.m. to 8.00 p.m. : Meeting Abu Salem in

8.00 p.m. to 10.00 p.m. : Watching Saas - Bahu

10.00 p.m. to 7.00 a.m. : Sleeping with ......

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RE:Nowonwards , Monica's Daily Routine
by Sriram on Jul 25, 2007 10:28 AM  Permalink

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Shame on Indian Judiciary
by shyamprasad acharya on Jul 25, 2007 09:42 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Even Layman knows and she was caught with abusalem one of the gangsters, she obviously had a passport with a different name. How does the court release her on the basis of lack of evidence. At one side we see very active legal system and on the other side we such idiotic legal process which releases these kinds of people. Even if she corrects her charecter in future whats the use. Its a mockery of our legal system. Shame on it!

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RE:Shame on Indian Judiciary
by loler Chicken on Jul 25, 2007 09:58 AM  Permalink
shame on redif... didnt even put a pic of monica bedi... :P

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RE:Shame on Indian Judiciary
by vinay krishan on Jul 25, 2007 05:25 PM  Permalink

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RE:Shame on Indian Judiciary
by KK Nair on Jul 25, 2007 09:51 AM  Permalink
Kaliyug started in India and this is one of a sign

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RE:Shame on Indian Judiciary
by Red Pascal on Jul 25, 2007 03:02 PM  Permalink
She has been in jail for some 5-6 years, enough punishment for a false passport. There is nothing on her for "being" with a gangster, by that logic Mandakini and Dawood's sister and brothers in India should be arrested.

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Monika is eligible for politics now
by pankaj verma on Jul 25, 2007 09:37 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Now she has passed all the tests and is eligible to enter the politics. She will have blessing of Sonia and will be the first woman defense minister of India.

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RE:Monika is eligible for politics now
by KK Nair on Jul 25, 2007 09:53 AM  Permalink
If my information is correct, Sonia has already offerd her for Vice President Post

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Monica released
by amit bansal on Jul 25, 2007 09:32 AM  Permalink 

Really the law has to be changed completely in our country. The rules etc. People of these caliber get bail easily. Ridiculous

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congrats monica
by asif on Jul 25, 2007 09:07 AM  Permalink 

Well release of Monica never changes our lives. But let us hope she remains good in future

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we r eagerly waiting for further news
by sreeshyam c on Jul 25, 2007 09:02 AM  Permalink 

thanks for rediff for giving such a valuable information

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Really Pathetic Law..............
by joyish machingal on Jul 25, 2007 09:01 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Dont know how come people like her can escape.......tomorrow you will see ......... Abu Salem walking free......brothers of Gangster Dawood Ibrahim walking free.......dont know on what basis the law works.......death for poor people who cannot afford to pay money and freedom for rich gangsters.......but people of India its upto you how this people should be treated in society...........after all they are or relatives of persons who killed lot of Indian citizen let it be by extortion or bomb blasts.............they should be punished and should be a learning lesson for others.......no one should even dare think of taking lives of others...............

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RE:Really Pathetic Law..............
by Pass Bot on Jul 25, 2007 09:21 AM  Permalink
yes you pathetic people...you are PATHETIC

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Granted bail
by Jantu Soren on Jul 25, 2007 08:56 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Hey Monica, you are so cute. Never make such mistakes again. You are wanted in the film as heroine not as villain in real life.

After the bail have relaxed life and have new turn to start a new way of life! Love you so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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RE:Granted bail
by n k on Jul 25, 2007 09:25 AM  Permalink
These kind of msgs should be aborted...
u sucker!
shut your bloody gutter!

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by Hau Chin on Jul 25, 2007 08:56 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

where is justice.....

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by Ganesh on Jul 25, 2007 08:58 AM  Permalink

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by vinay krishan on Jul 25, 2007 05:26 PM  Permalink

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