Hindus and Sikhs were Killed and thrown out of Kashmir in name of religion..Now when Kashmiri Hindus in Indian Army take revenge by killing people who took away their land..Kashmiri Muslims talk about Human Rights..
Example : Capt Raina a Hindu Kashmiri, Officer in Indian Army Killed terrorists who had taken away their ancestoral land...So Kashmiri Muslims talked about Human Rights..Shame that he was court martialed..
RE:Pakistan Proposal
by kris on Jul 10, 2007 01:35 AM Permalink
Advani is a big ZERO and Atal is dummy
they have done nothing when they are in Power.
We need people leaders, not politiciens. who are bold enough to act upon terrorists.
After Sardar Patel, India failed to produce a potent leader. to certain extent Narendra Modi done good job at his capacity.
We should not look at religion, we should eradicate the evil, in every form. we should educate people... about God , religion, Nation and how to live and grow as a nation. we should educate people why religion can't be a nation or religion can't hijack a langauge like urdu in India( funny to see this in India)
RE:RE:Pakistan Proposal
by Kemal on Jul 10, 2007 02:18 AM Permalink
Nice compilation by aditi sengupta. Well..Truth hurts and that is why some moron reported it as abuse.
India wants to resolve the Kashmir 'issue', we want Aksai Chin and PoK back and Kashmiri pundits returned to their home. In case that is not THE ISSUE and Pak still has other ideas, go deal with Lal-Masjid and NWFP, Baluch first, we'll wait, no probs. We have suffered you for 50 years like a true brother, we can wait a few more years.
RE:RE:oh yes, sure.
by giddu on Jul 10, 2007 01:12 AM Permalink
Well said Girish!!. Mush is not understanding our patience. Hey samja.....samaj jayega beta....jaa key...Lal masjid ga issue teek karkey aavo...chal
Most of the Muslims love India, but some yuouth are being misguided by the extremists outside our country. They neccesarily cannot be from Pakistan, but Arab-Islamic countries as well. On the contrary these extremists are enjoying good life in their own countries.
I want to ask all my brother muslims..whether when a situation arises that we all have to decide on not giving an inch of our motherland to anyone form now on....are they with all of us you all join us as brothers are should we assume we fight alone?
I think all muslims will think like me when they think their own home and pride is been auctioned by a deal in between two businessmen. One the Paki Government and other our Anti-India Congress.
I have paki friends too. And i have met many other Pakis outside India. The fact is that they too are like us and some people are really good excluding the insane pathans.Most of the pakis are not interested in Kashmir why is our government not stern on this issue. Why should we sell or compromise an nch which is rightfully ours? Why are poor kashimiris troubled by outsiders. Why is our government not been able to safegaurd Kashimiri people completely. Wht would have US done in a similar situation?
We all should be united on this front and not let any Gangu teli set an eye on our motherland. I think its hightime people stop these politicians from further dividing our country.Wht say?
by firefly on Jul 10, 2007 01:19 AM Permalink
Dalit King! People will provoke you, people will guide u to many other religions.
But ask yourself a question. Did anyone create a Dalit? After Dr.Ambedkar and Mahatma Gandhi, there were no castes in Hindu religions. Congress which u support themselves have let this nuisance continued bcoz they need votes.
Im a Hindu, but its a shame on people who follow casteism. If any Hindu beleives in casteism, he is non-beleiver himself as MAHA VISHNU had disregarded untouchability by many examples if u read Puranas.
Just like Islams violence, the casteism too is forced upon Hindus by some deceitful people. I beleive its is being used in villages for political reasons, otherwise u may never find it in cities.
Hinduism is a far open culture than any other and its the most beloved for GOD as we all worship in every human form, may he be dog, stone or any form. Dalit is still a human being and much valuable. Hindus even accept Allah as the same Maha Vishnu or Shiva Baba...coz our culture and puranas and GOD says whomsoever u worship, any form the offerings u offer go straight to HIM and no other.Hinduism may allow u to be secular and worship or not worship ..but other religions wont allow u to pray unless u are converted. GOD doesnt want conversions mr friend, he doesnt need anything, not even flowers...he needs good people good souls...which finally will merge in him
by Dalit King on Jul 10, 2007 12:58 AM Permalink
The personality of Muhammad, it is most difficult to get into the whole truth of it. Only a glimpse of it I can catch. What a dramatic succession of picturesque scenes! There is Muhammad, the Prophet. There is Muhammad, the Warrior; Muhammad, the Businessman; Muhammad, the Statesman; Muhammad, the Orator; Muhammad, the Reformer; Muhammad, the Refuge of Orphans; Muhammad, the Protector of Slaves; Muhammad, the Emancipator of Women; Muhammad, the Judge; Muhammad, the Saint. All in all these magnificent roles, in all these departments of human activities, he is alike a hero." ... Muhammad is the "Perfect model for human life."
by Dalit King on Jul 10, 2007 01:27 AM Permalink
by Dalit King on Jul 10, 2007 01:35 AM Permalink
and once we come to buddhism..we can make all HINDUS CHRISTIANS AND SIKH as slaves..
by Dalit King on Jul 10, 2007 01:05 AM Permalink
Mahatma Gandhi said : Someone has said that Europeans in South Africa dread the advent Islam -- Islam that civilized Spain, Islam that took the torch light to Morocco and preached to the world the Gospel of brotherhood. The Europeans of South Africa dread the Advent of Islam. They may claim equality with the white races. They may well dread it, if brotherhood is a sin. If it is equality of colored races then their dread is well founded."
by Dalit King on Jul 10, 2007 01:03 AM Permalink
Dalits convert to Islam, Buddhism and Christianity
By MG News Desk
New Delhi, October 28 (MG): Over a hundred Dalits (low-caste Hindus) converted to Buddhism, Islam and Christianity, Sunday, October 27, in protest against the inequality in Hindu religion, which treats Dalits as sub-human, even less important than cattle.
