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kashmir issue !!
by jitesh chawande on Jul 09, 2007 10:35 PM  Permalink 

I believe Pakistan should concentrate on resolving thier internal, national issues before that ... then think abt the international border dispute..

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Conduct referendum
by mohammed riyaz on Jul 09, 2007 10:33 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

The only way to solve Kashmir problem is t oconduct immediate referendum on the choice of people of Kashmir. If people prefer to stay with India then it is a good news or else we should respect the verdict and solve the problem forever. The people of Kshmir have all the rights to enjoy the freedom of their choice.

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RE:RE:Conduct referendum
by shanmuga subramanian on Jul 09, 2007 10:39 PM  Permalink
I would say it now

whatever be the people's choice

The state of Jammu & Kashmir would always remain within India

I would follow even Akbar's policy on it!

Even though I am from South India ,I can't think of India without Kashmir,

Kashmir as important as Head to a human body!

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RE:Conduct referendum
by Tea Trade on Jul 09, 2007 11:01 PM  Permalink
This is 2007 and not 1950. Wake up Man. stop dreaming and come alive to the real world.

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by Ravikumar on Jul 09, 2007 10:33 PM  Permalink
Who are this Muslims today.Ones who are born with the keeps of muslim rulers.

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kashmir issue
by santanu prasad purkanthtya on Jul 09, 2007 10:28 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

if politicians forget their interest and think of the people residing there, the issues such as this can be solved .
It's a high request to our politicians in indian Govt. plz take Kashmir issue seriously and take a firm decision against terrorism so that people in Kashmir can live peacefully.

Let's politics go away ...........& hope for best.


Sumitra & Santanu

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RE:RE:kashmir issue
by deep rain on Jul 09, 2007 10:50 PM  Permalink
simple on micheal jackson tunes and dont u know beatle girls have joined hand again jus to make budha rock dude

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These comment are more to do with PAK than IND
by avi on Jul 09, 2007 10:27 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

The timimg of these comments, though comming from foreign ministry (not from PAK prez) are meant for the people of PAK not for IND. Sole purpose of these comment to divert the attention of people of PAK from the happening in Islamabad. As the Kashmir issue is always near to hart of most of the people of PAK. Its is historically provan, that whenever there were some treth the PAK integrity, its leader have proveked the kashmir issue.

The pakistan should concentrate on its internal matters for now, find some peacefull solutions to the conditions at hand (i.e. The judical and radical crises), then it's ministry will have moral authority to talk about Kashmir.

We (Indian) are not sure that if at this point of time any aggrement is reached on Kashmir, will it be hounoured by future leaders of PAK (For example The case of aggrement with the J.A. Bhutoo, known in India as Simla Saumjhuta).
So my advise to indian leaders is, dont rush, wait for the stablization in PAK, then take any aggrement, which should also be endorosed by world's leading countries (UN is of no use)

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RE:These comment are more to do with PAK than IND
by cms on Jul 09, 2007 10:31 PM  Permalink
well said avi

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by Raj on Jul 09, 2007 10:24 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

How about they settle the Lal Masjid issue first, this is what has kept pakistan as an underdeveloped country for last 60 yrs. They have focussed on kashmir and nothing else, why dont they stop worrying about the people in kashmir and think about the budding jihadis in the madarassas?

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Ready to give up?
by mohan ramakrishnan on Jul 09, 2007 10:11 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

If Pak is ready to give up, the Kashmir issue gets resolved immediately. They have been stoking the fires ever since not allowing the issue to be resolved. They have promoted some vested interests and bred terrorists in the process. Give up and let the Kashmir people live in peace.

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Just a ploy to divert attention from their internal issues
by vishal desai on Jul 09, 2007 10:09 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Musharraf has to save his chaddi(sorry gaddi) somehow

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RE:Just a ploy to divert attention from their internal issues
by sqapal sqapal on Jul 09, 2007 10:17 PM  Permalink
You are correct friend. Thats how it was always if you look at the history. Every politician in Pak does that. Whenever they have a serious problem create a new problem for India divert there peoples attention. Lets pray for Pak to give good politicians to that country.

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RE:Just a ploy to divert attention from their internal issues
by chan dev on Jul 09, 2007 10:42 PM  Permalink
well said , washin dirty linen (chaddi ) in public

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Some advices to Pakis
by rama prasad on Jul 09, 2007 10:09 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Inorder to be alive and lead ur life normally, this is high time for u to follow this
1. Resume ur agricultural practices as u dont have food security: If not u will end up in the most violent civil war in the world so far for food.
2. Stop ur undue effort to destabilize Kashmir: If not u will one day has to see what the stone age is by the power full India. Better think that u are a no match for India. India is almost a century ahead of u in terms of all.
3. Simply accept urself as an utter failure state and start thinking in a different way in order to catch up with developement: If not there is no hope for u in any segments.
4. Come out of mullahs and mosques as there is more to think and do. Give scientific education to kids rather than swinging ur body in madrassas and chanting: If not no hopes or future for ur kids.
5. Think that Islam is like any other religion and dont be dreaming like it is best.
6. Try to analyze what is hapening in within Pak. If not u will have nothing to control other than ur shit.
Last but not least: The whole world knows about the origin of terrorism that is u. If u dont rectify urself atleast now there wont be a state called pakistan in the map.
100 Cr Indians dont like u because of ur attitude and uncivilization.

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