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RE:nuclear test
by qayoom hassan on Jul 10, 2007 12:35 AM  Permalink

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RE:nuclear test
by Haresh G. jagtiani on Jul 10, 2007 12:52 AM  Permalink
blast this qayoom hassan and pakistan from the face of the mother earth. india should have done so long ago. pakis and the whole muslim world could not face a tiny israel. because india is timid, the pakis are jumping like jelly beans.

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RE:nuclear test
by Dalit King on Jul 10, 2007 01:04 AM  Permalink

Dalits convert to Islam, Buddhism and Christianity

By MG News Desk

New Delhi, October 28 (MG): Over a hundred Dalits (low-caste Hindus) converted to Buddhism, Islam and Christianity, Sunday, October 27, in protest against the inequality in Hindu religion, which treats Dalits as sub-human, even less important than cattle.

The new converts included families of the five Dalits lynched on October 15 for skinning a dead cow. For hundreds of generations these people have been skinning dead animals. High-caste Hindus worship the cow as %u201C mother,%u201D and are generally anti-cow slaughter. However, they have traditionally allowed skinning of dead animals, including cows, and their trade.

On October 15, a mob of 2000 upper caste Hindus lynched five Dalit young men for having %u201C killed%u201D a cow barely 60 kilometres from the national capital as 50 policemen and senior government officials watched silently. Families of victims say that their relatives were actually killed by the police for refusing to pay high bribes. The latest round of conversions has come in response to that event.

Dalits are aggrieved not only about the continuing harassment and humiliation at the hands of high-caste Hindus, but by the justification of such harassment by religious leaders. Soon after the lynching, a high-profile Hindu religious leader, Giriraj Kishore, told newspersons in Delhi that as per Hindu scriptures, %u201C the life of a cow is more precious than a man%u2019 s.%u201D

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RE:nuclear test
by Bakistani on Jul 10, 2007 12:34 AM  Permalink
tell us in advance as we have tomove material phrom h

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Kashmir is a disputed territory!!
by Haroon Ghalib on Jul 10, 2007 12:23 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

dear indians y are u panicking its unresolved issue in UN,ur govt have told u its integral part of india for vote banks!reality is otherwise!!!the reality is from nehru till today india isnt hokding the plebescite that it made commitment on in front of the world!!! so get the facts right awien bal bak nai kartay!!!

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RE:Kashmir is a disputed territory!!
by on Jul 10, 2007 01:51 AM  Permalink
Plebesite will soon occur in Balochistan and Wazristan..It already happened in Bangladesh in 1971...

If U do not want to be with India a direct Bust goes to POK...

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RE:Kashmir is a disputed territory!!
by Bakistani on Jul 10, 2007 12:25 AM  Permalink
Diyar Indian phriends
I am from Bakistan, the 12th best country in the world in the failed state list, I yam bery broud opf that, bhat an acheevment, 60 years after our Broud phreedim phiters got us phreedom(and you too) we are close to reaching the no 1 sbot, bhere are you ? artiphicial growth phigures of 9% when 99.99% of bobulation is in boverty, the rest 99.999999% are starving. Bhy do you want kashmir? Kashmiris are our birathers and cousin birathers , we share common heritage and ancestors, yes we did not evolve from monkeys like you short dark mongoloid Indians, we are yet to evolve, if you see what I mean. You guys are enjoying the Lal Masjid issue arent you? Well see how brave our relegious leaders are, they can also cross dress to uphold thier honour and dignity, do you have any such leaders? no, you guys have inferior genes which makes you either male or female, our genes always keeps us in between ,See our kirket blayers, Afridi,Shoiab Malik etc can you recognise them if they wear a burqah with face uncovered? Have you seen them celebrate when they take a wicket? isnt it distinctly feminine and thus doesnt it decieve you all? We are destined to rule this world as we are the sword arm as well as citadel of Islam, see how we developed nookleer weapunj, all our hard work and teknologey, See how many missiles we have, see our phighter blanes and bilots who shot down Stealth blanes and phlying saucers in the Kargil war, Why do yo still not understand and give us Kash

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RE:Kashmir is a disputed territory!!
by qayoom hassan on Jul 10, 2007 12:39 AM  Permalink

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kashmir issue
by haresh jagtiani on Jul 10, 2007 12:19 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

gandhi and jinnah are responsible about creation of pakistan. tell tasnim aslam to go fly a kite or jump into the sea. she is very rude and not clever. pakistan is non existent and so also bangladesh and both these belong to India. pakis could not defy israel, how can they dictate about kashmir!

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RE:kashmir issue
by qayoom hassan on Jul 10, 2007 12:25 AM  Permalink

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RE:kashmir issue
by on Jul 10, 2007 01:56 AM  Permalink
Abe Qayoom..Kashmiri Muslim Girls r selling themselves in Loads in Mumbai and Bangalore..
What u r talking about..

Kashmiri Hindus from Indian Army & other Indian Army officers r daily laying seeds for next generation of Hindus in Kashmir..Do U know that..???
Go Save urself U Paki model

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RE:shameless ideology
by Bakistani on Jul 10, 2007 12:20 AM  Permalink
we are 12th in the world, our army is 1st in the world , after hitlers ttrooobs surrendered in Satangrad, we hold the record for the next biggest surrender in terms of numbers

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bakistan jinndabad
by Bakistani on Jul 10, 2007 12:15 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Diyar Indian phriends
I am from Bakistan, the 12th best country in the world in the failed state list, I yam bery broud opf that, bhat an acheevment, 60 years after our Broud phreedim phiters got us phreedom(and you too) we are close to reaching the no 1 sbot, bhere are you ? artiphicial growth phigures of 9% when 99.99% of bobulation is in boverty, the rest 99.999999% are starving. Bhy do you want kashmir? Kashmiris are our birathers and cousin birathers , we share common heritage and ancestors, yes we did not evolve from monkeys like you short dark mongoloid Indians, we are yet to evolve, if you see what I mean. You guys are enjoying the Lal Masjid issue arent you? Well see how brave our relegious leaders are, they can also cross dress to uphold thier honour and dignity, do you have any such leaders? no, you guys have inferior genes which makes you either male or female, our genes always keeps us in between ,See our kirket blayers, Afridi,Shoiab Malik etc can you recognise them if they wear a burqah with face uncovered? Have you seen them celebrate when they take a wicket? isnt it distinctly feminine and thus doesnt it decieve you all? We are destined to rule this world as we are the sword arm as well as citadel of Islam, see how we developed nookleer weapunj, all our hard work and teknologey, See how many missiles we have, see our phighter blanes and bilots who shot down Stealth blanes and phlying saucers in the Kargil war, Why do yo still not understand and give us Kash

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RE:bakistan jinndabad
by Bakistani on Jul 10, 2007 12:16 AM  Permalink
bhy my message rebort phor apuse? did i apuse allah?no, did i apuse anyone no? bhy my diyar indian phriend rebort my message phor apuse? dont make me angri or I will steal yur goats

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RE:bakistan jinndabad
by Happy Happy on Jul 10, 2007 12:31 AM  Permalink
hahahahahah.... good one

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