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no kashmir issue
by indiman on Jul 09, 2007 09:51 PM  Permalink 

Pakistan- You cant take care of your own land and people, people dont have the right to vote. you are more interested in exporting terrorism to the world, murderers like osama bin laden, mullah omar, masood azhar live happily in your country, why do you want more and more lands? So you can spoil everything else as well.

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by bingo on Jul 09, 2007 09:49 PM  Permalink 

Actually it is time to divert attention form internal issues.

Is it right Mr. Mush......

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by bingo on Jul 09, 2007 09:49 PM  Permalink 

Actually it is time to divert attention for internal issues.

Is it right Mr. Mush......

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what issue???
by satish rajan on Jul 09, 2007 09:49 PM  Permalink 

I think only Pakis have issue... both internal and external....bCOZ their intentions are always NAPAK

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by saif kashmiri on Jul 09, 2007 09:44 PM  Permalink 

why the hell we should discuss kashmir with these pakis.let them first discuss balochustan and sind with us.kashmir is our internal problem and we will solve it ourselves.give command of kashmir to army for one year only (all politician should be house arrested for that period)and we will get desired results at earliest .

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Svae ur self and then the rest
by lokesh taloor on Jul 09, 2007 09:34 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Oh oh when Pakistan cant resolve its small mosque inside their capital how can they resolve such a big Kashmir and i think they should sort their maosque first and then their towns and cities and their country by then it will be another 1000 years then we can think them involving in Kashmir .........i guess by then every one would have forgotten the issue itself .......oh i forgot there is no issue at all coz it is our and it will be ours and it will remain ours ........if they want we can ask Big Bazar to stitch Burkhas for all the militants to run away from from Kashmir ........

Jai Hind

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Time to resolve Kashmir Issue
by A K on Jul 09, 2007 09:31 PM  Permalink 

Thats right. It should have done in a decisive manner in 1947 then in 1971 but lame duck govts have not done. The issue is a non-issue. Just get out and mind your business. Dear Pakistan you have many problems at home. Manage them. Just one thing, just handover POK so that it can reunite with the rest of Kashmir. Anyone not happy with India can leave the country; they will be welcomed in neighbouring countries. We are a democracy we will allow that freedom !!!!!!

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