Blah Blah Blah Blah.. You cowards you deserve this.. Oh spit all your venom, hit those keyboards very hard.. You cowards you are busy keyboard logging in some B'lore office making mullah which is not wrong... But hey what do you care about anybody.... Just Blah Blah Blah and no action... Why to spend time on some action, You may find time for action with your girl friend (who has her own Blah Blah Blha but that's for another time) By the way take permission of you parents.. Ask them whether they will allow you to get invloved in SOMEBODY else's business... Blah Blah Blah my foot... And one more bomb goes off and kills more people and you ex-students will just do Blah Blah Blah with no actions.. You cowards when you see a pot hole on the road please, please just drive around it.. No No No please call the PM, wake him from his sleep and ask him to fix it....
RE:Blah Blah Blah.. Who cares..
by J_Lo on Jul 13, 2007 11:02 AM Permalink
All revolutions in the world were caused by students.. But in India.. That can't happen.. Blah Blah Blah is allowed.. But hey man I should not struggle for somebody else's problem 'Cos I have to make this 1 crore rupess to make my father mother feel proud of me... Blah Blah cowards Hindus... No guts.. Just Blah Blah.. Looks like you require a Jihadi mind set to fix all your problems... But hey man, you need to spend some Blah Blah Blah time with you girlfriend.. No time for revolution.. Need to study for that next exam.. Will pay somebody to get the exam papers... Would advise a person who has failed to join law. Who then would become a judge and them implement some democarcy Huh... Anyway coward hindus are afraid of going to courts (or it could be 'Cos they don;t want to hear Blah Blah Blah from the shitty lawyers for years and years)... What India man... Mast watch a movie Chill Pill with Girl Friend.. and some ocassional Blah Blah Blah on internet when there's no work in the office.. Just watch Lage Raho Munna Bhai but in reality fake your resume to get a Chill Pill job and of'Cource you still have to do the ocassional Blah Blah Blah
RE:Blah Blah Blah.. Who cares..
by ashish on Jul 13, 2007 11:36 AM Permalink
Well people in lal masjid deserved this fate. Mushi is doing the right job by firing the bullets on clergys' ar**. I must say, all muslims should get the same fate if they want to spread stupidity with the name of HOLY ISLAM.
Desperately seeking some Clerics from Masjids to motivate citizens of India doing something for themselves, like making an effort to reduce corruption, making an effort to force the Rogue Police to change their ways.
If these clerics can motivate hundreds to lay down their lives, fighting forces millions of times large, like the UK defence forces, Pakistani military, Indian military, etc, etc ... This should be an extremely simple Job.
If You no any Clerics, please guide them to me, through my website .
It is time the citizens of India, shed their timid attitude towards, disgusting conduct of the Politicans, police, the bureacrats and the judiciary ... the confidence being felt within Indians, due to rapid economic progress, should also be felt in other areas... like confidence to usher in change
What we require is a strong peoples movement to take on the arrogant, corrupt Government officials and politicians, Rogues in the Police force and the Judiciary... JOIN IN NOW. CITIZENS POLICING THE CORRUPT AND POLICE IS A MUST TODAY.
Visit ...
or ......
the 2nd one is related to Narayana Murthy Of INFOSYS, who has also spent 5 days in jail, much before me
RE:Why did the message reported for abuse?
by prakash kumar on Jul 13, 2007 10:38 AM Permalink
a lot of pakis think that pakistan was created exclusively for muslims. This is what happens when a country is created on one and only one basis religion. It is a different matter that they could not even keep Bangladesh together even though they were muslims too.
A lot of this is brainwash. Have you read This is from a former muslim who quit being a muslim. He was sent to pakistan and says he found a hatred for Gandhi (same gandhi who gave up his life for the noble cause of Islam :-) ) and indians in general. Just like in school people used to joke when they went to toilet, they said they were going to pakistan :-). So the brainwash is on both sides.
