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Next Apology
by mate on Jul 18, 2007 07:13 AM  Permalink 

As soon as Monica is released, probably CBI will tender a public apology for spoiling her carreer (As a Film Artist!! No other guesses).

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Now should we still believe our judiciary & police...
by Ratnesh Sahay on Jul 18, 2007 03:31 AM  Permalink 

When Monica bedi agreed to be a part of Mr. Salem she was fully aware of what she was doing. Why have the Indian law authorities grabbed her. If she was connected to a terrorist outfit there shall be no reason of sympathy and still our judiciary is showing considerations.......doesn't it smell of something.
If Bhopal police created all this hype about her forged passport, was it based on substantial enquiries or just like that and if they failed to prove what they claimed, connected officers must be punished.

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She is not Monika but Fauzia
by hiral satisbhai joshi on Jul 17, 2007 11:58 PM  Permalink 

She changed her name and religion. She has passport also with that name. With the same name she was staying abroad. After Anis Ibrahim Kasker, Haseena Parker, this Fauzia also got released.

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Terrorists of India get indulgence
by Mihirkanti Choudhury on Jul 17, 2007 11:17 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

from Sylhet, Bangladesh
In India, terrorists get indulgence from those who are scheduled to curb terrorism.It is fourteen years since nothing happened to Sanjay Dutt. Blaming Pakistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan like countries holds good only when India is strong in its commitment within the country. India has not yet been able to extradite Daud Ibrahim from the UAE. On the other hand, Bangladesh succeeded in extraditing Colonel (Retd)Mahiuddin Ahmed from the USA. This Mahiuddin Ahmed was accused of killing President Sheikh Mujibur Rahman in 1975.The people of India also do not raise their voice against the role of the authorities as far as curbing of terrorism is concerned.

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RE:Terrorists of India get indulgence
by Ranjan Baisak on Jul 18, 2007 02:12 AM  Permalink
You are somehow right. India is quite soft on terrorism and its activities.

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Yeh to hona hi tha!
by Mission DreamsIndia on Jul 17, 2007 10:52 PM  Permalink 

It was already known to most of us! Nothing new

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Bedi's lawyers manipulate Indian criminal justice system
by Talisman on Jul 17, 2007 09:18 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

I am appalled that they allow her to get jail time reduction - eventhough this pain in the neck is convicted of holding fake passports.

The judge that reduced her sentence cosnidering her status in the society must have been bribed. This pathetic creature should have served the full sentence and it would have been a lesson for people that want to get associated with such evil people. Indian justices are missing a point.

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RE:Bedi's lawyers manipulate Indian criminal justice system
by Haroon Ghalib on Jul 17, 2007 09:33 PM  Permalink
and what about Sanjay Dutt???

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Indian Need new Jehad against system
by B P on Jul 17, 2007 08:52 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Isn't it is time for jehad against system.

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RE:Indian Need new Jehad against system
by Haroon Ghalib on Jul 17, 2007 09:21 PM  Permalink
sure,thats what jihad means! any endeavour against wrong!!!bismillah karo!but clean ur self before doing that thats mandatory for it:)

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welcome welcome Monica ji welcomes!!!
by Haroon Ghalib on Jul 17, 2007 08:20 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Like Sanjay this is a victory for Bollywood!!you got out too!party time!!!!!!!!!

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RE:welcome welcome Monica ji welcomes!!!
by Ratikant Gantayat on Jul 17, 2007 08:24 PM  Permalink
Sanjay is not a terorist mind it... only he is

having AK 47 only....

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RE:welcome welcome Monica ji welcomes!!!
by Haroon Ghalib on Jul 17, 2007 09:18 PM  Permalink
having apassport uis a terrorist and having guns means lollipop he used to suck em right?
he spoke with Chota shakeel isnt it?speaking about what? he is a in same class as Bedi is,but bedi associated with Salem make u get ur disgust out!and Sanju Baba being DUTT and his sister a Congress MP make s him a perfect candidate of not being a terrorist!!

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What the hell Happen to Indian police
by Ratikant Gantayat on Jul 17, 2007 08:04 PM  Permalink 

Everyone know what is she ... still she is going to be free... such a shame to CBI....

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Clinton and Manmohan
by Neta Mafia Don on Jul 17, 2007 07:12 PM  Permalink 

Will monica bedi team up with our Remote controlled PM mr Manmohan sardar to create the same kind of scandal clinton and monica lewinsky did in US.

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