The new converts included families of the five Dalits lynched on October 15 for skinning a dead cow. For hundreds of generations these people have been skinning dead animals. High-caste Hindus worship the cow as %u201C mother,%u201D and are generally anti-cow slaughter. However, they have traditionally allowed skinning of dead animals, including cows, and their trade.
On October 15, a mob of 2000 upper caste Hindus lynched five Dalit young men for having %u201C killed%u201D a cow barely 60 kilometres from the national capital as 50 policemen and senior government officials watched silently. Families of victims say that their relatives were actually killed by the police for refusing to pay high bribes. The latest round of conversions has come in response to that event.
Dalits are aggrieved not only about the continuing harassment and humiliation at the hands of high-caste Hindus, but by the justification of such harassment by religious leaders. Soon after the lynching, a high-profile Hindu religious leader, Giriraj Kishore, told newspersons in Delhi that as per Hindu scriptures, %u201C the life of a cow is more precious than a man%u2019 s.%u201D
Diyar Indian phriends I am from Bakistan, the 12th best country in the world in the failed state list, I yam bery broud opf that, bhat an acheevment, 60 years after our Broud phreedim phiters got us phreedom(and you too) we are close to reaching the no 1 sbot, bhere are you ? artiphicial growth phigures of 9% when 99.99% of bobulation is in boverty, the rest 99.999999% are starving. Bhy do you want kashmir? Kashmiris are our birathers and cousin birathers , we share common heritage and ancestors, yes we did not evolve from monkeys like you short dark mongoloid Indians, we are yet to evolve, if you see what I mean. You guys are enjoying the Lal Masjid issue arent you? Well see how brave our relegious leaders are, they can also cross dress to uphold thier honour and dignity, do you have any such leaders? no, you guys have inferior genes which makes you either male or female, our genes always keeps us in between ,See our kirket blayers, Afridi,Shoiab Malik etc can you recognise them if they wear a burqah with face uncovered? Have you seen them celebrate when they take a wicket? isnt it distinctly feminine and thus doesnt it decieve you all? We are destined to rule this world as we are the sword arm as well as citadel of Islam, see how we developed nookleer weapunj, all our hard work and teknologey, See how many missiles we have, see our phighter blanes and bilots who shot down Stealth blanes and phlying saucers in the Kargil war, Why do yo still not understand and give us Kash
by haresh jagtiani on Jul 10, 2007 12:46 AM Permalink
this is to you qayoom hassan. if you are in pakistan, remain there, India will rescue you and pakistan. if you are elsewhere, stay there. and to Bakistani, you are incoherent. if you can talk or type correctly, you have a hope.
by Bakistani on Jul 10, 2007 12:31 AM Permalink
Diyar Indian phriends I am from Bakistan, the 12th best country in the world in the failed state list, I yam bery broud opf that, bhat an acheevment, 60 years after our Broud phreedim phiters got us phreedom(and you too) we are close to reaching the no 1 sbot, bhere are you ? artiphicial growth phigures of 9% when 99.99% of bobulation is in boverty, the rest 99.999999% are starving. Bhy do you want kashmir? Kashmiris are our birathers and cousin birathers , we share common heritage and ancestors, yes we did not evolve from monkeys like you short dark mongoloid Indians, we are yet to evolve, if you see what I mean. You guys are enjoying the Lal Masjid issue arent you? Well see how brave our relegious leaders are, they can also cross dress to uphold thier honour and dignity, do you have any such leaders? no, you guys have inferior genes which makes you either male or female, our genes always keeps us in between ,See our kirket blayers, Afridi,Shoiab Malik etc can you recognise them if they wear a burqah with face uncovered? Have you seen them celebrate when they take a wicket? isnt it distinctly feminine and thus doesnt it decieve you all? We are destined to rule this world as we are the sword arm as well as citadel of Islam, see how we developed nookleer weapunj, all our hard work and teknologey, See how many missiles we have, see our phighter blanes and bilots who shot down Stealth blanes and phlying saucers in the Kargil war, Why do yo still not understand and give us Kash
by kris on Jul 10, 2007 01:22 AM Permalink
Dear Tight and all my Indian Brothers
Don't blame it everything on corruption.
Don't sit at home and blame corruption.
Do something like TV9 in Andhra, they are cleansing the system, free from from corruption.
Do something , don't sit at home and write shit in rediff discussions.
coming to the article. Request rediff not to publish news about Pakistan and Bangladesh, they are centuries behind Indians in every area. Let's compete with US and Australia, instead. We are least bothered about musharaff, he is like Chavez of venizuela, who cares that puppet.
write something to motivte Indians to do something constructive.