RE:Why did the message reported for abuse?
by Hindustani on Jul 13, 2007 11:54 AM Permalink
It Seems that REDIFF MODERATOR is a MUSLIM And is FAVORING the MUSLIM Sentiments ....... MODERATOR Specifically FILTERS OFF Messages Which Bring out 'TRUTH' About MUSLIM EXTREMISM And Injustice Done by Muslims Against NON MUSLIMS ....... WHAT A SHAME !!!!!!!!!!
Dear MODERATOR If Are A MUSLIM Than We Expect You to Continue the Same in FUTURE ..... ELSE You ATLEAST Become NEUTRAL And IMPARTIAL !!!!!
by Kemal on Jul 13, 2007 10:07 AM Permalink
Nass mian ... For every action there is a reaction. I think you are talking about reaction instead of preventing the action of your own kind.
by Nass on Jul 13, 2007 10:25 AM Permalink
u seem somewhat decent. modi had to win election.he engineered everything prior to genocide.any accountability. brutally murdered almost 5000 muslims.noone says a word.noone even has been charsheeted forget muslim gets caught whole world says terrorist.haren pandya got murdered.his father says it was modi.modi gets some muslim guys who have nothing to do with it.muslims keep thier mouth shut. what rubbish please answer my question.
by Hindustani on Jul 13, 2007 12:12 PM Permalink
What Right You have to Ask A Question ???????
If You Are Really True to Yourself .... Then Just Think About the LAKHS Of INNOCENT Hindus Who Have Been BUTCHERED , Tortured And Raped During 1000 Years ( 700 AD - 1700 AD ) By BARBARIC MUSLIM INVADERS !!!!!
You Call Yourself INNOCENT..... You PEOPLE Are SHAME on the FACE OF HUMANITY !!!!
Previously We Used to Think That EDUCATION Can Change Your MINDS ........ BUT WHATEVER PROFESSION You MUSLIMS Are in ..... You People Will Remain a MIDDLE AGE BARBARIAN Provoking Your CHILDREN For JIHAD And TERRORISM !!!!!
by Dipanjan Ray on Jul 13, 2007 10:51 AM Permalink
I wonder why you were not killed in that riot, atleast the world would have got rid of another worst creature on earth.
Rift among scholars over nudity among married couples Agencies
Cairo: An Egyptian cleric's controversial fatwa claiming that nudity during sexual intercourse invalidates a marriage has uncovered a rift among Islamic scholars.
According to the religious edict issued by Rashad Hassan Khalil, a former dean of Al-Azhar University's faculty of Sharia, "being completely naked during the act of coitus annuls the marriage".
The religious decree sparked a hot debate on the private satellite network Dream's popular religious talk show and on the front page of yesterday's Al-Masri Al-Yom, Egypt's leading independent daily newspaper.
Suad Saleh, who heads the women's department of Al-Azhar's Islamic studies faculty, pleaded for "anything that can bring spouses closer to each other" and rejected the claim that nudity during intercourse could invalidate a union.
Al-Azhar's fatwa committee chairman Abdullah Megawar argued that married couples could see each other naked but should not look at each other's genitalia and suggested they cover up with a blanket during sex.
RE:Muslims, please cover with a blanket during sex.
by Murthy on Jul 13, 2007 10:34 AM Permalink
One of my muslim says he will have sex only under a blanket
RE:Muslims, please cover with a blanket during sex.
by Jay on Jul 13, 2007 10:55 AM Permalink
These muslism are confused, they are stuck with outdated religion and holy book and now struggling to adjust with modern world.
Good Job.. U Stupid people fight among yourselves...better for indians Today >85..If u dont stop terrorism next time it would >1000 then the entire Pak...God Bless U and C u all in Heaven..
RE:Is it true?
by Jay on Jul 14, 2007 03:38 AM Permalink
For your info, female circumcision (FC)is practised in some muslim tribes. check Wikipedia for more info.
We all, including Muslims who have resorted to violence, need to think deeply about consequence before we act. Musharraf backs violence against people outside his country and at the same time tries to control them once they are inside Pakistan. If you are the patron saint of violence, your own house will perish eventually.