remaining local mediocre scientists are jusy giving empty claims abouit developing thorium reaators. its not possible when the best scientist have left to america and all reactors in india have been built with russian or american help. most defence projects have failed eg. arjun tank, tejas fighter. the few that work such as brahmos & isro are done with close russian collaboration.
either sign the deal with anerica OR the NPT, else the nuclear plants run out of fuel soon.
In arriving at an agreement, both the governments are consuming lot of time. Time is precious and both government negotiators shud seriously think that it is wise to implement the deal in steps and stages.The Govt of USA shud withdraw the ban for Exporting US products which fall in EAR 99 category to Nuclear establishments as these are low tech products which are not responsible for any sort of nucear activity.In this way the citizens of both nations will develop a confidence with the negotiators.
Regards Pradeep Varshneya Ex President National Chamber of Industries and Commerce UP Agra.
Indo-US Nuclear Deal by Kuldeep Chandra on Jul 21, 2007 07:43 AM | Hide replies
The deal should lead to good business and trade with normal international controls which are equally applicable to US and India. Energy security for US and India through nuclear resources should be equitably addressed while repecting the soverign rights of each nation. India is the largest democracy and America fosters democracy the world over. Since democracy is related to number of stake holders for human welfare, American interests can never be greater than that of Indians. America should respect all concerns of India in letter and spirit. Any agreemet which gives semblemce of America creating a hagemony will ultimately lead to total destruction and annhiliation of America which has already begun in number of ways. Leadership consisting in divesting control that safegurds the individuals and the organizations. When controls are divested then leader has time to elicit new visions and missions and to enable past missions to be fully realized. Keeping controls is greed of incapable people. India and Indian have inclusive culture and would never disrepect American concerns and in turn would like to be respected also. Americans can make a law for themselves but then cannot impose it over others if does not provide equity and equality. It is time in the history of human evolution wherefrom nations would not work to create dirty groupings against each other and jealously guard their
The deal should lead to good business and trade with normal international controls which are equally applicable to US and India. Energy security for US and India through nuclear resources should be equitably addressed while repecting the soverign rights of each nation. India is the largest democracy and America fosters democracy the world over. Since democracy is related to number of stake holders on human welfare, American interests can never be greater than India. America should respect all concerns of India in letter in spirit. Any agreemet which gives semblemce of America creating a hagemony will ultimately lead to total destruction and annhiliation of America which has already begun in number of ways. India and Indian have inclusive culture and would never disrepect American concerns and in turn would like to be respected also. Americans can make a law for themselves but then cannot impose it over others if does not provide equity and equality. It is time in the history of human evolution wherefrom nations would not work to create dirty groupings against each other and jealously guard its poistions of advantage that lead to exploiting other nations. Equity cannot be equated to law of jungles,it is to be understood as humanitarian power of proactivism to create volunteerism to ensure to each human beings similar to identical levels of human joy through harnessing natural rsources. If Americans cannot afford enrgy security to India as Indian would like to have a
Consider some facts: 1. US stops fuel supply to reactors if india tests a nuclear device (even if pakistan or china do so). 2. India can reprocess the spent fuel but cannot use it and will have to sell the fuel to US (If they want or keep in storage). And this right can be with drawn by US any time for their SUPREME interest. 3. India will have to stop buying oil or gas from Iran for more than 100 crore rupees in one year. Which means we can buy only 0.12 percent of our oil. 4. India will have to stop making fissile material in FMCT. 5. India CANNOT be recognised as nuclear weapon state.
Today is a day of sadness. India has signed to become an american SLAVE and will never be free again.
History will remember today as the day when congress sold Indian Freedom.
RE:Total Sell out
by sridhar gorantla on Jul 21, 2007 09:51 AM Permalink
Dear ratnesh, Just now, USA got a taste of Islamic world's maniacal behavior due to their attachment to the religion.
Now, since USA had realized this truth, USA is already on full speed on achieving the OIL independence by way of electric cars, ethanol cars e.t.c. Remember, Brazil became 70% OIL independent in around 25Years. In another 5 years, Brazil becomes fully independent of OIL. Since the technology of alternate/renewable fuels is much more evolved now that 20 or 25 years, USA is going to be independent majorly in another 10 or 15 years.
INDIA should also go in this direction, by using Nuclear energy for powering its two & 3 wheelers that consume major chunk of the $50 billion worth of oil every year.
RE:RE:RE:Total Sell out
by ASHOK on Jul 21, 2007 09:13 AM Permalink
Cars can run on 100% Alcohol, and US is moving in that direction. US has to take one major step and it will reduce Gasoline use. Already Bush has taken a decision to maximise Alcohol use.
RE:Total Sell out
by akash on Jul 21, 2007 08:03 AM Permalink
Ratnesh your points are not valid and its seems that you have pick up the points from politically motivated opposition of BJP and other parties. First there is no such provision in the deal which stops India from buying petrol or gas from any other country including Iran. India and Iran are now almost near to sign the gas pipe line agreement. secondly the right for reprocessing of spent fuel has not been taken away from India because this is the point on which deal is still stuck up and India has not given up this right, otherwise deal would have finalised one year back. Thirdly if US denies fuel to India in future then India is also free to break the agreement as the agreement is bilateral and not unilateral. So ratnesh dont be sad and cheer up.
RE:Total Sell out
by ASHOK on Jul 21, 2007 09:09 AM Permalink
Ratnesh Can you please give the source of your information. At many places it is just absurd. 1) Nowhere I find India pegged to Iranian gas supply vis a vis Indo US nuclear deal. 2)Also note that US is vigrously going in for maximising Alcohol use in Cars and Reducing Middle east dependence. 3) FMCT is not a reactor , where we will stop making something.It is Fissile material control treaty. If you do not know what you are writing than better read and educate yourself Ist. There is no point misleading others,
What has been agreed is yet to come into public domain. Once it comes we will be able to discuss.
RE:Total Sell out
by ratnesh srivastav on Jul 21, 2007 04:23 PM Permalink
As responsible Indian citizens you deserve a reply. Please read carefully: By the way I donot like BJP also but Congress is a party of traitors as this deal proves. Now logic and arguments:
1. The treaty has clause that US CAN with draw al cooperation if India does not support its actions on Iran. Moreover US has a law that any country investing more than 20 million $ per year will be sanctioned. 20million$ means 90 crore rupees. You can easily calculate the petroleum we can buy from Iran with 90 crore per year (and this also includes gas). 2. Another clause states that Indiawill have to sign FMCT.
I very well know what is FMCT and if you need more knowledge than just visit the site read discussion on nuclear deal. You will find informed Indian security experts and Nuclear experts and their views.
Whatever I have said is absolute truth. This treaty is another BLUNDER and that after 20 years we will remember this day as when we lost Indian freedom again.
As it seems that India has clinched the deal in it's favour but we should be caerful and alter because every indian knows the self centric and politically and diplomatically incorrect US nature but hope for the best
RE:This is great news.
by kshitij tumbde on Jul 21, 2007 04:50 AM Permalink
Not necessary. Put money in thorium research. Cooperation with foreign countries is good but we should not be dependant on them